I need help I hurt myself and I'm afraid I'm going crazy :[

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Joined: Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:51 am

Post by TAYLORHIGBEE » Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:21 pm

Okay so my boyfriend and I have been fighting non-stop (it's doing good now) but all weekend we were and he was really stressing me out...it seemed like he was lying about just about everything...and then he kept saying things like I wanna die I wanna kill myself I hate myself so much...and it stressed me out and he wouldn't stop so then I started grabbing my stomach and I was freaking out and my nail cut on my stomach and it bled a little bit (it wasn't that bad at all; it was like a cat scratch.) And I don't know I started freaking out thinking I was going crazy. :[ I'm afraid since I lost control I'm going to lose control again but next time hurt someone else..I don't want to hurt someone else I just felt like I have no control anymore and I'm starting to get so stressed out that I'm going crazy...please help I mean I knew that when I had bad obsessive thoughts about hurting people they didn't really mean anything but now I feel like since I kinda hurt myself that I'm losing my mind :[ It's concerning me I don't want to hurt myself or others at all...I'm so scared I have a counselors appointment tomorrow but does anybody have any answers? Has anything happened to anyone else before? Please help!!! :[


Post by Guest » Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:48 pm

I think that alot of your stress and anger is coming from your relationship that you were explaining. I think what you may want to think about is what is best for you because you are what is important and you have to take care and worry about yourself first before anyone else. You need positive events in your life as well as people. I dont know your relationship very well but have you shared your personal life with your partner so they can work with you than against you? You are going to be ok.Just know you are a good person and we are hers for you to talk to. Good luck and keep your head up.


Post by Guest » Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:56 pm

nothin to that extreme but i did have strong thoughts of suicide when i lost my best friend.I was so stressed i couldn't control racing thoughts i almost had a panic attack. It was scary the reason we become so obsessive with our thoughts because we are thinking to much we need to learn how to calm down we are own safe person at the end of the day.Stress is stress it really doesnt matter because at the end of the day we all suffer
from the same symptoms.Listen to your relaxtion tape and try to control you emotions :) <A HREF="mailto:turnertime2@msn.com">turnertime2@msn.com</A>


Post by Guest » Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:56 pm

You are not crazy, you are stressed out and for good reasons- you are in a very stressful situation and at the same time you are scaring yourself with these vivid thoughts and images. Of course you feel terrified and feel like you are losing your mind/ losing control! The fact that these thoughts scares you means that you are not going to act on them so put that out of your mind. I and many others suffering with anxiety and depression also have many terrifying and crazy thoughts such as suddenly driving my car off the road, slashing someone with a knife, etc. These thoughts are your brain distracting you (effectively) from what is really bothering you. If you have the program, listen to the tape on obsessive scary thoughts. As long as these thoughts of hurting yourself and/or others are not seductive and sound good to you, you are ok mentally, trust me. You can unpack this. You are not crazy and there is nothing wrong with your mind. Try to dismiss these thoughts as distractions and ask yourself "what is really bothering me". It must be very hard and upsetting to be in the relationship you are in right now. On another note, I also inflict, so if you ever need or want someone to talk to confidentially and anonymously, I am here for you. I am not inflicting now and am in a very good place. Thoughts are with you. Hugs, and Good luck :-)

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