obsessing about my throat. .

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Holly J
Posts: 367
Joined: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:22 pm

Post by Holly J » Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:21 am

I think this would be considered Obsessing. I am constantly thinking about my throat and think i will stop swallowing and or choke on my food or drink when i eat. . I actually do feel it getting very tense and it feels like its closing up and it is difficult to swallow. . I know this is anxiety and that the more i think of it and let it get to me the worse but how do i not when i feel it? I anticipate it everyday and it ruins my day. its sad. i dont even wanna do anything anymore because of this. i used to like going to the beach when i had anxiety but this anxiety is worse because i feel like my throat is closing and dont like to be in public or anywhere while this is happening to me. i feel a little safer in my place but stillnot safe. this doesnt stop when i get home. . i still get this at home. how do i stop obsessing about this and not let it get to me and if i dont let it get to me does it FOR REAL go away??
"Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)"


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:58 am

Hey Holly,

There is another post on here about this it does have a name for it, the Linden method talks about it in detail. He discribes all the symptoms as sensations not symptoms. He say's this is not a physical problem, and the more you concentrate on the sensation the longer it will last.

I hope this helps you,



Post by Guest » Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:21 am

I actually didn't read your post before posting my post, but what Debbis says is true and that's where I got my info, the Linden Method. As I stated earlier, I ordered it and so far it's amazing!! My big thing is palpitations when falling asleep and then them waking me up. I listened to his visualisation cd last night and went sound to sleep and even woke once when my 3 yr crawled in bed and still went right back to sleep. I have really good feelings about The Linden Method. After reading his story, he's gone through just about as much as Lucinda has as far as I can tell. I highly recommend it! Good Luck!


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:40 pm

i want to try the linden method. i like the thing he explains about those almond shaped things on our brain. starts with an A. yeah thats weird how you wrote that post the same time i wrote mine. I thought it was funny. so he goes onto detail about this???


Post by Guest » Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:55 am

I tried to copy and paste some of his info here (naughty me) :D they wouldn't let me, to share with everyone. He goes n=into detail about all symptoms, and how and why they specifically happen, why they hurt and bother us. He also talks about the "amygdala" and how it works and why we are like we are and how to breal the cycle. The two programs (Lucinda's and his) are a lot a like, but I'm finding his with the more specific info and no nonsense approach really working. Happy to report, no palpitations before bed and no palpitations in bed and slept a straight 7 hours!! :) That is great for me. Listen, if you're really serious about getting well, you have to get the program. It's affordable and you get 24/7 support for a year by e-mail and phone with life coaches and therapists and even himself on occassion, all who have gone through anxieties and obssessions. But, they don't want you to be or think like an anxiety ridden person anymore because you'll be re-enforcing the idea that you have anxiety. That's where the amygdala comes in, that's the part of the subconcious that is constantly absorbing the info- and if you keep telling it that you have anxiety, it has no other choice but to believe you and keep responding the way it always has! I've given myself the duration of my coaching program to come around here, but after that, C-Ya! Do you really want to keep coming back here and have your life wrapped around the anxiety issues? I don't, i want to live normally and that doesn't include places like this. He specifically says to stay away from always searching for info and away from forums and the like geared towards anxiety. (the amygdala therory) You are a gorgeous girl and I've noticed you around here a lot, wouldn't it be great spending that time doing something else more enjoyable w/o worries? Getting out and living life? I can't tell you how revved up I am about this program. It's only been like 3 days and I haven't even gotten my stuff in the mail yet, I've only been using the internet version and I feel SOOO better. Mentally and physically. This is the answer. I was sharing my success with my therapist yesterday and she said yep, that she has ordered a video and book called "the Secret" that is wrapped around the same concept. She is really happy with my happenings. Anyway, I've been here long enough and I've got to get back to reading his book! Good Luck to you and everyone!!

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Post by ~*schnauzermom*~ » Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:21 pm

Wow thank you Michelle! ! ! So in order to get better I need to kind of act like I don't have anxiety? And to not even talk about it with others and be around anxiety forums?? Wow i want to get hos program. . just have to wait a while because I am a starving young person who's whole paycheck goes to rent. and yes it'd be great doing things without worrying. . Just don't know how :? Thanks for sharing!!
"Afterall, everybody only hears what he understands." by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Inspiration is All Around
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Sep 09, 2004 3:00 am

Post by Inspiration is All Around » Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:41 am

I don't post much but I do find encouragement in reading others post. I have to say Therese that your post has kinda angered me. I spent a lot of money on this program and love it. Then I read your post that seems to put down this method and your stating the Linden Method is better. That seems to be a little discouraging to me. Whether or not it is better I have chosen this one and don't appreciate reading how another method maybe better. It sounds like you need to make up your mind which program will work for you and give it 100%. I do wish you luck just remember some of us do find comfort in these posts...


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:37 pm

For peace of mind you could have an endoscopy done to make sure there aren't growths or obstructions in your throat. My grandma just had one and they were able to stretch the throat open more and she doesn't have hardly any problems with swallowing anymore.


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:21 am

So since i have experienced my throat issues and have accepted this was my anxiety and not anything else, my throat has not been nearly as bad. I still get that weird cant swallow thing when my anxiety goes up but know that it is anxiety and it wont close up. . so just to let everyone know, i dealt with it, Let it freak me out for a while because it was so scary and thought it was something else driving it and now have realized its all anxiety. . . Haha but now I have replaced that with something else. its like i have something new every 2 weeks. Bur I am getting better with my anxiety. . Just am annoyed by it now.


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:03 am

I have actually thought recently "what happens if my ability to swallow goes away?". I know, crazy out-of-the-blue thought, but it happened! And every once and a while, I'll notice that my throat feels 'tight' and I start to obsess about not being able to swallow.

It is all anxiety. I am glad that you are learning to deal with it and that it is not causing as much trouble as it used to.

I will admit that the amgydala theory does make sense. Sometimes, when I try to talk about my anxiety, it makes my anxiety worse. Not all of the time, and certainly forums like these have their place for people like us, but I can see how constantly reinforcing the idea that you are an anxiety/panic/etc sufferer can have an effect on the mind and persist to cause one those symptoms/ailments.

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