Fear Of Someone Cheating Or Abandonment

Are you needlessly dragging around a one-ton bag of guilt and worry? Here are some techniques that help reduce guilt and worry in your life to produce dramatic, immediate changes.
New Beginnings
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Post by New Beginnings » Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:12 pm

I have big trust issues concerning having relationships with the opposite sex. I am afraid that the person I'm with will either cheat on me or all-together leave me for another woman. I guess I see so much of this happening around me - married people having affairs, people who have children leaving their little families to be with someone else, older men looking at younger women instead of being attracted to their [ older ] wife. I've seen the pain it's caused. I think what if that happens to ME ? I know one day I will be older. What if my [ future ] husband loses interest in me and wants a younger woman ? I don't think I could handle that. I've already been through enough. The good news is that I am willing to work on this issue. I'm determined to find a way. I know it won't be easy, but I have prayed for God's help.

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Post by tahirra » Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:07 am

I have a bf for the first time in my life (haven't kissed him yet -- too scared).

I feel guilty for not telling him about my anxiety/depression/skin picking issues.

I'm afraid if I tell him he will rejct me. :?

I am ashamed of my condition.

Mello Nello
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Post by Mello Nello » Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:55 am

New Beginings and tahirra,
Please dont be ashamed of this condition, so many people have it and dont share it with anyone and it isolates them. And none of us have any promises of our future, as far as relationships go. You can what if yourself to the point of never having any friends or any relationships. Even people without this disorder get hurt, and life isnt perfect, we cant expect perfection and trust comes by knowing someone and if they cant be trusted then they werent worth it in the first place. But how will you ever know unless you try trusting. God never promised us we would NOT have trials and sufferings on this earth. But, he also didnt mean for us to be alone because we wont allow ourselves the opportunity to Love or Trust. God bless you both :) Nelly

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Post by tahirra » Tue Jul 26, 2005 7:51 am

when is the right time to tell someone about this?

i have only known him a little over 2 months, and I feel like i am living a lie.

Is it wrong not to disclose this information? :?

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Post by irishcatt » Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:31 pm

Personally, when I have a new boyfriend, I like to get everything out into the open as soon as possible. That way you don't feel like you have something to hide. I've had four boyfriends in the last 8 years that I have been in my condition and every one of them has been supportive. If they were to not be supportive and act weird about it then it would have been a clear sign that they were not worth my time. If you think this could possibly be a long term relationship and you trust this person then I would get it out asap.

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Post by cricket1 » Tue Jul 26, 2005 7:26 pm

New beginnings & tahira:

I was wondering if you have ever had this happen to you or someone you cared about. My parents got a divorce when I was 11 years old and it was due to my dad's infidelity, so I was somewhat suspicious at times when I started dating because that is how I thought all men were. I have to say, it is when you don't give them the trust is when they may stray, because if you think they are anyways, they may think what the heck, I might as well. You have to have confidence in yourself honey, you have to realize your worth! If you truly are not trusting this person, than it will not work because you will always have doubts, but if you talk about your insecurity on this issue, you may have a clearer view and may be able to trust! There must be trust. And NO MORE What If's!!!! A negative will only follow the What if! believe in you! believe you are worthy of respect and fidelity!! Tahirra: I think that you should just tell your boyfriend of your anxiety, it is nothing to be ashamed about or embarrassed about, everyone has it. If you don't it will cause you more anxiety trying to hide it. never hide from who or what you are! be proud of who you are, so what, you have anxiety, and along with that, you probably posess many outstanding qualities. have confidence in yourself and if this guy is afraid of it and can't handle it, he isn't for you. It is times like this when you figure out what kind of people you are dealing with. Who knows, he could be awesome and may even be able to help alleviate some it. Good luck to both of you and Remember to believe in yourself!
Kristen okanxiety@aol.com

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Post by T-cee » Wed Jul 27, 2005 8:32 am

I have a big problem with trusting my boyfriend, or any man for that matter. It's caused a lot of problems in my relationship in the past, thankfully most of that's behind us now. My boyfriend left me a couple of years ago, he started seeing someone else right away, even though we were still living together. He later realized that he was still loved and he came back to me. Since then, he's been wonderful! I couldn't ask for a better man. It took me over a year to get over my really bad anxiety over him even going to a friends house. Even though I was always invited, I couldn't go because of my anxiety/panic attacks. My man has been there for me through so many things and I can't help but to trust in him now. We were only apart for a short time, but that time helped him to realize what I meant to him. It doesn't always work that way, believe me I know, but I'm so grateful that it did this time. <A HREF="mailto:exoticdomestic@yahoo.com">exoticdomestic@yahoo.com</A>

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Post by Bakedpears » Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:51 am

Originally posted by New Beginnings:
[qb]I have big trust issues concerning having relationships with the opposite sex. I am afraid that the person I'm with will either cheat on me or all-together leave me for another woman. I guess I see so much of this happening around me - married people having affairs, people who have children leaving their little families to be with someone else, older men looking at younger women instead of being attracted to their [ older ] wife. I've seen the pain it's caused. I think what if that happens to ME ? I know one day I will be older. What if my [ future ] husband loses interest in me and wants a younger woman ? I don't think I could handle that. I've already been through enough. The good news is that I am willing to work on this issue. I'm determined to find a way. I know it won't be easy, but I have prayed for God's help.[/qb]
Lot of "what-ifing" going on. Can you see you are leting anxiety ruin your precious present moments by having you take a look into the future and paint a grim picture? You are insecure about relationships and that is normal. But don't let it stop you from trying. Listen to Lesson 8 again. Keep trying to live in the moment. You cannot change the future by worrying about it.


New Beginnings
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Post by New Beginnings » Sun Jul 31, 2005 7:42 pm

Thanks so much everyone. I appreciate all your advice and compassion.

Cricket : Wow, I never thought of just being honest with my [ future ] boyfriend. Letting my guard down in that area is hard. Admitting that I struggle with jealousy and lack of trust is embarrassing for me. I think a lot of this has to do with my past of men PURPOSELY TRYING TO get me jealous. So I'm trying to deal with the root. Ya know ?

Baked Pears : Thanks for the reminder of not having such a negative view and painting grim pictures. What you said was encouraging too. Working on the trust thing ... it's hard when I've seen so many men who have not been trustworthy, but I suppose I could focus on the ones who HAVE been loyal, right ?

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Post by tahirra » Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:41 pm

cricket: i don't just have anxiety
I suffer from depression. I was diagnosed with dysthymia accompanied by major depressive episodes. I also have social phobia as well as generalized anxiety disorder.
I pick @ my skin (self destructive behavior). I am currently on meds and go totherapy once per week to help me with these problems.


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