I think I finally have found what is 'wrong'

Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions

Post by Guest » Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:20 am

Funny, because I took paxils cr for ONE DAY and quit. I took it at night and the next afternoon I had the worst panic attack ever. I had to take 1.5 mg's of ativan!! That is a lot for me. Like you, was it the meds or me? I am going to stat a birth control soon because I have sever PMS. Actually, PMDD. I get super bad 2 weeks before my period and when it starts i do feel better. But than its like i have to clean up the anxiety mess i made and right when i start to feel better BANG I feel bad again because its that 2 week point. You had an anxiety coach from StressCenter.com?


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:57 pm

Yeah mine is probably PMDD too. My problem is I'm in my early 40's so my cycles are getting closer together these days making my "good days" fewer and fewer. I'm sort of afraid of birth control pills too. As for the antidepressant I only took it 2-3 days I think it was. . . which was probably a record; normally I make it a day. ..yup. I think you're my long lost sister. LOL

As for the coach it was not someone from StressCenter.com and I couldn't afford to talk to her any more, but she was really helpful. I just wish I could have done it longer. I'm going to start back with my counselor Saturday and now that I have insurance it will be super cheap so that's cool.

Let me know how the BCP's work.

Posts: 59
Joined: Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:10 pm

Post by R.T.E. » Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:27 am


sorry for the late response.

i grew up in north tonawanda.


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:46 am

thanks holly for the OCD website. it is helpful.

i know that i don't act compulsively, but i do have perfectionism and have always held onto things for too long- particularly negative things.

i think that for me, when i was at my worst (march-april 08) and having severe panic attacks daily, Pure "O" was me.

i am feeling much better now through working the program, reading From Panic to Power, exercise, prayer/church, family, etc.

what is interesting is that i have hypothyroid, and i know that i do seek reassurance that my physical symptoms of anxiety constantly have me going to my doctor or counselor for reassurance, only 2 days later to begin to overanalyze everything again and be back in the same rut.

my new doctor called me out on it yesterday, and it was like a psychological slap in the face that i needed to snap out of it.

i just could not figure out what was driving my anxiety. now i know. i think too much, analyze too much.

perhaps the greatest part of the whole article holly, was that he did not mention medication, and stated that as long as the patient was willing to work at it, recovery is entirely possible.


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Post by pecos » Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:28 am

Originally posted by Paul R.:
perhaps the greatest part of the whole article holly, was that he did not mention medication, and stated that as long as the patient was willing to work at it, recovery is entirely possible.

I agree with this. It gives me hope!

I have an appointment in the morning with my counselor that I haven't seen in about 10 years (I've had a few other ones in between)

He is pure CBT and a psychologist not "just" a counselor and I think just what I need now.

"when the student is ready the teacher will come" ;)


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:38 am

yeah faith, i just started with a new counselor who is CBT and specializes in anxiety disorders.

talk about the student being ready, grasshoppa! ;)

Posts: 39
Joined: Tue May 30, 2006 7:33 pm

Post by YoyoyoMo,nica » Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:54 am

We'll have to compare notes after I talk to him tomorrow. :)


Post by Guest » Mon May 24, 2010 3:33 am

Originally posted by JMS2032:
Paul, you're from Buffalo? Me too! What part of Buffalo?
Hi, are you still here? I'm from the Buffalo area.. Near Cheektowaga. How about you? What part of Buffalo are you from?

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