Obsessed with End of Times????

Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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Post by johnnyb » Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:08 pm

Cece, I don't really think this has to do with religion. It is the way you think. We think negatively. This is what anxious people do. Put a thought in our mind and we twist and turn it. The only way you can "save" yourself is by helping yourself with anxiety and than those feelings will go away. . and it seems like you're on your way because you ordered the program. .


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:14 pm

Great job all of you. I too had that fear. I do not know why. However, one thing that has aided me a lot was to start writing my family history. I want my son to know who I am, and what I did in my life. I am also telling him about my family so that he will know who they are. I want him to know that I love him, and I say that a lot in my history. I started my history with what I believed the purpose of my life on earth was. I know it was to marry the love of my life and have this wonderful son. I was a firefighter/arson investigator and inspector. As a result, I hope that the few lives I touched in that regard was what I was supposed to help. Anyway this has made me feel really great about passing on to meet My Savior. I optimistically hope He is pleased about my life, and that He will welcome me into His Kingdom.

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Joined: Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:31 am

Post by tiffanytee » Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:29 pm

Omg I had this SAME EXACT FEAR!!!
Are you kinda worried that the world is just going to end in general?
I'm a christian too, and when I heard that the world was supposed to end in 2012 I started to freak out.
Honestly, I wouldn't be so scared if God came then...but it shouldn't cause God doesn't tell anyone when he's coming, cause if he did then we would all basically sin and have fun until that date, and God doesn't want that. It's fake, and retarded. Screw the people who increase our anxiety with their pathetic lies!! Haha.

Do you ever wonder if God really exists? I do sometimes cause I'm extremely analytical. Well, I found this really cool website that explains scientifically how God is real, if you want me to send you that. It helped me a little bit. Good Luck!!

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