Words of Encouragement

"Combatting Stress & Depression" Program participant's may post support questions here
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Chelsea C.
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:53 pm

Post by Chelsea C. » Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:35 am

Hi my name is Chelsea and I suffer from Anxiety and Depression. It's hard to attack this awful illness but there's a bigger problem. I am a true worshipper of af a God I grew up and loved very much, yet lately I"ve been feeling like I really let him down. I feel so much guilt because I don't share the same enthusiasm as the rest of my immediates friends in this world wide organizattion, I feel I'm runninning againts. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that my religion is bad it is to carry out my assignments but if I don't fulfill them, it's like a major problem its just an overwhelming load I have to carry. I have a problem concentration and I have a learning disability. I know there is something that needs to be considered, as I am always told to pour my Anxieties to God in prayer. I hope somoene can cheer me up so that I can get through this crisis for which I have no one to turn to. I hope that this porgram and the support of my peers can help me pull through so I can have real answers, a sense of assurance and peace of mind through out the process
Lost a.k.a. Chelsea

Posts: 11
Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2008 1:00 pm

Post by RMENURSE8 » Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:10 am

GOD, your GOD, our GOD is just GOD however or whatever religious route you take, we are all from one creator, I believe this. I believe that GOD, your GOD, knows that you are trying and that you love him/her (whatever), through the way you live your life and through your kind actions. GOD never makes us feel guilty or holds anything against us, we choose to do this ourselves. In fact as quickly as you snap a finger or blink an eye, GOD forgives and listens to our sorrows and forgets them forever just as simple as that. Don't waste another minute feeling any guilt, punishing yourself or just hanging on to past angst about feeling you are not "good enough" for GOD. We were put here to love and serve our fellow human, be kind, share and help one another.

You are all about those things, the kindness, helping others. Focus on your tasks that your religion requires for you to do - the best you can - the best you can is what GOD wants for us to do, not another human being making up rules and putting out timelines and quotas for us to meet regardless if it is religion, work, children, commitements. We are human and we are capable of error, we are not perfect, we will make mistakes.

The point I am trying to make here is that you are placing unnecessary pressure on yourself because of self expectations. Give yourself a break and be proud and acceptant of what you already have accomplished. There are no guarantees that you will be able to accomplish all that has been put before you, accept that. What you can do is let yourself know that GOD never, under any circumstances, judges us-makes us feel guilty-or anything that is other than love and kindness, only humans are capable of this. You are loved and appreciated for what you have done. I can see from your picture you are a kind soul and deserve to be free of any guilt and false expectations.

Now go and enjoy your relationship with GOD, don't dread it. GOD loves you.


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