Prayer, and anxiety/depression.

The spiritual response to anxiety and depression

Post by Guest » Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:23 am

Hi Zach,
I think that it was wise of you to make this post. I too am a college student and have taken the semester off due to my anxiety, for the first time I am learning to take care of myself. I believe that if you pray for a church to attend (you may have to visit a few before you find one that just seems to fit)it will help your depression immensly. As a young college student nuturing your spiritual life is vital. Church is such an encouragement to know that their are others out there that love the LOrd. I will keep you in my prayers. I will leave you with this, I am learning that being college students with anxiety and depression we sometimes forget that we have our whole lives ahead of us. Keep your head up and allow God to guard your heart. You will make it through this.


Post by Guest » Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:31 am

hey man listen to these smart people and do what is right for you,rather its praying or listening to music or taking the pills,its all good man and it can mean a better you......

I will have my myspace people pray for you...


Post by Guest » Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:35 am

It was really uplifting to read all of these responses to my post. And to know that there are alot of people praying for me :) - I dont think I am being punished by God with this anxiety, but I feel it is something that I have to overcome. And I will overcome it.
I emailed my mom today, to let her know how I was feeling, and etc. about praying for me. She said "I pray for you everyday, all the time... That the old you will make a comeback, so you can go on and live without anxiety and depression and work through stress easily." " You can do it "
Thanks again for all of the posts and prayers you guys.


Post by Guest » Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:21 am

Hi Zach. Read your post. I'm 51 and have suffered from anxiety and mild depression most of my life. As I've come to faith in the past 9 years, I still battle anxiety. I've found a lot of comfort reading the Psalms lately. It's amazing how the writers of the Psalms, even thousands of years ago, had many of the same emotions, anxieties, and fears. They too cried out to God. If you read Psalm 42, this is really powerful. It really expresses the pain the writer had while he was away from the joy of worshipping in his "home" temple. I would encourage you to make every effort to get connected in a men's small group where you are. You need to be connected to other men with whom you can lay it all down in truth. You'll find that all men, if they are truthful, have at one time or another been through what you're going through.


Post by Guest » Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:50 am

Hey Zach. It is important to realize that this condition is something that did not just happen over night, it has taken many years of bad habits to develop it. And only YOU can change how you think and how you perceive life in a more positive, reasonable and optimistic way. God is wonderful, and he can help you get through this. But you have to make the conscious decision yourself, to start changing the way you think and furthermore, the way you feel. Give the program all you've got,and believe in your success ;)


Post by Guest » Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:44 pm

I was glad to see you posted again. I have a 19 yr old daughter who is in college and going through a lot of emotional stuff. She, too, suffers from anxiety and depression, and I can definitely tell you from a Mom's point of view that prayer is sometimes all that we can do for our children. I constantly remind myself that God loves her as much and much more than I ever could. I have been praying for my daughter and have definitely seen God reaching out to her.Sometimes she will tell me about something that happened and I will say "That is a God thing."

So be encouraged. You know your Mom is praying and a lot of people here are praying. God will answer the prayers so be watching for people and situations He sends your way.


Post by Guest » Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:00 pm

Thank you for the words of encouragement.
This past was really bad as far as my feeling upset, and/or down. I just want to feel normal and in control. But then the weekend came, and I was able to do some homework, catch up on things.
But for some reason this afternoon, I have been feeling really bad again :(. I keep praying, for motivation to change, and I am making changes in my life. I just ask that everyone who is praying for me, to keep doing so. It means the world to me.

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Post by honeydew3 » Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:34 pm

Hello Zach:
I too have prayed a lot about my anxiety, etc. Don't pray compulsively - you don't have to say things over and over to God - he already knows what's in your heart.
I believe there's a reason I have this - maybe it's to make me grow in faith, maybe it's to make me understand it so I can help others with similar issues, etc. If God wants to cure me, cool - if he wants me to use this anxiety for another purpose, that's okay too. I'm not so worried about the being "cured" part anymore, I'm more focused on doing the best I can and trying to understand what God's purpose is for me. I'm trying to look more at the bigger picture now. Best regards, M.


Post by Guest » Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:42 am

Prayer for me is FOOD FOR MY SOUL & SPIRIT. During my journey to recovery, God has heard me many a x's - heck even multiple x's per day. God doesn't care - he cares ONLY that you GO TO HIM, that you know HE IS THERE FOR YOU & WILL NEVER FORSAKE YOU - God is there for you THRU THICK N THIN. God just wants you to tell him ALL YOUR FEARS/PAINS, ETC - give them to him - share them w/ him.

When my anxiety went dwn 3 yrs ago NEXT MONTH(my how time fly's) - I was bad off - really bad, lord have mercy. When anxiety disorder triggered in Apr-2005, I was a CO-MINGLED EMOTIONAL KNOT/MESS. After I initiated therapy w/ a psychiatrist, I was diagnosed w/ ANXIETY DISORDER, PANIC ATTACKS, & PTSD. As a result of the diagnosis & my state @ that time, I was not able to work. I was beyond afraid - not only cause of what I was experiencing in their totality - but the diagnosis itself & how cumulatively they were INHIBITING ME + RESTRICTING ME & MY ABILITY TO ...... After my diagnosis, I WENT TO GOD. No, I am not A SEASONAL BELIEVER - God has had my heart fr long ago - rather, I went to church - morning mass everyday for mths, because I FELT IN OVER MY HEAD - CONFUSED/UNSURE/INSECURE/AFRAID-PETRIFIED & I SO DESPERATELY NEEDED HIS GUIDANCE.

See for me, going to church ='d this ex: you know how you can talk to your friend on the phone - yet there are sometimes you just need to see that person in PERSON & you may go to their home? That's how I felt about church & God @ the initiation of my anxiety disorder. I went to morning mass - waited for it to finish, went to the alter + knelt dwn w/ my heels touching my backside + arms extended - crying in humbled mercy & I TOLD GOD ALL - I GAVE IT ALL TO HIM. Were there times I was repetative w/ things, I AM SURE I WAS. I was very insecure at that time & as a result, I regurgitated things lots of times - I was, indirectly looking to reassure myself & looking for reassurance fr God. Again, God didn't care. God is my Dad - my best friend - he comes 1st & when I was afraid - I WENT TO HIM.

Never once, during that time & throughout my journey - did I look for a CURE - for God to MAKE IT ALL GO AWAY - I never sat back complacently as if to say to God "ok, I'm waiting, make it go away = fix it" - no, never. Experience has taught me that never works, lol. Rather, w/ sincerity, I spoke to God & asked "show me/tell me this won't be my FOREVER - help me to help myself - show me the way YOU KNOW IS BEST FOR ME - IN A WAY YOU KNOW IS BEST - I am willing to feel the pain necessary for change to happen - I am willing to do the work". Every morning I prayed & spoke to God w/ variations of the same ^^^^above mentioned prayer - adding whatever I was feeling on that particular day or whatever I was learning.

God was my strength when I was not able to be - he knew my heart & he knew I was sincere & I trusted him & loved him, yes even when I was repetative - God loves us & he could care less if we say the same thing 10 X'S - he only cares that you go to him + that you love him + that you know he loves you & would NEVER EVER forsake you + that you tell him all - give him your burdens/woes/fears/pains - trust in him & mean it when you say I TRUST YOU GOD - know why? Well, I will guarantee you this: <span class="ev_code_RED">God will give you/help you w/ what he KNOWS is best for you - WHEN he knows is best for you - not what you want per say, when you want it. Yes, I'm being repetative - that is me, lol - God will never forsake you - never ever. </span>

Having recovered fr anxiety disorder - 1 of the greatest things to come out of all this(not the only thing) IS MY RELATIONSHIP W/ GOD - 1 OF CERTAINTY/MATURITY/TRUST/LOVE/RESPECT/HONOUR/OBIEDIENCE/FRIENDSHIP - yes, I've had him all my life - now, though - going thru this MAJOR JOURNEY - life changing journey - MY GREATEST ASSEST IS I have God - he is in my heart - he comes 1st, I am him & no doubt about that.

God guided me, he showed me a way - w/o doing it for me, he was my strength when I was weak & maybe stubborn @ times ;) I was willing to learn & he was willing to teach. Recovery fr anxiety disorder & depression is not easy - its hard, takes time, the process is slow & methodical, - changing oneself is 1 of the hardest things to do - BUT IT IS 100% POSSIBLE. Make recovery your #1 priority - work it like you never have anything else before & when you need God - go to him, talk to him & if your repetative - WHO CARES - open your heart to him - for that is what God cares about most of all. After all, we are his children.

Continued recovery to you all.


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Joined: Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:31 am

Post by ~Noelle~ » Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:35 am

Thanks, I will try to take all of these points you guys are making and somehow incorporate them into my life. Or try to find better understanding for my situation with these points.

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