Fired 6 mos ago & can't stop obssessing about job

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pumpkin with OCD
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Post by pumpkin with OCD » Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:44 am

I got fired 6 months ago from my job because I did not know how out of control my OCD was-I could not stop obssessing about everything at work-I was told on a daily basis that I catastophized, overanalyzed and nit-picked to death. If anyone tried to do anything it was never done right and several people mentioned that I was condescending. The whole time I worked there I obviously never meant to be like that. I never realized the extent of how I acte until I got fired. Now that I'm gone, I can't stop imaginging constantly all day and even dreaming almost every night that I'm there. I can't stand it. I try not to give my thoughts any weight, but it doesn't seem to be helping. I don't know what to do. Please help. I think I still feel very embarrassed.

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Post by RMENURSE8 » Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:10 am

Sorry your experiencing this issue that is robbing you of everything else that is happening in this world for something that is no longer happening. It must be like being stuck in a time warp of sorts.

If its bothering you that bad, and your even dreaming about it and of all things embarressed about it, this is a "control issues" you have not surrendered. You feel like there is something still you must say or get off your chest, your empowering it with the negetive.

You have to face your fear here and return to the sceen of the crime. Where were you when this occured (the firing), just go back and ask to speak to your old boss for a 5 minute chit - chat. Not as though you are approaching the request to see this person to be re-hired but simply to apologize for your behavior and leave it at that. Dont try and go in there and make excuses, just be honest and let them know your viewpoint and how it has effected you since. If that is not acceptable to your old boss and they do not want you in there, send a friendly card addressed to those of your former work-mates doing the same. This is just a part of maturing and growing up which you are trying to so desperately do here. And lastly if you do not wish to contact them ever again, a play by play note written by yourself explaining why you felt you were just not able to make it on the team then a quick shred into the garbage.

This technique is quite therapeutic but there is only one catch, once you let it go doing this method, you have to agree that it is let go and that makes it gone and when its gone you cant go back to it. Capiche' (hehe).

It works if you let it work.


If after that you continue

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Post by GI822 » Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:12 am

I had bad anxiety at my old job, it was very stressful. I worked there for 7 years and finally quit. That was over a year ago and I have a new job that I really like. Funny thing is I still dream about my old job like I still work there and the people at my old job. I actually dreamed last night that I was there again. They say you dream a lot over unresolved issues. I left my old job because it was too much on my mental health. I worked there since I was 18 and left when I was 25. I worked with a group of the same women over that time period. We were like a family. I went in one Friday and that following Monday I never came back. I never really got to say goo bye. That's why I think I still dream and think about them a lot. I think with you because you were fired, you have a lot of unresolved issues with your job. It's not like you were a bad person or a bad worker, you just had ocd and didn't know it or know to process it. I think because this issue to you is unresolved it's going to bother you. The thoughts of my old job still appear in my dreams but I think will dissappear over time. If it helps, maybe write a letter to a co-worker you were friends with and explain your situation. It might make you feel better to explain where you were coming from. It may just help you to get that off of your chest.

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Post by RMENURSE8 » Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:37 am

I dreamed about a former relationship about 6-8 times a year, it bothered me because it ended back in 1997. Now in another relationship I was still dreaming about it. So, about 2 months ago I got on the internet found the phone number and called. I did not get a return call for about 5 days. In that time admittedly I resolved to thinking negetive about it instead of postive. Then the phone rang and we talked. I found myself becoming anxious over the phone and knew I had to hang in there. As we began to speak the one thing that I was looking for came without me asking. "Was i ever really something to you or was it all in my mind and my heart?" What was explained to me was basically an apology for the two of although in love, being at different points in our lives and one being more mature than the other was just into other things that I was not ready for just yet. I have not thought about, dreamed about, talked about that situation yet since.

Closure, we all need proper closure, that is what this is about for you, you need some positive closure how ever you prefer to get it please get some closure. Peace to you.


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Post by ship2shore » Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:32 am

These replies are great. I have the same unresolved issue with my last job. I was fired 4 mos ago. The other night I dreamed they begged me to come back to work there and I went back. When I woke up I was amazed at the contents of the dream. I loved my old job but was horribly mis-treated by management before I was fired and I think the feelings about the treatment I received stuck with me. I have resolved to let go of all the bad feelings and remember the good times I had with the job but I guess I am still working through the bad stuff subconsciously. I expect time, patience, and my new resolution to under-react to eventually fade my ambivalence about that job. I hope sharing this with you will help you realize that you are not alone and we understand that you need to find a positive way to let go of that old job and its issues so you may have peace and move on with your life.

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