new here / excited and scared

"Combatting Stress & Depression" Program participant's may post support questions here
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Post by Seahorse » Fri May 23, 2008 1:14 pm

Today is my first day coming back to life.

I crashed two days ago, when I woke up afraid to go to work (which I love). Yesterday, I told myself I blew my "episode" out of proportion and everything was fine.

Reality check ---- I haven't been to a theatre, concert or play in 18 years. I maybe go to a restaurant once a year. It is a real chore to go to a mall, and I won't attend any meetings at work, because of the same thing, fear of another panic attack. My safe place was finally reduced to my house, UNTIL TODAY!!

This is the first time in 20 years I have spoke of my "problem".

I just watched the intro DVD with Lucinda and cried, I know now that I can make it.

My problem is that I want to go thru the entire program this weekend and be back to work next week.

Anyways, I just wanted to say hi.

Julene G.
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Post by Julene G. » Fri May 23, 2008 1:31 pm

Welcome Seahorse,

You made a wise choice. I found myself sobbing when I first ordered the program & the customer service girl was so kind! She had gone through the program herself. I cried thru the whole video too! I'm new at this also & wish it could go faster but I realize now it has to take time for many reasons. I start session 4 tomorrow. I plan to follow this thru! I still have bad days, but am learning to turn them into good ones. Retraing myself to think more positive seems to be the most difficult right now. I've been handling the pressures of my job better lately & am becoming more assertive. My husband & I run a business together & he's noticing a difference in me. I've had anxiety/depression for at leat 40 years now! Don't give-up, pace yourself! All good things are worth waiting for! I wish you all the best!!! I believe we can all recover from this if we really want it!!!

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Post by seadog » Fri May 23, 2008 1:49 pm

Seahorse, Welcome to our little Group!!!
I know what you mean by Excited and Scared... I started here last September in 2007 and am still happy to have come here. It has given me a structured approach to undo years of going in wrong directions. I'm sure you will find many here, who can relate and offer suggestions and real help for the changes you can make to give you real relief! Be patient, Seahorse, and take time to absorb the info and lessons in this program. It offers an excellent start to the rest of your life of learning...Enjoy the ride.
P.S. I love your choice of screen names. You're fellow member.... Seadog.

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Post by jennn » Fri May 23, 2008 3:39 pm

Hello Seahorse,
Welcome!I am new to the program also and was very moved watching and listening to the videos.I finally felt like there were others out there who could relate to how I was feeling.I think we all want to feel better fast and so want to hurry the program along.I really want this to work for all of us!

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Post by bevhembree » Fri May 23, 2008 3:59 pm

Congratulations! You've made a huge first step. My heart just goes out to you for having to hold it all in all this time.
Good luck and all the best to you!
"Here and happy because of my three little angels- Marie, Chad and Cady."

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Post by Karilynn » Sun May 25, 2008 6:50 am

Hi Seahorse!

(Seahorses are my very favorite animal, by the way) Welcome to the forums an to the program! I cried, too, when I saw the video the first time. I am so glad you've found this program. As I am sure others have told you, take it easy while following the program. It takes time. Follow their directions exactly and do everything the program says to do. Give about a week for each lesson and journal! I cannot express the importance of keeping a journal. It doesn't need to be anything long and poetic. Just a few lines about how your day has been, how you felt, why you think you felt what you felt, and jot a few words down about accomplishments and things you appreciate in life, things you are grateful for.

I'll tell you real quick, that 5 months ago I was bed bound. I couldn't leave my bed. I now go just about anywhere. I was also in a very unhealthy relationship with a person who I lived with. In the past 3 months I have gone out to eat, gone to parties, interviewed 3 times for a new job, did a 3 hour orientation in a very small room for that new job, and have successfully trained for that new job and loving it. I also left that relationship and I no longer am living with that person. 5 months ago I thought I wouldn't make it through what I was going through. Well look at me now. Of course I have my days where my anxiety is somewhat of a chore to deal with, but they are much less frequent and much less severe as they used to be. It's all about managing it, much like an alcoholic. Anxiety is something we may always deal with in a SMALL way, but it can be controlled and you can be happy again, you can go anywhere and do anything. There are people on this forum who are living proof of that. I wish you all the best and feel free to come here with questions or just to chat anytime. We are all very kind people and we'd love to hear more from you about how you're doing.

Here is to you, Seahorse! Cheers! :)

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
Frank Herbert

"How you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get down the mountain. And, so it is with life, which for many of us becomes one big test followed by one big lesson. In the end, it all comes down to one word: grace. It's how you accept winning and losing, good luck and bad luck, darkness and the light."

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Post by Schpludoinkle » Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:22 pm

Hi. I am new to the program too. I have had anxiety for many years and want it to just be over as quickly as possible too, I know exactly how you feel, and I am sure everyone doing the program wishes it could be faster. But I think even though we still have our anxiety we are really strong people because we have dealt with it for so long. And we will be even stronger for it when we overcome the panic. What helps me is that I fill out what I need to do that week and what I need to do everyday. I mark off what I have done to see that I have made accomplishments and am moving on to the next step. Like it was stated earlier, the journal is very helpful too. I have been keeping one with me all day long to write down feelings. I hope you reach your goals, you can do it.
Live in your world get pwned in mine.

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