Anticipatory Anxiety

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Petra Clement
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:15 pm

Post by Petra Clement » Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:17 pm

I just have the most difficult time with anticipatory just gets the best of me...I do take zoloft and thought it would help more than it does but today I went to pick up my Mom who is 82 years old and wanted to have a nice day with her which I did......but going there and driving home was just the worst...I made it both times but with so much anxiety...I thought I was going to vomit...I did the breathing and disstracted myself the best I could but it was still awful. I did have the thoughtds though that this too shall pass and that I always make it through but the feelings just don't go away....I don't understand why the feelings just don't stop...I really work hard at trying to take one moment at a time...any advice?


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:11 am

Maybe you could listen to one of Lucinda's tapes
while your in your car. It might help being able
to Listen to something instead of trying to think so hard at what your saying to yourself.


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:37 am

I have been going places by myself the last 2 days and thought I was doing good by counting and thinking positive thoughts. I slept good the night before and thought I was really on my way but woke up at 3a.m. this morning and tried the counting and positive thoughts and the thought that I was not going to make it kept coming up. I was given Paxil to take but have never taken it because of all the side effects. Also, a friend of mine took an anti-depressant and quit because it made her feel so bad. I am trying to think positive and do the sessions. I am only in my 2nd week and I have made some progress. I remember that Lucinda says to be patient.


Post by Guest » Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:36 am


Give yourself credit for helping your mom eventhough you were experiencing anxiety at the time. That took a lot of courage.

Try to break your journey into small steps, and give yourself permission to turn back anytime you want. Tell yourself,"I'll just try for one more mile," after you do that, go for another mile if your up for it.

During your trip, did you notice any time when you were not stressed. Is there anything that distracts you (news or sports talk on the radio) that you can utilize? Speak positive thoughts to yourself: "I can do this," "I'm almost there," "I've done this before."

I'll be rooting for you.

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