Pure O causes me to be depressed

Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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Holly J
Posts: 367
Joined: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:22 pm

Post by Holly J » Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:55 am

I figured out that I have the Pure O and I obsess over really negative things. Firstly, I do get depression but it seems to last a few days and I would know it'd go away after a few days and that would give me hope. NOW i am obsessing over what if this depression doesnt go away because i keep obsessing about it not going away. . which makes the depression stick around and leaves me feeling VERY hopeless. This is sad because i have gone a step further with my obsessing to make me feel even worse than I have felt. I feel very stuck and that I will never stop obsessing ever because i am too far down. All I keep obsessing about now too is what if i never stop obsessing which will make me stuck!! This has been going on for 2 weeks now. Also, every 2 weeks of the month i feel terrible due to my cycle and I know that it is always relieved when i start but now im like what if i stay this bad forever and now I know I'll keep thinking this and it'll make my symptoms stay. this is driving me crazy!!! Right when i wake up in the morning its the first thing i think about is what if i am depressed and BOOM i am depressed. Just constantly thinking that makes it so. i feel so hopeless and like nothing will ever ever help em or I'll never get better. Im so scared. I just want to not obsess anymore. Is this OCD? Has anyone felt so so so bad like they could never be helped and had no hope and now feel better? Guess I need some hope )-:
"Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)"

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Post by Zoe_M » Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:15 am


You and so many others are in the same spot. :) I know it feels lonely and I know you feel like it will last forever, but it wont. You are a great person, a sensitive person with so much to offer. The bad habit of Pure "O" tends to keep us in a state of chaos at times. I know because I am there too!

We have started a daily newsletter via the PM system here on Lucinda's site. There are about 12 other Pure "O" ers that communicate daily with positive help and encouragement. If you want to join, please PM me and I will add you to the newsletter list.


mikee b
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Post by mikee b » Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:23 am

yes last december it was so bad i began to fear for my life as life had lost it's value. i was'nt suicidle but i could see that it was'nt far off if life had no value anymore.aggoriphobia set in and i was stuck. I got the program and with a note book tracked my negative thinking. i discovered a lot doing that. and started getting on line here where the people said hi to me.i told my doctor and he sent me to a therapist who hellped me to beleave my possitive self talk. I really am the things i thought i might be and meany of the things lucinda says about us. I only reacently heard the term pure o which is a little differant from ocd. but no less damaging to our lives.now here is a trick i have come to use . our feelings are our message to us as to what we are thinking so you dont have to monitor every thought . just when you are feeling bad. what are you thinking and begin thinking of other things . eventually it will become habit to think of good things in response to your feelings. good luck . it will get better and one day when your working hard on yourself you will see that you have come a long ways. love yourself. you'll do great. by the way i'm doing great i'm free to live :cool:

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