Panic Attacks? Stressed Out! Please Help!

Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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Post by Spencer709 » Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:20 am

I have always dealt with OCD and mostly pure O thoughts. I have always been anxious, etc. Here is my situation now. I am an IT manager for a call center and I have this fear of the system going down! I have been through this many times before but lately, I have been really bad. I also have two technicians now instead of one and the controlling part of me is scared to delegate any work because I fear I will not be needed anymore. Every time I think about work I try to picture a stop sign in my head but it doesnt seem to work. I am always thinking of the worst case scenario!


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:23 pm


What if the system went down? Then what? What would you do?

Also, if you weren't needed anymore, how bad IS that? Do you think you could find another job?

The things we worry about will probably never happen, however, if you can't control the thoughts....then carry it all the way through. Perhaps tell yourself what you would do if it did happen. What would your plan(s) be if any of these situations happened?


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:26 pm


I am sorry to hear about your suffering. I can relate.

Is there a way to worry constructively? Do you have a "Plan B" in the unlikely event that system does go down?

What I have found is that trying to suppress an obsessive thought sometimes makes it stronger. If someone is told, "whatever you do, don't think of a polar bear" a polar bear is the first thing that pops into the person's head.

I bet if you focus on the task at hand, or talk to a friend, your mind will naturally distract itself.

Hang in there!


Post by Guest » Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:39 am

I agree, you need to answer those what if thoughts. Write it down so the next time the thought comes up you can pull out the paper and say to yourself: I have already answered these questions. Read them out loud...If the sysmtem goes down this is what I'll do. then tell yourself, I have answered that question so now its time to move on to the next thought. Don't try to suppress the thought. That won't work. Just awknowledge it and move on.


Post by Guest » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:20 am

Thanks for the replies everyone. Today is Sunday and I am basically dreading going to work tomorrow, which is going to ruin my day. How can I get in a state of mind where work is the LEAST of my worries? How can I just shut it off when I leave the office.

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