Driving with Comfort tape

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Posts: 61
Joined: Tue May 04, 2004 3:00 am

Post by Ocean » Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:42 am

Does anyone know where I can get one of these? Highway driving is still a limitation and when I start working in about 6 weeks, I'll be driving 28 miles each way to work 2 times/week (mostly highway).


Posts: 124
Joined: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:17 pm

Post by bna » Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:23 am

Hello Ocean
I can relate regarding driving limitations. I was able to purchase driving w/ comfort tape from the StressCenter.com. You can buy either tape or Cd version for $12-15. I found it very helpful. Carolyn is the narrator on the tape. I find her voice very comforting.

Everytime I get in the car now, I say to myself " I am a good, capable, competant,safe driver with great reflexes." This little statement has helped me tremendously. Whenever I begin to feel the tension/fear, I started repeating this over and over. I'm even thinking about taping it to dashboard. I think I might use abbreviations-so only I know what it says. Good luck in you recovery and God Bless.

Posts: 61
Joined: Tue May 04, 2004 3:00 am

Post by Ocean » Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:12 am

good for you! I'm glad you are doing better! We bought a car last week and I drove on the highway for 60 miles, but my husband was driving behind me, so I feel like I 'cheated', silly I know, but I was driving our old car and he the new one, so he was only following me because he had to! I still had scary thoughts esp at first. "What if I pass out" then I would feel dizzy "What if I swerve and hit someone? what if they swerve and hit me?"
6 years ago I loved to drive, no fear whatsoever. I hope I can feel like that again!

I've looked on the stresscenter website and don't see a place to order the tape? Am I not looking in the right place, or do you know the specific link??


Posts: 124
Joined: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:17 pm

Post by bna » Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:54 pm

Hello Ocean
Congatulations driving all that distance even with your husband following behind you. I know how scary it can be when one of your limitations is driving. You fear everything. What if this happens, what if that happens.

Even today while exiting the highway at my exit I had a moment. Pulled off behind car who I thought was exiting. Turns out they were pulling into emergency stopping area. I was trying to break and large 18 wheeler passed right by me. I could feel the vibartion, it really scared me as my kids were in the van.

I just started using self talk and breathing and I was able to eventually step out of the obessive thinking. What if I caused an accident.

I Was able to comfort my self with "this was learning experince, everyone if fine, nothing happended, I didn't do it perfectly but I did ok" and everyone is fine. It also helps when I get into the car to ask God to be my co-pilot.

When I received my program, I also received one issue of the "The Less Stress Press". They have a little sectione where you can order relaxation videos, tapes, books and audio resources. Listed was Driving with Comfort Tape was 15.00 + 2.00 shipping and CD 20.00 + 2.00 shipping. You can order via phone # 800-944-9460 M-F 9am to 5 pm EST.

I wish you much success in your recovery and driving. Please keep in touch I would love to know how you are doing with the driving.Take care and God Bless

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