Effects of Zoloft

The spiritual response to anxiety and depression
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Panic Attack Lance
Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:17 pm

Post by Panic Attack Lance » Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:26 pm

My day started out very busy eatly this morning and I had forgotten to take my zoloft this morning. Around 3:00 pm I rememebered to take it, even though I felt fine without it. After taking it within an hour or two the anxiety set in. Has anyone here had meds effect them like that, where it actually actually brings on anxiety?


Post by Guest » Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:37 pm

are you taking generic by any chance?


Post by Guest » Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:40 pm

How long have you been on zoloft? If you've been on it for 5-6 weeks, I don't think it would matter because it's "in you system." I've also experienced anxiety when forgetting to take my meds as scheduled, but for me it was the forgetting that made me panic because logically I knew the drug was still in my body.

Why do you ask about generic?


Post by Guest » Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:36 pm

Hi Lance - If I forget my Zoloft in the morning I just wait until the next day. I agree with fischee that it's the axiety of not taking it and not anxiety from taking it at a different time. I believe it's all part of the anxiety package! I pray to God every morning and if for some reason I don't say my prayer and I realize later on, I have to stop what I'm doing and pray. Now I KNOW that God isn't going to forsake me because I forgot my morning prayer, and that has been confirmed on days that I didn't pray until bedtime, but still I feel anxious when I make this realization. For some of us, anything out of the routine will set our anxiety/panic off.


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