do any of you feel this way

Are you needlessly dragging around a one-ton bag of guilt and worry? Here are some techniques that help reduce guilt and worry in your life to produce dramatic, immediate changes.
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Post by vivijovi1725 » Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:22 am

hello well i'm actually getting out of this epesode of anxiety but i'm so stress and deppress some times i feel weird like spacy feelings. and i get sharp pain in my head i recently did a catscan it came out normal. does any of you experien sharp pain ins their head i just worry constanly. my biggest fear is going crazy and not raising my 10month old daughter. i hate this feeling i wish this will end. sometimes i think i'm in the begining of a mental illness it suks. well on friday i'm going to star taking vitamin and fish oil since i jus had a daughter. hopefully it helps hopefully thats was wrong that i dont have enough vitamin since the baby that can be fix easy.

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Post by Angla » Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:39 am

I feel the exact same way. You are not alone. I too have a 2 year old daughter. one of my biggest fears is not being able to tak ecare of her. im afraid ill go crazy and hurt her...which i wont do. i get weird and spacey. it lasts for a while...what session are you on? im starting on 3 and i have peaked at 4 should start to feel better by then. you have to realize that things arent always goingto be pefect. thats just not life. tell yourself that you are ok and focus on something happy. feel free to send me private message...we may have a lot in common


Post by Guest » Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:06 am

hey thank i feel like i'm not alone i always worry about that thats my biggest fear some times i will be with her and i will feel like wow is that my daughter but i know deep dow inside who she is is just the worst spacy feelings i wish this will end fore ever i just want to be happy like before i found out i had anxiety i'm even worry to go out alone with her and pass out wich i never have thank god i feel like i'm going to forget who i'm or were i'm at. do you ever feel that way?


Post by Guest » Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:08 pm

I have a little humor for you,so make sure you laugh :D If this is the beginning of a serious mental illness then I wish I would go ahead and go crazy and just get it over with !!!
Cause I been dealing with this for 20 yrs. and havent been lucky enough to go crazy yet!!
If I could rate the possibility of going crazy by how many panic attacks i`ve had in my life and how many times I worried about going crazy.
I would definitly be rabid a-- crazy by now.
I have raised 3 VERY trying children with this condition and they are still alive and doing well (unfortunatly) LOL
So stop worrying you WILL be fine!

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Post by R.T.E. » Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:27 pm

Well, I have a 13-month-old son. I've been to two psychiatrists who swear that I have post-partum depression (but what about the fact that I've had this anxiety and depression years & years before I ever had a child?)...I know that motherhood is a scary thing, especially if you are new at it. I used to have nightmares when I was pregnant that I'd find my son in a laundry basket of dirty clothes that had been sitting for a few days. I'd forgotten that I had a child and he was just tossed in the dirty laundry. If any of us were truly "crazy" we probably wouldn't be coherent enough to seek out help. I keep reminding myself that women have been having children since the beginning of time so I guess I can do it...if that doesn't work, I watch that show that comes on TLC "Jon & Kate plus 8" and I feel a little better.

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Post by Jeremy » Mon May 04, 2009 2:26 pm

Vivi, I had the same miserable head pains and migrains. It began happening when my daughter was 3 months old and my postpartum depression kicked in full blown. The pains were bizarre and often left my scalp feeling like someone literally pulled my hair out. I had a CT scan and saw a neurologist and everything was perfectly normal. It was all brought on by stress and tension. And I can totally sympathize with you all and how hard it is to care for an infant with chronic headaches. When I finally understood that it was all anxiety the severe headaches went away. I am still prone to get headaches if I'm overstressed, but I can factor out the causes and calm myself a little and get back on my feet, and they very, very rarely escalate to a migraine. As Lucinda mentions, it never hurts to go to the doctors if you're concerned about something. It really can help ease your mind. But I can definitely relate, and being a new mom is the hardest thing in this world. All of my tension was being caused by fears of being a bad mother or screwing up somehow. I was being really hard on myself. I was mostly afraid of going crazy and not being able to raise my daughter. Just know that you're doing the best you can and there are so many other woman who can relate, and don't be afraid to ask for help. I view it like this, it's challenging as it is transitioning into motherhood, but imagine the wonderful strength you have within to be a mother and recover from an anxiety disorder.


Post by Guest » Mon May 04, 2009 2:29 pm

lol. didn't realize how old these posts were. oh, well. hopefully reading it helps someone. :)

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