Get Annoyed Easily?

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Post by Schpludoinkle » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:47 am

You know I have so many little issues that I need to deal with it isn't even funny. One of them that really bugs me, ANNOYS me, is that I get annoyed so easily. I have no patience or tolerance for anything, if something doesn't do what I want or go as fast I want I get frustrated. When someone walks in my office and interupts my alone time I get annoyed and then I get mad and then I get anxious from all of the upset I am experiencing. It's like I just want to be left alone and not have to deal with anyone. I don't want to be like that, I want to enjoy other people but for some reason its hard unless its on my terms and my time. It's so selfish I KNOW! I think I worry though that if someone is around me long enough I might panic and they might notice or that I might get sick. I am hoping that this program can help me overcome these anger and annoyed feelings that I get all of the time, because I know they are a trigger to some of my anxiety and they really just don't make me feel good. Any thoughts or similiar experiences would be nice to hear. :p
Live in your world get pwned in mine.

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Post by john19 » Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:17 am

I know exactly how you feel. I used to get so annoyed with people and want them to be perfect, well perfect to me. But i've learned that no one will ever be perfect and im not either so it's better to just under react to situations. We control how long we hold a thought, and thoughts control our feelings. It's very difficult at first and there are growing pains so be patient and compassionate wiht yourself, but just try under reacting and realzing that getting annoyed is not going to help you. I used to get really jealous over things but i've slowly come to the realization that being jealous wont make the other person upset, it just makes me upset. Even though i dont want the other person to feel bad, it used to almost make me feel better about myself if the otther person did get all the compliments or something. We need to stop worrying so much of what others think and get the comoforting thoughts from oourselves

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Post by Lenore » Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:38 am

When I was recovering, I remember telling my psychiatrist the following(in the very beginning stages of recovery), "I feel as though I'm always pissed off. I feel like I need to defend myself again everyone - like I'm always mad". I came to understand WHY.

For yrs, in my particular case, I had yrssss of surpressed anger/pain/fear/deep seeded resentment about experiences in childhood. I just didn't know it & didn't realize the impact on me. I had apprx 20+ yrs of those emotions in me - because I was afraid to acknowledge both the emotions & the events that caused them. Then it made sense to me: who wouldn't feel cranky or always mad or in a bad mood, I mean really. Not only fr experiencing the things I did, but me having all those painful emotions in me fr fear of admitting them & feeling them.

I'm honest when I say: when I faced my emotions, felt & resolved them - the anger I had for YRSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS - went away. It was like having a bad headache for yrs. When I felt better, I didn't act out.

Your greatest challenge isn't someone else. It's the aching i your lungs & the burning in your legs & the voice inside you that yells "CAN'T". But you don't listen. You push harder & hear the voice that whispers "CAN". An you realize that the person you thought you were is no match for the one you REALLY ARE.

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Post by Aprillynne » Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:00 am

I know just what you mean. I get very annoyed easily and it's hard for me to be around other people sometimes even people I'm very close to because I'm afraid that I will be mean to them or snap at them. I am not glad that you are going through this but I am glad to hear I'm not alone.
I try not to be too hard on myself, I try to tell myself that it's okay to have the feelings I have and that they will pass. Your annoyance may be from fear of opening up to others for fear that they might see things about you that you find unseamly about yourself.
I have also found that judging my own feelings is what helps perpetuate the uncomfortable feelings and also makes me feel a lot of unneccesary anxiety and confusion about myself.
Don't feel bad for being annoyed, you have the right to your feelings and when you allow yourself to feel the way you feel without judgement, those feelings of annoyance may subside or you may find the root of why you feel annoyed in the first place.

Honestly, I think I just learned something about funny.

maria galdo
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Post by maria galdo » Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:59 pm

i understand how u feel because the same thing happens to me. i am annoyed right now because i posted a letter and i have gotten any responses so it makes me feel like nobody identifies or cares but i do get anoyed and i feel like so a fool when i do. i guess one of the things to do is to just take things a little slower....which i have a hard time doing. good luck and i know how u feel

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Post by Fenris » Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:57 pm

I also am like that. I get soooo annoyed at almost anything.I've been trying to slow down and think happy thoughts. But it seems something always runes that. I'm just hopeing this program helps me with all my problems.

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Post by MRSleepy » Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:33 pm

I don't have the patience I should, so I can relate. I think it's a control thing even though I don't view myself as a controlling person to others. It's like if I feel in control of the situation, my time etc, I am more comfortable.

What really gets me is working on stuff. When things go right it's fine when they don't - look out. It was to the point I was avoiding working on hobbies and stuff around the house cause I got frustrated. It has been getting much better with this course.

i did have a bit of a re-lapse when I attempted to put a shelf in my son's room and busted a hole in the plaster. Nothing some setting compound and a could days leaving it alone couldn't cure. It's up now and I can look back and laugh at my lack of control.

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Post by MRSleepy » Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:38 pm

Some day I'll remember to spell check...

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