Sometimes you need a bump...up!

The spiritual response to anxiety and depression
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Joined: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:31 pm

Post by Bass » Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:55 am

Since I have finished the program last April I have re-done the program many times, used the skills provided to help myself and others. But sometimes you need something more, something spiritual to overcome what you,(we) have done to ourselves by our thoughts. Throughout Lucinda's tapes she refers to spirituality as a way to help ourselves.
Sometimes the skills are not enough and we are still dealing with an affliction we have caused ourselves to have by obsessive thinking which leads to body symptoms and well you know the rest. I have come across a prayer that I have used with success many times( and am doing it now) that worked for me and others..I have seen in me and in others I have used it for..I try not to overdo it..has to be for something serious, something you just have to do something about, whether its for you or a loved one or just someone you want to help..Thinking back as I have done these last few days of all the times this prayer has helped me.. and it has been many..helped others. many times, yes them too. I want to share this prayer with you is time to do this I think..I have been in chat many times and there are sooooo many good spiritual people in there looking for something extra to help them get over anxiety, panic etc...Well here it is. The prayer is called the Novena to St.Jude..It goes like this.................May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved, throughout the world now and forever, sacred heart of Jesus pray for me, St. Jude worker of miracles, pray for me, St. Jude, help to the hopeless, pray for me. then explain why you are saying this prayer......say this prayer 10 times a day for 10 days..on the 7th day your prayer will be answered..publication must be promised..try it, this will work for you..I can not say more.....If this helps one of you then it was worth putting it in this forum...but it will help all of you who believe that it Bass

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