Blasphemous Thoughts

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Joined: Mon May 17, 2010 2:34 pm

Post by bloodbrotherdan » Mon May 17, 2010 7:56 am

I really don't know where to begin. I looked up the topic of blasphemous thoughts on the internet and so here I am. I can tell you myself that I have had most of the thoughts I've read on this site plus some. They are evil in every way and no matter what I do I can not seem to overcome them. I am very afraid of what may have happened to me spiritually and am struggling to keep going. I feel very numb these days. This all started just over three years ago and although there have been some hopeful times that I thought I would come out of this it is somewhat hard to see right now. God is a good God and I know He would never allow His children to go thru anything that wouldn't ultimately benefit them in their walk with Him but something just seems very wrong in all of this. I have a beautiful three year old daughter who I try to hide all of this from so that her life isn't spoiled by it but I'm really not sure what to do at this point. I have prayed throughout these three years but the thoughts have not left and have actually gotten worse.
Don't really know what else to say.


Post by Guest » Tue May 18, 2010 3:44 pm

Dear Bloodbrotherdan These thoughts you have are not all that uncommon. It is when we choose to draw closer to God that the devil or satan decides to throw all kind of evil, wicked, mean, and nasty thoughts into our heads. The devil whispers these thoughts to us thusly we think them. Especialy when we are in prayer these thoughts will amplify themselves even more loudly relax my dear brother these thoughts are ploys from the enemy to get us off course in our walk with God and a device to get us off track with the work that god would have for us to do. I hope this offers you comfort and helps you to some degree. Le Ann


Post by Guest » Wed May 19, 2010 8:59 am

Thank you very much for your encouragement "Lonely Lee Ann". An encouraging word goes so far and is a help to the soul. Throughout this experience I have gotten many insights and encouragements from the Lord but I have had a tremendous struggle holding onto them because of the evil nature of these thoughts. I do not claim them nor do I want any part of them yet they still remain and they have brought much confusion about the source of them. You really ask the Lord; is it me Lord? Is my heart evil? What is going on here? I have to tell you that I do believe that Jesus Christ will bring me through this simply because of the Awsomeness of Gods character and His everlasting love for His children of which I am through His blood and Grace. Still this is a hard road to walk and with shame and tears I have to say that I have not been of the Godly character that I would have hoped to display throughout all of this. I mean mostly in regards to Trusting in Him in all of this but I have back slid in some areas too that have been strongholds in my life in the past. I could write much more obviously but I will just conclude in saying that I can really not pinpoint what is going on here but that if this all brings me closer to Him than I am ALL for it no matter what the cost.


Post by Guest » Wed May 19, 2010 6:02 pm

Glad to help Dan we all need to be here for one another and know this I am here for you and anyone else God leads me to on here! Le Ann


Post by Guest » Thu May 20, 2010 12:44 am

The Lords richest blessings to you Lee Ann; thank you very much for your insight. I would really appreciate it if you would pray for me sometime for complete restoration in my relationship in Christ. Take care.


Post by Guest » Thu May 20, 2010 11:40 am

Good evening Dan and Le Ann!

I am sorry that I have not visited here as often as I did in the past. Nevertheless, I have seen Le Ann going about doing her best to encourage many people here, so I want to commend her for all she has been trying to do. Dan Le Ann has hit the nail on the head. This is spiritual warfare that calls for much prayer and fasting.

Dan, I want to encourage you to focus solely on praising God! This is a sure way to give a sign of your resistance to the enemy, from which the evil one must flee. As much as many people would say there is no such thing, trust me they are wrong.

The opposer hasn't a need to shake any non believer, he has them in his grip, it is when we assert our freedom in and through Christ, that he goes into panic mode and does things to shake the believer up. If you let the Lord inhabit your praises, and keep on praising Jesus, this is where the power of God is made manifest.

If either or both of you would like to fellowship with like minded Christians, that have either been through the program or not even needed the program, and have been victorious over their disorders, please private message me, by clicking on my profile image and selecting invite to a private topic.

We can have a private discussion or exchange emails. In order for me to invite you to our on line church, I will need your email. Our fellowship is private, and anything discussed there can not be pulled up in a google search. You can keep your email hidden from others and our membership list is concealed from others.

Trust me it is an oasis away from the maddening crowd. It is full of encouragement, devotionals, prayers, praise and songfest, and sometimes a great learning experience with regard to dealing with prayer needs and you can see hear and feel the power of the Holy Spirit moving and working and performing wondrous works. If this is something that you think will be of help to you, please private message me.

Our church is something that I consider to be the true fulfillment of an Isaiah 55:1-3 church.

1Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

2Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

3Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David.


Post by Guest » Thu May 20, 2010 2:15 pm

Gman I thank God for you and prays He richly blesses you and yours I had a major blowout with a woman at work today and truly needed this from you Thank you again and I will definately look into your offer of private fellowship God bless you and looking forward to chatting or blogging with you in the future. Le Ann


Post by Guest » Thu May 20, 2010 4:55 pm

Thanks Gman9259 for more encouragement. I will try and apply what you are saying; it really shouldn't be that difficult as I have more riches than King Solomon in Christ my savior, my daughter, father and friends. No, these can never spoil fade or perish and are the very richest of our Fathers blessings-His only Son and the life He gave says it all! I am now going to contact you to hear about the church - Thanks brother.


Post by Guest » Sun May 23, 2010 6:57 pm

Hi Everyone :) :) :),
I have always believed with all of my heart that "blasphemy" is rejecting our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!!

In other words, having a stubborn heart and refusing to allow HIM to come inside of our hearts, clean them up and make us fit subjects for the Kingdom of Heaven!!!

We know that no "truly" born again Christian can blaspheme the Holy Spirit...Why??? Because whatever thoughts may pop into our minds are from Satan and HE is just trying to torment our minds because HE knows that we love Jesus with all of our hearts and that he cannot touch our souls!!! Nor can he harm one single hair on our heads!!!

The very best thing to do when these type of thoughts pop into a Christian's mind, is just to tell Satan to get behind you, and continue to plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth over your mind!!!

Jesus did not save our minds from sin!!! He saved our souls!!! Satan just loves tormenting God's little children and that is exactly what he is trying to do here!!!

Remember, when Jesus was up on that mountain for 40 days and nights!!! Look how Satan did our Savior!!! He even told HIM to make those stones turn into bread, if HE was God!!!

Our Savior was perfect in every way!!! He did not give into Satan..He said, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord, Thy God!!!"

We as children of the most High God have no reason to worry about the thoughts, which Satan tries to torment us with!!!

Our souls have been washed in HIS precious blood!!! Our souls have been made perfect forever, even forever and ever!!!

Our souls will go back to Christ when we die, because Jesus saved our souls from sin!!! We will be at perfect peace, and not have a care!!

There will always be sin in our flesh and that is why each of us must pay the sin debt (die)...If our flesh was perfect, then we would live forever and never die, nor would we ever be sick or afflicted in any way!!!

What we lost in Adam, we gained back in Christ!!! What did we lose in Adam because of sin??? We lost our natural lives!!! What did we gain back in Christ when He died on that old rugged cross for our sins??? We gained back what we lost in Adam and that is our natural lives!!!

If we did not love our Savior, then we would love these type of thoughts!!! Think about it, because this just makes common sense!!!

Because, we are His little ones, we hate these type of thoughts and Satan sure does love tormenting God's children in this manner!!!

I suggest that God's little children study the Word of God and use it against our adversary, Satan, when he tries to attack in this manner!!!

Satan has absolutely no power over any of God's little children, for the Bible says, "Greater is HE than is in us, than he who is in this world"...

I pray God blesses each of you with a wonderful night's rest, knowing that you were bought with a great price (the precious blood of Jesus), and nothing nor anyone can ever snatch any of us out of our Savior's hands!!!

We have much security in Christ Jesus!!! May God richly bless each of you is my prayer tonight and always...Much Love in Christ Jesus is being sent your way...Cloie


Post by Guest » Mon May 24, 2010 3:48 pm

Thank you very much sister T Bones. One thing will never change: the goodness of God's character; thank God for He is the great "I Am"! All of the true riches are found in Him and through His grace we are able to see it.
God richest to you sister; thanks for your prayers.

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