does anyone have a fear of not being near a bathroom?

Suffering from IBS? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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Post by Sdow » Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:27 am

My issue kind of goes along with this, where I can't really go to sleep unless I've gone to the bathroom right before. Often, it seems like I didn't really need to, and it's SO annoying having to get dressed, find shoes and stumble down the flourescent-lit tile hall to the bathroom. I'm hoping this program will help me get over this!

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Post by Louise2008 » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:52 pm

Hi everyone!

I can relate to sooo much of this thread. I get a similar sort of anxiety. But for me it's about being overheard in the bathroom. It's other people hearing the noises/gas of "going" that really causes me anxiety. At one time I used to get terrible loud gas in the bathroom and get horribly embarrassed :) Lesson three of the program is kinda helping with that though. Now I tell myself "everyone's had gas/diarrhea at some time in their life. Everyone's stomach has made those noises at sometime or another. It's an illness not something I can control, so there's no point beating myself up with shame". When I think people are judging me now, I imagine myself asking them if they'd have the strength to cope with a chronic illness.

I'd really recommend "Irritable Bowel Solutions" by John Hunter to anyone suffering from IBS. The "cures" for IBS can be different depending on what type you have and Hunter takes that into consideration. Somethings (e.g fiber) that might really help one person, can actually make another much much worse. I tested positive for Coeliacs and have figured out some of my other trigger foods, so my digestive issues have somewhat improved lately. I still get those days though :)

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Post by Judith » Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:52 pm

I have this fear every day and everywhere I go. I have a terrible fear of not being able to get to a bathroom in time. I never plan anything for morning hours since afternoons seem to be better than mornings. I often cancel dates with friends because i begin to have anxiety about meeting them for dinner or whatever we have planned. Many times I go out to my car and then go back in to use the bathroom. When I drive somewhere I sometimes stop at places on the way that I know have a bathroom. This is very upsetting to me and I wish I could get over it. This sucks but the program is helping.

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Post by Tjtraver » Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:23 am

My son has this problem, He is 13 and is affraid to go to school because when his IBS hits, he is not allowed to go to the bathroom. He does his relaxation cd before school to help calm his nerves, but something always comes up at school that sends him into a panic attack. It is one thing to have to go where there is not bathroom, but when people who don't let you go, the stress gets worse.
He just doesn't eat before school or during. Ireally don't think is is healthy, but he has to adjust to the system somehow, I guess. When the Dr. sent the school a note about his anxiety toward spacific teachers, the school made things worse on him. I think they torture him to see how far he will go. He comes home from school with bleeding arms because he uncontrollably scratches when he is stressed.

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Post by Superman » Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:04 am

I used to have that problem... for me it was more the coughing...
I would have servere stomach pain, and I would cough alot which induced the vomiting.
I would always make sure I was close to a restroom.
Also once in a restroom
I would stay in the bathroom stall till every one would leave the bathroom.
I would feel so anxious as I left the bathroom also as I entered the bathroom...
The fear of what people would say, or the way they would look at me as I would leave.

Then I realized that people really didn't care.
I was putting on all that stress for nothing..
Some people sound were worst than mine, and it came out the way God intended for it to come out.

As weird as it sounds,,,
As soon as I would feel a slight feeling of panic..
I would start telling myself... who cares what people think.
so what if I vomit, I know I will get better..
And try to focus on what thoughts I was telling myself.. and confirm to myself that it was only thought... that it can not harm me.
Hope this helps
Ciao Steven

Debra Lee
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Post by Debra Lee » Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:02 pm

Originally posted by bella123:
hi everyone, second time on here :) i was wondering if anyone has this fear of being sick (stomach aches and having to run to the bathroom all of a sudden) and being nervous and scared that u cant' find a bathroom or one on time. i mean i obsess about this sooo much, i base my world around it and most of my anxiety is from this. if i feel sick i get nervous, if i get nervous i get sick lol it's a cycle that goes around and around. well if anyone has these fears or anything like this please let me know, so at least i have someone to talk to and know that i'm not the only one. and maybe can even talk about how we all deal with it. thank you everyone for listening:)

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Post by absinthekitchen » Thu May 01, 2008 4:39 pm

hi- i want you to know that you are most definitely not the only person who deals with this. In the past 6 months or so I have realized that I am dealing with depression and anxiety and have always had digestive problems that have kept me from doing everything I want. Most of the time I am able to deal with this by keeping Immodium in my pocket and taking it the second I feel like I need to. More recenctly however I feel that my anxiety is what is fueling my IBS and that other symptoms of anxiety make me plan my whole life around whether or not I will be able to get to a bathroom or not. I only feel comfortable going somewhere if I know there is a bathroom somwehere nearby. I am hoping this mini program they are offering online might give me some insight into how to change all this. Anyway, I definitely understand how you feel and am always willing to talk!

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Post by neen » Mon May 05, 2008 8:01 pm

This is the first time in a really long time that I don't feel so alone. I suffer from the same problem and until I received my cds I thought I was the only person having this form of anxiety.
I'm practically agoraphobic because of this constant fear that I will not be able to make it to a bathroom in time. So I only ever leave my house once a week and of course it's only with my safe person. Oh and I always take two imodium before I leave.
I wish I could just get to that point where I can take the imodium only when I feel like I have to go. But it is such a struggle.
THe fear for me is just too strong. So I hope these cds will help cause this is no way to have a life.
Well wishes to all that we can get through this.

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Post by kimdawn42 » Tue May 06, 2008 7:21 am

Boy do I ever feel what you are feeling. I live out on a farm and my fiance and I like to go on fishing trips or day road trips with our best friends. Needless to say being out in the timbucktoo there are no bathrooms around. This means that I have to take TP and stop numerous times, find a spot far enough away from the vehicle so that they can't hear my stomach exploding. Recently our friends son got married to a gal that also has IBS. When she goes with us I don't feel so uncomfortable or embarrassed to stop as she is in the same boat. Hang in there. Since I have started the good day vitamins it seems to be helping regulate things a little better. Best of wishes to you.. Kimberly

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Post by neen » Wed May 07, 2008 7:33 pm

Hi Kim, thanks for your words...feels good to know that someone understands me. I use to go on road trips too but in the last two years my symptoms have just gotten worse. That's why when I saw Lucinda on tv I jumped straight on the phone to get the cds. I want a better life for me and my family so I'm really going to put my all in this program.
Thanks again.

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