OCD on interests?

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Post by Faith_TX » Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:28 pm

I'm not sure how to explain this. . . I get obsessed, almost addicted to thinking about certain hobbies or interests.

The last couple weeks it has been Facebook, especially a game that I've played on there called PackRat. I'm thinking I just need to make a vow to myself not to play it ever again. I've tried giving myself a limit (at night) but then it's like someone gambling at a slot machine "just 10 more minutes".

I have had a series of these sorts of things such as eating healthy and doing all these recipes and restricted eating habits. .. scrapbooking, collecting Beanie Babies (years ago!)

I also have obsessive thoughts but not necessarily compulsions in the same ways some think of that such as counting, turning on and off, or washing.

I'm wondering what people do to help with this. Do I just set a limit, tell myself to wait another hour to check my email/facebook/whatever, or do I just need to tell myself that when I feel myself getting sucked in, I just need to stop it cold turkey and never do it again?

I want to know what is healthier.
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
~~ Ronald Reagan


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:29 pm

I don't know...I have to say that I'm WITH you on a lot of this. I notice that I get really INTO my hobbies. Each activity/hobby/sport/passionate interest seems to last at best for about two years and then fades into something new and more exciting that I do full throttle for oh...about a year and then WHAM! New obsession.

For me...it has been...
being a student.
getting a degree.
running a marathon.
digital scrapbooking.
digital scrapbook designing.
playing tennis.
collecting scrapbook supplies.
losing weight (lost 70 pounds).
becoming a fitness instructor.
learning Finnish.
learning French.
learning Spanish.
getting my Masters.
visiting online message boards.

an on and on and on.

I think...is it harming anyone? Am I harming myself? So what if I am a little obsessive about stuff? Maybe we ought not to WORRY about it! :)

Good luck, chica!

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Post by Boon » Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:42 pm

The only thing is hubby gets annoyed that I spend TOO much time on stuff.

And I worry that always feeling the need to check my email constantly or visit message boards instead of doing other stuff. . . isn't normal.

But then you should have seen him when the tube went out on our TV. . . that's his "thing"
"Life is not about comfort. It is about living." Dr. Howard Liebgold


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:02 pm

I like facebook too, especially the quizzes and trivia. I get to play when the baby's asleep. Don't feel bad for having some fun and distracting yourself.

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Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2007 2:42 am

Post by Sporadic » Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:26 am

Thanks. . .it's just I was playing 2-3 or 4 hours a night on that game. Then getting up in the morning and checking to see if anyone added anything.

Maybe you're right though. I'm allowed to play around. Hubby thinks I shouldn't go there any more for a few days so I make sure it's not the most important thing I do. . .


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:25 am

Hey Faith,
You know I get caught up in watching t.v. or staying on the computer real late at night. I would just ask myself...is this taking away from
anything that has more importance in my life. That's what I have to do. We really do have the choice. Alot of times I will say to myself...do I really want to get on the computer or do I really want to spend time alone with my husband.
You really do have to decide on what you want
out of life...just like Lucinda talks about.
Good-luck and take care!


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:58 am

Thanks. That's a great suggestion!! I think I just need to test out with this particular interest. . .can I do it for a few minutes and turn it off? If not then I just need to never do it at all.

I had this problem with scrapbooking too. And I was doing it after the kids went to bed so I wasn't ignoring them. But I was so tired from staying up to 2am that I was CRANKY. So, I have all this scrapbook stuff I'll never use!

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