Is anyone "stuck"?

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Post by SuperShero » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:57 am

Is anyone else "stuck"?

I started the beginning of May but haven't gotten past Session 3 Self Talk yet. Now I feel HORRIBLE and all the usual failure talks are going on in my head because I'm "behind". I know it's easy to say if you want something badly enough, you'll do whatever it takes to get it but I'm beginning to wonder if that's really true. I'm desperate for help with my "issues" (or the whole subscription) but can't seem to do the day to day things to make it better. I have been diagnosed with ADD, but I think there is something else, maybe a fear of facing the facts or something.

I don't want to quit but I'm feeling very failurish right now. Then, there's the Jimminy Cricket on my shoulder telling me that is the ONLY way to fail is to quit... I'm just feeling very yin/yang right now and wondering if anyone else feels this way too!?!?


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Post by Dennis1371 » Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:35 pm

Do not think this is an easy program, every one experiences set backs in one thing or another. Do not worry on completing one lesson a week just get it at your own pace...

Have a Wonderful Day ;-)

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Post by Don57 » Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:56 am


Well, I had a post written and when I tried to post it didn't go through. This is your old self talking, the negative, defeating one. It's nothing more than your old way of thinking. Challenge the thoughts, don't automatically accept them as true. Your negative thinking is what is making you feel bad and destroying your hope and motivation. Thoughts create emotions.

Perseverance is defined as staying with a task or undertaking inspite of obstacles, opposition, or discouragement. Keep working, don't give up. You have to learn how to become your own best friend, full of compasssion and love for yourself. Right now you are your own worst enemy.

I've been working on my garage for two months now, painting and some minor repair. The last couple of days haven't gone nearly as well as I had hoped. I've not gotten nearly as much done as I wanted to. Instead of beating myself up, I've told myself that I am a little closer to completing the project. It's been 100 degrees plus the last week and that hasn't helped.

Your attitude and your thoughts are YOUR CHOICE. No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to think negatively. This is a bad habit, but it is choice. You are fully capable of turning this around. Persevere.
Life's battles don't always go to the stronger, the smarter, the faster hand; But sooner or later the person who wins is the one who thinks "I can." Author Unknown

Inside Man
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Post by Inside Man » Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:55 am

You asked is anyone else stuck.
Well...I am on Session 11 and I've been doing good. So good that I've slacked off on the program and using my skills. Well that was a mistake because Friday afternoon my anxiety came rushing back flooding my mind. My thoughts were negative, scary, and depressing. My mind was racing. I felt totally out of control and that scared me. One of my thoughts was it's back, another was I'm trapped. I knew what to do but was just scared stupid and didn't react and hesitated to react as well. So this went on for awhile then I went and took a half of a klonopin and listened to my relaxation tape and fell asleep. When I woke up my anxiety was still there. I guess you could say anxiety over anxiety. I dealt with it as best I could till bedtime then I took another half of a klonopin, listened to my relaxation tape and went back to sleep. Slept all night. Saturday morning woke to my anxiety again. I feel negative not motivated. I feel stuck. I feel like I'm at square one again. Although I know that's not possible with all that I have learned but I still feel that way. I know it's just the anxiety making me think and feel this way but it was just so overwhelming. I know I can get myself straightened out. I've done it before. I can do it again. It's just anxiety. I hope you can straighten yourself out as well. I think Don57 answered both of us without even knowing it.

All mt best,
Inside Man :cool:

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