Obsessed with End of Times????

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Post by pleasehelp » Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:45 pm

I dont know why I am obsessive about this, but anything that has to do with the end of times/apocolapse or conspiracy theories just run through my mind all of the time.

It makes me SO sick with worry and fear and anxiety. I cannot watch anything that has to do with these things...because otherwise, I spend days and nights just so fearful of it happening.

I am convinced it is going to come in my lifetime. I have cried so many times because of this belief. I do consider myself Christian, but not in the conventional sense and I do not consider myself to belong to any of the denominations. I also consider myself to be much more spiritual than religious, if that makes any sense. It is very hard to put into words exactly what I believe.

WHY do I do this to myself? I am obsessed with 2012 and anything that has to do with it. I am just so so SO scared of what is to come and just really sad.

WHY am I having these pervasive thoughts?

Am I alone in this? :*(
Courage does not always roar. Sometimes it is a quiet voice at the end of the day, saying: "I will try again tomorrow."
~Mary Anne Radmacher


Post by Guest » Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:55 pm

i just want to say to you that really there is nothing to be scared of about the end times.
Sure it will be devastating and terrible, but the best part is that if you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and ask him to reside in your heart, you have nothing to worry about because He will come for us before all of the calamity hits. And when he comes, we will meet him in the air and rise with him to heaven and rejoice and live for eternity in his presence. Now doesn't that sound better than the life we are living now? So there is nothing to be scared of. Yes, it is fast approaching, and it will come, but there is no need for christians to fear. Here is some scripture that might help you or bring you strength.

"Fear not, for I am with you;be not dismayed; for I am your God: I will strengthen you; yea, i will help you; yea, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness." Isaiah 41:10

"For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

"Fear none of those things which you shall suffer...be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of righteousness." Revelation 2:10

hope that helps you have a sound mind about all of this. As silly as it may sound when I say this, we really should be excited for the rapture and the end times and anticipate them. What they mean is that we end this life of pain and suffering on earth and go to a place where none of that even exists!!


Post by Guest » Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:41 pm

I hate to make things worse, but a pre-trib rapture of the church is not biblical and is a teaching that began in the late 1800's. The church will go through the tribulation, but have no fear, God will protect His children.



Post by Guest » Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:59 am

Cece: You have to recognize that this is just a scary thought...nothing more. Your mind, for whatever reason, has picked this to latch onto and be anxious about. It could have been anything else...getting sick and dying, hurting someone, having a panic attack in public, going crazy. These are all very common. I was interested in your post because I find global warming very scary in a similar gloom and doom sort of way. Do you have the Attacking Anxiety Program? It does a great job of showing you how to deal with these obsessive, scary thoughts. You are so scared of what is to come because you have anxiety, not because something bad is certain to happen, or because you are not religious enough, or whatever. It is just anxiety and obsessive thoughts. Don't give your thoughts any fuel...you are smart to avoid TV, newspapers, movies that deal with these subjects. If you are spiritual but not religious (which many of the U.S. population describe themselves this way -- and I am one of them -- so you are not alone), maybe try reading some spiritual books that are comforting. Hope some of this helps.
formerly sleeplessMom


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:10 am

cece I remember being very frightened when the "y2K" year 2000 was coming. I was pregnant and I kept thinking what am I doing the world is going crazy.

But it didnt go crazy and NOTHING happened on the new year as we turned into 2000....all that media hoopla all that fear we put ourselves through....and NOTHING. Much of what we fear is from outside influences...remember that kind of "news" sells....ever watch the tv its chuck full of murders, and missing people, and terrible things....only the last few minutes are of something positive if that. Even the weather and the health sections are there to put that little bit of suspense and fear in us.

Alls I can say is dont let these outside sources scare you....its only scary thoughts. Someones imagination gone wild and they use that to make money...much like a scary movie. Doesnt mean the person who created Texas Chainsaw Masacure is a mass murderer just a writer with a very creative mind.

My suggestion is that if these types of publications or tv shows scare you dont watch there are thousands of other things to watch or read about that do not have anything to do with this topic. The farther away you distance yourself from it the less youll think about it.

Live your life and dont scare yourself so with what other people find good entertainment. Your not wierd your just sensitive. Just like we restrict our children from watching R rated movies we need to be particular on what we feed our brains as well.

Youll be fine....just make some postive adjustments to steer clear of these shows or books.


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:17 am

Biblical scholars are, as usual, divided on the subject and/or timing of the Rapture. Some are pre-trib, some are post-trib, and some are mid-trib. To me, the bottom line is that God is in control and we will be with Him someday and there will be no more pain or death.
An eternal perspective is a good way to fight depression.

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Post by jhott » Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:36 am

dear cece,

i too worry about things like that. i cant watch anything religous or even a scary movie. a christian psycologist once told me "fear is the opposite of faith." it makes sense to me. it actually gave me a sense of peace. find comfort in your Bible. All the answers you need are there. Good luck and God Bless you.


Post by Guest » Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:00 pm

UM...Ok so what about us people who are not religious?! Are we just left to die? LOL . I am not religious so I don't find any comfort in any of the posts said But I too Cece have really had anxiety about "the end of the world." Last year in fact I was worried sick about it. This is when there were many fires in southern Cali and the sky looked like DOOM and it was so hot and humid that summer. . i even worried about aliens too. This was and still is a huge thing for me Cece. I always thought i was alone with this. . This is part of our anxiety Cece. that is all. It doesn't matter if youre religious or not this all has to do with the way you think. . The program will help. . I must say though, I know how you feel!!!!


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:41 pm


What about the end times is it that scares you? As far as going up in the twinkling of an eye...oh Lord, please bring it on. For me that is not as scary as dying...at least in my own mind. I think it's pretty cool.

Is it because you are afraid that you won't go because you don't fit some sort of religious mold? Honey, it is sad that all the denominations make the GIFT of salvation something you have to WORK for...oops...what happened...wasn't it a GIFT??? That is the difference between TRUE christianity and every other religion. Salvation itself is not based on works!!! Perhaps you don't feel like you measure up, or that you don't do all the "christian" things, that you fall short of the mark? Do you believe that God loves you?

The enemy brings fear, that is not of God. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. What you actually need is to study and learn more about this....when you do it will bring you PEACE and not fear. The only reason you will have fear after knowing these truths is if you don't feel like you are saved and going to be a part of the rapture. If this is the case then the way to find peace is to seek the Lord and do a study on his LOVE for you. You are totally accepted. He knew everything you were going to do, even how many times you would make the SAME MISTAKE OVER AND OVER AGAIN....BEFORE he decided to die for you, to pay that ransom for you. Just as messed up and out of the mold as you are, as we ALL are. You are no suprise to Almighty God.

If you have peace in your relationship with Him, and His love for you...then somewhere you are believing a lie about the end times. God IS love, He cannot disown himself, and he cannot forsake his promises. He brings peace, so if something does not bring peace in your spirit you need to study it out and see if that is true.

The truth will set you free.

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Joined: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:25 pm

Post by johnnyb » Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:08 pm

Cece, I don't really think this has to do with religion. It is the way you think. We think negatively. This is what anxious people do. Put a thought in our mind and we twist and turn it. The only way you can "save" yourself is by helping yourself with anxiety and than those feelings will go away. . and it seems like you're on your way because you ordered the program. .

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