Anyone feeling like a different person? and somewhat confused about it?

Are you needlessly dragging around a one-ton bag of guilt and worry? Here are some techniques that help reduce guilt and worry in your life to produce dramatic, immediate changes.
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Post by Smiles4B » Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:09 am

I remember hearing on one of the cd's one of the members saying that people noticed changes in them and some didnt deal well with it.
I feel that i am making great strides, but someone very close to me who used to manipulate me greatly seems unhappy with the new me... (i know ur thinking "well she cant manipulate you anymore, of course shes not happy"... but thats only part of it. I was told im no fun anymore and shes almost scared to be around me.. this person is not a stable person in my life.. but i was taken back with this statement..
I do feel different, I feel good inside, im speaking u and have really been doing well with assertive speaking to people.
problem is i am still feeling angry first, and not just about a cureent situation... I feel the anger coming back from may past situations in my life i wish i would have been able to address at the time they happened with a calm collected answer,,
does anyone else struggle with this? are their really that many situations and people to be assertve with? im trying to use my skills without going overboard, but it just feels so good to be able to say what i mean and mean what i say and drop it... my opinion does
Im just wondering what ur thoughts are about this subject and session 9 in general.. its alot to grasp. but im doing it..

Emma Rose
Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:51 pm

Post by Emma Rose » Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:36 pm

Today I joined you on Session 9. We aren't just changing emotionally, we are changing our physiology on a cellular level. All these things have to weigh in on who we are to ourselves, and to those around us. My friends LOVE the changes I am making. They watched me disappear into deep depression during the past few years. My changes, my more frequent smiles, the returning sound of my sense of humor, they are so happy to see these things. I imagine if a person was unhappy to see these changes, I'd begin distancing myself from that person. I don't want to go back there again, to that place where I truly was disappearing. I listened to the 9 CD twice today. It jumped at me, as if Lucinda and all the group members were talking to me specifically, which means I need the tools on this session! Thank you for posting this. And, yes, your opinion matters to me!
[COLOR:PINK]|||Progress... Not Perfection|||[/COLOR]


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:42 am

Thanks for your response...I am so happy to hear you are happy and your friends are noticing. The person I was speaking of above is my mom. We had a talk yesterday and she admitted she is a very negative person, we always butted heads, she is depressing to be around about 50% of the time. She refuses to do the program, but read a little about session6 ANGER and got really nervous, realizing that she is a very angry person and her actions may not be normal...

I am due to have a baby any day, and I am so thankful I have made it to week 9 bfore that happened. Its a beautiful day, I hope you enjoy it! Bless,


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:20 am

Many many best wishes to you and your new soon to arrive baby!
Sorry about your mother's influences. The cool thing is that you are learning how not to be that type of mother. Your baby is so lucky to have you for a mom. Obviously, you are going to be a good one!

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