does anyone have a fear of not being near a bathroom?

Suffering from IBS? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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Laura V
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Post by Laura V » Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:13 am

There are sometimes that I just can't eat without feeling like I'm going to throw up so I talked to my doctor; she said to try and distract yourself while eating whether it be by watching a very intense TV or movie so you don't think about the actual act of eating. I also try to think about how good that meal tastes or that I was really craving to eat that. Hope this helps!

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Post by Therapy4me » Sat Oct 27, 2007 3:07 pm

I am laughing as I read the responses, because, I can relate; however, it is no laughing matter when it is happening; quite to the contrary-it is embarrassing.

My doctor told me to go to a health food store and ask for YERBA PRIMA (brand name), DAILY FIBER TABLETS. I take those everyday. They are not expensive at all. I have been taking them for a few years. I notice that when I do not take them regularly then I start having problems.


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Post by JoJo1079 » Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:35 am

THe doctors all told me that I do not have IBS, that its all just anxiety. They do not know what to call it. Great. I am always in fear of being somewhere with lots of people and no bathroom. Its awful bc I am still young and do tons of social things in the city or out. I travel alot so plane and trains are always a great time bc I am on Zanax the whole time..and I will eat close to nothing. I miss out on great times bc of this fear. I am starting the program this weekend and reallllllly hope it sets me free of this thing. I do not know what happened to me or how/when I developed this. My life is consumed by this fear- the malls, a concert, clubs, bars, etc... I have to drink to forget it...its awful. I would NEVER EVER leave to go to these places without having my imodium or Zanax with me. How sad I know..

Laura V
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Post by Laura V » Fri Nov 02, 2007 9:41 am

How can the doctors tell you that you DON'T have IBS? There is NO test that proves if you have it or not only tests that rule out other things. Do yourself a favor and look up IBS on the internet and see if the symptoms apply to you. Of course IBS is different for everyone that's why they can't cure it. Some have D some have constipation and some alternate, some get it from the foods they eat and some get it from stress/anxiety, and then there's some that get it from both. I fall into the last category. I have mostly "D" and sometimes it's what I eat sometimes anxiety/stress bring it on. I've found that in the 8 years I've been burdened with this I have really found no cure just what to do when the onset of an IBS attack occurs. I drink an electrolyte replacer, plenty of water and stay away from greasy foods. Immodium does keep the "D" at bay but gives me a stomach ache instead so I very rarely take it. I have found some relief with this natural stuff called "Pepogest" it's pretty cheap and all it is is peppermint in special capsules so it releases in your intestines to calm the spasms because that's basically what IBS is, your gut spasms and causes you to expel too fast.
I also take 5 papaya enzyme pills after a meal, it helps with stomach aches as does decaf green tea chamomile. Try to stay away from caffeine and sugar. Caffeine speeds up your system and the sugar may be too hard for your system. I've learned to like my decaf coffee with sugar free creamer in the morning and just pretend it's caffeine.
Hope this helps!

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Post by bubblybrunette » Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:01 am

i hate having IBS. i always feel nervous leaving the house and dont want to go anywhere that i wont be by a bathroom. i get so nervous at school and i obsess over it so much that im afraid i wont be able to concentrate on schoolwork.
"Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life."
~Tuck Everlasting~

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Post by coopdjc » Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:04 pm

I have obsessed about not getting to a bathroom on time since I was 15 yaers old. I am now 47. There have been times when it was so bad I didn't want to leave my house or go anywhere. I would be in the grocery store and have a panic attack and had to leave all of my groceries to go ficd a bathroom. Most of the groceries stores today or at least in my area have bathrooms. Even though it is easier to find a bathroom the fear of not getting to one fat enough is so all consuming that is overwhelms me. I plan every move I make with that in mind. Driving my daughter and her friends even somewhere 10-15 minutes away can bring on an anxiety attack. I have had accidents many times...sometimes I have been able to take care of it before anyone knows what happenned. However, all it takes is it happenning once in front of people to ruin you for life. To make the problem that much impossible to overcome. The humiliation is larger than life. My husband has been supportive but I know it is hard for my family and friends to truly understand what I am feeling. I am sure to them that it is irrational and at times I know that it is annoying to them. My husband and I have recently been invited to go to California with a group of our friends. I want to bad. I love being with people especially my friends, I love California, i love the ocean....not too crazy about flying but the biggest issue is how can I possibly go on this trip and travel with all of them knowing that I am going to be in a panic most of the time and the thought of having an anxiety attack and losing control of my bowels is too scary.....The trip is in February but my husband wants us to make our flight arrangemnets asap.....UGH I think about it and break out in a cold sweat and my stomach immediately cramps up. I hope this program can help me....I am going to try. Does anyone else feel this way....

Laura V
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Post by Laura V » Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:04 am

Have you ever tried taking Immodium? I know a lot of IBS suffers like us swear by it. Personally, it will help with my "D" but, gives me a stomach ache. I also am on Klonopin and I find that does help. I think the program will help you learn how to control yourself. I too am nervous of an upcoming trip in June, I just know that my IBS will kick in the whole trip because I'll be out of my "routine" so I'm going to make an appt with my doctor and try some anti-depressants (I'm also depressed) someone with IBS can really benefit from SOME anti-depressants but be careful; I found that Celexa makes my symptoms worse. I heard that Effexor is pretty good and there are a few others out there. I also find that taking baby steps helped me; go a little farther every other day and don't get to discouraged if you have a bad day just think, "well, I'll be better tomorrow" I make a "To Do" list and write down everything I have to do that day and cross each on off knowing that as I go down the list I'm getting closer to going home. Make your vehicle your on the road "sanctuary" I have a picture of Jesus and some good luck beads in my truck as well as a small set of wind chimes my best friend sent me, as I hit bumps or go around corners the wind chimes makes such a soothing sound. I also have a prayer dot next to the clock and it relaxes me.
I hope some of these suggestions work. Oh for the plane ride; when I had to fly from NJ to Florida I was such a nervous wreck but I bought some note cards and crossword puzzles with me and took that time to write friends I haven't spoken to in a while. I also brought along on of my favorite magazines that had good recipes in them and I copied them down on to my recipe cards; before I knew it we were getting ready to land in Florida and I didn't even have to go to the bathroom once!
Good luck and you're not alone!

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Post by coopdjc » Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:26 am

Thanks Laura V...for all of your suggestions and support. I have tried Immodium but I hate the way it makes me feel the next couple of days. Not having to go and always thinking you are about to is not a great feeling either...I like your suggestions about the plane ride...I w\always want to find the time to write out my recipes onto cards and never find the time..Thanks again and good luck to you with the program....

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Post by freetobe » Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:22 am


I just discovered this forum today and I am happy to have found that many people have a similar problem to mine. I too feel anxious about not having a bathroom in sight. It definitely makes me feel uneasy and I have an urge to leave that place that doesn't have a bathroom. I have suffered with this problem for almost 10 years. It started for me at the time of transition between adolescense and adulthood. Although I did sometimes have similar symptoms through adolescense, I didn't really obsess about it and I seemed to be unaware of it. So I guess for me the trigger was sometime when I realized that "Hey, I am responsible for my own life and I am no longer a child!" I guess it the pressue that I have to please people in order not to be alone. I had to go through a lot of shifts in my life, moving to a new country, family division, adapting to new culture it all effected my thinking which all made my life seem unstable and unpredictable. As for nowadays, I still deal with IBS and the anxiety of being caught in the urge of having to go poop while I am with someone. To some extent I feel it is this mentality that I have to please people and appear perfect or else people won't like me. So how I deal with it is mainly going to places that I know and are familiar that I know has bathrooms. I wish I didn't have to think about it at all! That I would believe that I will be ok no matter where I go and that I don't really care what people think!!! Of-course some certain foods a trigger cramps or cause loose stool. This is something I learnt over the years and I keep away from it since afterall the food that triggers it won't be digested well and my body doesn't need it in the first place. So I hope that for everyone who suffers with this condition will no longer have to think about it and would be free to just enjoy their life as non- IBS or anxiety suffers. I would love to hear about how people had overcome this condition and what worked for them!
Thanks for reading and posting...Keep the posts coming :)

Holly J
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Post by Holly J » Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:54 pm

Yes i have the biggest fear of not being near a bathroom. i freak out and that makes me need to go too and it ruins my day. i hate it!!
"Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)"

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