anyone with scary thoughts of global warming -pollution

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Post by lisalee » Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:12 am

From what I have been reading and listening to so far ( I am on session 3 only) most thoughts aren't real they are imagined. But with my thoughts they are real. We are creating pollution which leads to worries of my childrens future and what they are going to be breathing in. So now I am seeing myself not driving as much and when I do I am always thinking what about the pollution I am creating????!! How do I get around this?? Pollution is real and there is no remedy for it it does not go away once created. So I don't know how I can just forget it. I can't have a normal life if I am constantly worried about creating pollution with cars, airplanes?

Does anybody suffer from this also?? And how do you live with this worry??

I have also had the thoughts of hurting my kids but now the thoughts switched and are concentrated on pollution.


Post by Guest » Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:59 am


I learned a long time ago to not watch or listen to things that I can't control. We can't control natural disasters, global warming, war, weather, and so on. I stopped watching the news as it just either got me feeling angry about a happening or upset me in some way. I now read what is of interest to me on my laptop and avoid the rest.

We have enough on our plate each day so why add things to that plate making it cause anxious and obsessive feelings we can do nothing about.

Yes I think and wonder at times what our world will be like as I have 4 grand daughters growing up. I guess I'm trying to say that wondering or thinking casually is human instinct but if we let it get out of control and make it like we can on our own fix all the what if's in the world we would drive ourselves to the breaing point. So I just won't and don't obbsess about these things.

There are profesional scientists etc. so let them figure out the answers and worry about what you can do to feel better and to enjoy your children, your life and help your children to not be filled with anxious thoughts, stresses and depression.

I really think this may sound like I'm being harsh but I assure you I'm not meaning it that way. I just think we need to be focused on stopping all the bad thinking and work on the positive thoughts each day.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Wishing you all that's joyfull in life.


Post by Guest » Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:32 am

monty's mom,

I do appreciate your 2 cents worth.

I guess I am thinking the less pollution I create the better. so I drive less and also enjoy less. I just wish I could get to that point where this thing I can't control wouldn't bother me so much. I keep thinking maybe I could make a difference some how in the environment, but I know that it would be such a small contribution,it probably wouldn't make a difference.

you definately weren't too harsh I probably need to hear more of it.


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Post by BTTRFLY » Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:06 am

I keep thinking maybe I could make a difference some how in the environment, but I know that it would be such a small contribution,it probably wouldn't make a difference.
You can make a difference and it doesn't have to be a biggy. If you are close to a store or a park or some other place you drive to but could walk to you are helping and in doing so the walk is good for you mentally and physically. If each person just didn't drive to a corner store within a 10 minute walk how much that would add to their own welbeing and that of our worlds emmissions problems.
I am way out in the country so can't walk to a store but try to go only once a week for groceries or other shopping. It saves our budget a little also...LOL.

I think I was really trying to stress the point of not getting worked up over other things and just relaxing and getting rid of more anxiety..we drive ourselves crazy with too much thinking.

Oh BTW any time you want to be nagged at let me know ok. LOL, kidding
"If nothing ever changed...there would be no Butterflies." Author unknown

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Post by Enlightened » Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:09 am

Hey LisaLee,
Funny that you posted on this subject. We discussed a similar topic with my college age daughter this weekend. We said that her ad her children's generation (besides our own) may inherit this national debt, increased by many things including this latest economic crisis and bailout. It's a hard thing to be helpess when you know things are happening and can't do anything about it.
We just told her to be informed and exercise her right to vote however her conscious leads her. She's volunteer oriented, so we encouraged her to be active in causes that she feels strongly about. I may not have the control to fix a situation, but I can try do my part and rest easier knowing that I did, which it sounds like you are already doing.
And everyone may not care about the same issues, but there are websites and support groups/action groups for various causes. With others with a common interest, you can do even more to make a difference.
And be mindful of opportunities to share your views with others. Some will be open to hearing about it while others may not. You will be respected for living your views and taking a stand.
Remember that worry can be destructive; concern and action are the opposite side of the coin!


Post by Guest » Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:08 am

Monty's mom,
I do try to make a difference like you said but it seems like so little of a difference. I will work at not getting worked up but it is going to be hard! It can be scary

thanks for the "nagging" it is good for me

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Post by angelos » Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:14 am

thanks for the input. you are right it is a very helpless feeling and scary when you can't control what you are concerned about! I like your last sentence "Remember that worry can be destructive (I can definitely see that), concern and action are the opposite side of the coin." I will try to remember that!

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