Phobia of throwing up...

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Post by ErinLT » Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:37 pm

Does anyone else have emetophobia? I have dealt with this phobia my whole life, and I would like to hear from others who have this. It used to absolutely run my life, and I have improved slightly but it still interferes and gives me severe anxiety. Has anyone recovered completely or imrpoved from this phobia? Is anyone still feeling controlled by this fear?


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Post by Schpludoinkle » Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:10 am

Hi Erin. Do not worry you are not alone in these forums. I too have emetophobia, pretty bad. I got it around the 4th grade, after I was sick for 2 years, and ever since then I was terrified to get sick. But it didn't interfere with my life until 6 years ago. I wasn't able to leave my house for a year, but once I started on Lexapro I was a lot more calm and able to leave and do small things. Those thoughts and worries built up for so long that they just exploded and I didn't know what was wrong with me when I panicked the first time. I just started this program a few nights ago and am also doing an emetophobia program along with it. Unfortunately I can't afford a pyschologist or anything else right now. It runs my life as well and interferes with everything. I can't go anywhere or do anything really right now. It is controlling my life and my eating habits as well as my sleep. But I am looking forward to getting over this and improving. I am glad you have made small improvements, that is something I would love to do with this fear.
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Post by lilsismj » Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:01 am

No escape from it ever? Of course there is...unless you have some sort of vomitting disease, which I don't think exists.

I am afraid of throwing up, used to be hideously afraid. It was a Claire Weekes book that helped me get passed that. Hope and Healing for Your Nerves explains what your body goes through, what it is capable of and what it is not, and just how long it lasts. It dispelled many of my fears about throwing up!

That was about two years ago. THis morning...I threw up, twice. It's most likely from my allergies and drainage, but it still shakes me a little. I had to continuously tell myself that it's ok. No big deal. I don't like this but apparently I need to get something out of my stomach and it will be over soon and done.

I was able to shake it off, finish getting ready and go to work. You may always have a disliking to vomitting, but who doesn't. But the fear can be dispelled. You can do it. Learn about it and find the facts. At least that's what helps me.

I just want you to know that from my perspective and what I've gone CAN get better.


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Post by lilsismj » Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:49 am

I did not mean to offend. However, I was diagnosed as well. I don't believe that we should tell anyone that there is no way out...especially ourselves. Because when we do, we stop recovering. I wish you well.

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Post by Schpludoinkle » Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:02 am

Hey lilsis. I completely agree. And Emmatophobia is right at about how serious and debilitating this fear is, but if you had it as well then you know how much it affects your life everyday all day. I would honestly rather die than throw up too, it is the scariest thing to me in the world. And if I had thrown up like you in the morning I probably wouldn't have gone to work for 3 days because I would have to calm myself down. But I agree we shoudln't look at it as something that can't go away and tell others that there is no way out because it is with us 24/7. There is a way out because people have overcome this fear, I know a few. It is negativity like that that doesn't allow those to overcome it or get better, because you can do something about it, you just have to do it, and do what is right for you. I talked myself into this phobia with negative self-talk and talked myself into fear, I even remember certain things I said to myself before this fear blew up so bad. I learned it, and I know I can unlearn it. But just becuase it is with us 24/7 doesn't mean it can't go away. There are many fears or phobias that are also with others for 24/7, like fear of not being able to breathe, passing out, not being able to swallow etc. This isn't the only one, and people have overcome those too. I do not wish to be so negative about this, I want to be positive, calm myself down, talk myself out of it, and you have to do everyday, 24/7 to make progress. As long as you think about it that is how long you need to talk to yourself out of it, and I actually am having a really good day today. I was able to eat without being anxious, which is a huge step for me. Lilsis, thank you for your post and comments, I am glad you have progressed so much from this terrible fear/phobia. Fears and phobias aren't permanent unless you let them be. Just my opinion. This site is about supporting each other and helping one another and being realistic and positive, I hope anyone else with this fear knows that it can go away, don't think it can't.
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Post by Libran » Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:23 am

This kept me from getting pregnant for a long time. I'm 30 and due in Aug. When I got pregnant, I dreaded morning sickness because of my fear of throwing up. I've had it since I was little...I did get morning sickness but luckily it was only nausea. This is why I never drank or did drugs, smoked. I don't like to eat in restaurants or go in long car trips or airplanes. But when I do feel that I may throw up, it throws me into a panic attack. Throwing up isn't something you can easily practice to help you get over the fear. I try not to let it bother me, I try to be brave about it but I still panic (not as much as before) if I feel like I might get sick. My fiance is very supportive and reminds me that it is something the body does naturally. If it happens, it happens and just go with it. Not that I ever look forward to doing that but I do hope that I and everyone else that has this fear will one day overcome it.

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Post by Schpludoinkle » Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:07 am

Well congratulations on the baby! I also never drank or did drugs because of my fear of throwing up lol. I won't eat at restaraunts either, I can't, I get an automatic nervous feeling and feel full like nothing can be put into my stomach. I can't do long car rides either. I get panic attacks when I feel sick too. You're lucky to have such a supportive fiance. Good luck =D
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Post by ErinLT » Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:33 pm

Thanks for all your responses. I think the scariest part of it is that yes, even if you become housebound the possibility of throwing up is always with you. I can't run away from my own body. If I feel sick at all, I literally go out of my mind with terror, there is nothing I can do to stop it. The panic attacks are the scariest because most of the time I wasn't even sick to my stomach to begin with, but the slightest body response triggers the panic, which triggers the stomach discomfort, which makes me believe I will throw up. Once that is in my head, I am so incredibly afraid. Because it isn't even entirely about embarrassment infront of others (which a lot of people think) because then I would be okay throwing up away from people, in a bathroom or something. It is the fact that I am trapped in my body feeling the terrifying nausea feeling and watching my body go out violently out of control. I have improved a lot in a few years, but I certainly have a long way to go.
It's nice to know there are others out there!

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Post by ErinLT » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:16 pm

Well, I used to get stomach flu on and off as a kid, and throw up a couple times from that. And each time was literally the scariest moment of my life, as stupid as that is. Then I went from age ten to 17 without ever vomiting. I actually think I trained my body to not physically be able to throw up because of the fear...but that doesn't mean it's a good thing. I still always felt nauseuous and when I was really sick, the terror would last forever because then my body couldnt throw up even when it needed to...but I was still sick and miserable. I have thrown up twice in the last five years. The last time actually wasn't so bad, but the build up to it was absolutely terrifying. Thats the funny thing, I know its probably not as bad, but i cant stop panicking and obsessing. its weird, i dont know what to do, but it has always run my life. and yeah, i also am aware there are much scarier things, but to me throwing up trumps anything. i seriously sometimes would rather drop dead than throw up once.

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