Dad constantly insults me

"Combatting Stress & Depression" Program participant's may post support questions here
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Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2008 11:09 pm

Post by pennywhistle » Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:14 pm

I'm 41, but my father constantly insults me, even though I'm doing good lately. He doesn't believe in depression or bipolar and I think he thinks I'm just a loser, even though I have lots of hobbies and have worked my whole life, up until 2 years ago, when I had to go on SSD. He even put me down for buying this program.

He makes it hard to keep my chin up. I try to not take it personally, cuz he's like this with everybody. He just doesn't like people, basicly. I'm staying with him right now, til I get my own place, so that makes it harder to ignore. He's really dragging me down, any suggestions or support?
THANKS, Robin in Albany, NY


Post by Guest » Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:32 pm

Hello pennywhistle,
First of all, you're not a loser. Keep your chin up. Stick with the program. As you learn the skills and apply them things will get better. But it is work. Believe me. Read some of my posts if you like. I'm doing better and so can you. As for your Dad, well people are the way they are. You or I can't change that. We can only change ourselves and that's what's important here. Changing yourself so you can feel better about yourself.

All my best,
Inside Man :cool:


Post by Guest » Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:35 pm

Hi Robin,
Congratulations on getting the program! You will love it and there are a lot of great people on these forums that will give you support!

I have issues with my parents too - mostly nagging and bugging (I'm 31), but as an adult it's draining.

Your father is obviously a very negative person and that will be extremely difficult to deal with as you go through this program. You will receive tools that will help you deal with it as you move along in the program. If it is at all possible, talk to your Dad and tell him to leave you alone, that you don't want to hear his crap (and it is crap) anymore. You don't have to take it anymore! You really don't.

Believe me as you move through the program you will be receving many wonderful tools that will help you deal with negativity, with stress, with depression, with everything!

Tell yourself everyday that you are a confident, smart, talented, wonderful person. Write down all the great qualities about yourself and put them where you will see them and read them everyday.

Get on the forums everyday, there are so many wonderful posts and posters here! Most importantly, keep with the program and I wish you the best of luck!


Post by Guest » Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:03 pm

Thank you Steph and Inside Man for writing to me. I feel good knowing there are people here I can talk to about stuff. I haven't played any of the DVD's in the program yet, I'm afraid for some reason. I know that sounds weird but I can't explain it. I think it's cuz the program seems overwhelming to me.
Thanks again for writing to me. I really do appreciate it. I'll start the program soon (maybe today?) and I'll write to let you know how I'm doing. Robin


Post by Guest » Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:03 pm

Wow it is not my dad but my mom she doesn't believe in depression either but she doesn't want to because it is not what people talk about and so I should just act like I don't have it and move on because it is embarrasing to her. She won't tell her friends.If it is not sociablly acceptable then my family thinks that I am just making it up and it is in my head.


Post by Guest » Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:48 pm

I know of many people who does not believe in anxiety and or depression. I have both, I am the black sheep of my ex-family, but my wife and therapist are great. Supporting opinions are all that matters. I rarely ever speak to my (ex-mom ex-dad or ex-brother) they just try to suck the life out of me.

While you are going through this program find your passions, things that you LOVE to do. I just got on SSD this month, I am unable to go places like work, church any place where I see the same people over and over.

I think I have to be perfect but for me, I have been hurt by others so much I do not care if ever please anyone but my wife. Almost for-got I have three wonderful dogs my children...

This program is for you... not your dad, your mom or any one that is negative in your life.

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