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"Combatting Stress & Depression" Program participant's may post support questions here
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Joined: Sat Jan 12, 2008 11:00 pm

Post by AliceJane » Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:58 pm

I was doing well until I had a surgery that went all wrong! I almost died. This has been a big set back for me. I am a nurse at the hospital that this happened and am unsure about how it's going to go when I go back. I feel lost. More lost than before.


Post by Guest » Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:55 pm

That would be hard -- it's frustrating when the place you work has something go so wrong -- especially when it has life & death type consequences


Post by Guest » Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:27 pm

Hey AliceJane

I am so sorry your sx went all wrong. Don't feel bad that it has made you anxious - this was a real life scary thing to happen. Accept that it happened, it was bad, but you are still alive - so be thankful for the blessings you have and try to move forward.

Others at the hospital will understand your feelings - if you feel badly, let them know, be honest without being aggressive, and they will likely offer lots of support. How would you react to a co-worker in a similar situation? Probably with sympathy and support - look for people who are caring and will help you through this time.

A friend told me once - you will find support from the most unexpected people, and lack of support from those who you thought you could depend on. Don't worry about the ones that don't - they are probably wrapped up in themselves or too stressed to be able to help anyone else. Focus on the positive people, and you will notice a huge improvement in life...

Another friend told me:

The pendulum always swings both ways.
In life - there are ups and downs. You had a major down, now look forward to the up that is bound to come sooner or later...

When you go to work, focus all your energy on the work that needs to be done. Don't get wrapped up in any pettiness, stay positive, and you will be ok...


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