Scary thoughts

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The worrying kind
Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:53 pm

Post by The worrying kind » Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:55 am

I´ve been suffering from anxiety since I was 17. My diagnosis of myself is general anxiety disorder. I also have had a little problems with agoraphobia, social phobia and what I think is obsessive thoughts. Also have had a lot o depressions. I have read Lucindas book several times now and it is so much in it that I can relate to. Otherwise I would not sit here.

I can´t afford to buy the program so I decided to do something of my own. My first thing was to recognise my negative thouhgts.

Yesterday was quite a good day, I wrote a lot from the book and I was really resolute.But when I woke up it all started again. It seemed like the more I thought about negative scary thoughts, the more thoughts popped up in my head.I have a weard thought that I really feel ashamed of: I do not exist. I have analyzied it a lot of tímes before, but it comes back. And I always comes to the conclusion that I do exist. I can feel, hear and breath......and others can see me...etc. I think I got this thought first time when I was a teenager. But that time I was capabel to shake it of me. Maybe it comes up because I do´not feel like I live enough.I am not so scared of that thought anymore but I am really a good thinker, am I not??.. Last night I thought What if my thoughts are not really mine? What if there is some supernatural power visiting? What if there are aliens thoughts? Those thoughts really scared me. I have good imagination!!!

I often have existensial thougts...What is the meaning of life? How did it all start? Is there a god or is there something else? Evolution or creation? Is there an end of universe? Are we alone of this planet? How complex we human beeings are. Etc... And the thoughts scares me!I now that I´m not alone with this questions. All human beeings think them. But when I think them it can be a real mess in my head. Everything tends to be trouble.

My favorite scary thought that popped up latest: Am I digging so deep so it´s impossible to become healthy?

At the same time I´m an exampel of it. I have been better before! I have had similiar thougts a lot of times before. I really want to belive. I have been better. Most people tell me not to think so much. Be a doer! But I do not want to stop thinking! Im very intelligent an creative. I have studied and I have been working. I have had better periods and harder ones.

Anyway, my reasonable me says that I can manage to get through this. Is there anyone who can relate to my little story? It´so much more I could write but I have to stop, for this time.


Post by Guest » Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:33 am

I can relate to these scary thoughts. They have no meaning - they are your brain's way of dealing with (escaping from) an overwhelming feeling of anxiety. Don't attach any meaning to them... let them float away if you can. Distract yourself mentally, get busy and it will go away. You should get the program. It's totally worth it in my opinion. There's a whole lesson devoted to scary, obsessive thoughts. Another lesson is about handling negative thoughts. You can really learn some skills to deal with the thoughts. Good luck and know that you are not alone or "weird" or whatever label you might have for yourself. You are creative, so use that creative energy in a positive way to create something wonderful for yourself or someone else. Take care and hang in there!


Post by Guest » Mon Aug 25, 2008 5:06 am

Thank you so much for your reply. I had nearly given up to have one today. Yes I know my thoughts has no meaning. But I guess it´s better to accept them than trying to flee from them. I know a lot. Thats not my problem. My problem is that I have difficulties with starting doing something positive with the tools I already have, instead of keep beeing afraid. Take care and good luck you too!!

Sharon Lynn
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat May 17, 2008 6:24 pm

Post by Sharon Lynn » Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:22 pm

Hi there :) I have had this before, the same thoughts as you, wondering how did life begin and why are we here?

I got very scared about this and had severe anxiety attaks around these thoughts.

So you know what I did? I educated my self on all my questions and got an answer for them! I no longer worried about this anymore. I still have scary thoughts, but, this is part of my OCD and I have learned so much about OCD that now I hold the power to know that my scary obsessive thoughts are just that, thoughts!

Keep strong and God Bless!


Post by Guest » Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:32 pm

I can relate.

I went to an Obessive Compulsive Foundation conference in Boston this summer, and you'd be surprised at the number of people who had problems with scary thoughts.

In addition to Linda's program, I did a lot of reading on the topic that was very helpful. I'd like to recommend anything by David Burns.

Also, Lee Baer's "The Imp of the Mind" was very helpful to me.

I wish you the best!

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