Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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Post by lateralus_jenn » Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:01 am

Posted July 17, 2008 12:37 PM
So, I've had panic/anxiety disorder for about 3 years now, and I thought perhaps I would make progress in dealing with it, but It seems as though it's just progressed into Obsessive thinking or Obsessive compulsive disorder. I read the thread where everyone was sharing the experiences with the "violent scary" thoughts, because I've been going through that recently and it's been Terrible, I had some of the worst anxiety attacks, and now I've become depressed. I felt that these thoughts were intrusive and so opposite to how I felt that I must be schizophrenic or crazy, being the Hypocondriach that I am I thought anything I did or maybe something that happened in the past maybe made me schizophrenic. I don't hear voices or anything, but my problem today was I woke up this morning after my alarm went off and of course I hit snooze, but i sort of drifted into a half sleep and had a mini dream, but what woke me up was a noise, I thought it was a voice for a second but thinking about it now that I'm obviously fully awake, it sounded more like my landlord upstairs moving a chair or something along the floor. This all probably sounds ridiculous but I freaked and wondered if I was a schizo, I just want some reassurance, Someone told me once that Schizophrenics don't usually realize they have a problem they need help realizing they do from an outside source. I just need reassurance, I'm getting anxious again and panicky, and the depression from the scary thoughts doesnt help either. please some help me!! I need some rationality


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:47 am

No, you are not schizophrenic. You never were and never will be. That voice that is scaring you is none other than yourself. You are reacting and that very reaction is what keeps that fear coming back and "seeming" so strong and loud.

Practice allowing these thoughts to come and go without your attachment to them. In other words, do not react to your thoughts. I know it's not easy at first but it gets easier as you continue practicing this. Start somewhere. Start now. Even if just for a moment everyday.

You'll need to find your funny bone and start laughing at this scare voice. It ALWAYS lies. Always. You are just in a habit of reacting. Now you are going to learn to not react. Be patient. Soothe yourself. Be kind to yourself. "Oh, it's just that scare voice. It always lies." Then keep busy in the present moment. Always bringing yourself back to the present and what you are doing.

Use your calm breath to slow yourself down. Breathe in, hold for four, and breathe out slowly. Start to think slower. Slow everything down. Use the breath to guide you.

Read <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> Great stuff and it will guide you to some very effective exercises.


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:04 am

You are not schizophrenic, most of us here have suffered the effects of scary thoughts. Youare an empathetic, sensitive person like myself and everyone else on here. I know exactly how you feel and as i recover from this, I want to help as many people as i can, to reassure them that they are ok. You are a great person, a loving individual. These thoughts are just that "thoughts" when you listen to the CD's you will here a gentleman talk about these thoughts. He said to himself, "Thoughts, only thoughts" and that's all they are. The more attention we give them the more they stick around. With all my heart I tell you that you are 100% ok, just got the habit of thinking these thoughts. You will get through them, PLEASE just try to divert yourself from them. I found the best way is to get absorbed into something else. For example, if you play an instrument, play that instrument and get absorbed by it. Before you know it, these thoughts will be less and less instrusive and eventually gone.

You have the power within you to do this and you will. I am confident in you!



Post by Guest » Thu Jul 17, 2008 1:27 pm


Great words from Boon. Zoe_M.

My two cents is that when my friend was going through his pure O thoughts, A Beautiful Mind was out. It is a movie about a genuine schzophrenic mathmetacian, John Nash. My friend was so scared HE was become schizo, he couldn't look at the movie posters in bus shelters (or anywhere eles.)


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 17, 2008 1:47 pm

thank you everyone for your replies.
Ever since the scary thoughts started I just kept getting it in my head that I was schizophrenic or something, and that became just as big a fear as the thoughts and images of hurting people I love. The thoughts of becoming a Schizophrenic would almost be just as intrusive, and because I'm always googling things, I would look up the symptoms from time to time, and then I'd freak out and wonder if some of the things I was doing were silimar. This morning when I was half asleep I think that should explain it all right there, I wasnt really awake, so even if I heard a noise that wasn't really there, That CAN happen when you're drifting into a dream. It's hard because I'll calm down and not worry, but then if I do something that i "think" is schizo-ish then I freak out again and get even more depressed. It's all very frustrating, but this does help, this forum and this site, I cant believe there's people dealing with the same problems, so thank you again, and please if you have any more advice I'd would be so appreciative of it.


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:41 pm

Hey, I was just going to tell you about that movie and couldn't think of the name. Just knew it was something about the mind so thanks Charlie Brown. I didn't really understand schizophrenia till I saw that movie. You are not schizo. You got scared like many of us did. As you do the program, you will get better..promise!!


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:28 am

One other piece of advice, is to not look up symptoms for obvious reasons. There will be a time when you can again, but for the time being don't bother. Try to just live your life the best you can, knowing that you have this nuisance of a habit. The habit will be broken and you will feel 100%, I promise you that. Also be patient with yourself, you are very empathetic and this means you take notice to your thinking and you are probably waiting to feel better. I find the less I wait to feel better and the more I just say, "Who cares how I feel, I will feel better when it's time", the less power these thoughts have. I want to develop something one day that will help in working these issues through. When we first get these thoughts we need outside reassurance that things will be ok. I found that getting family members to say loving things about you into a microphone and tape recording it was good for me. For example having my mother tell me and remind me that I am a good person. I found myself drifting back to when i was a little person and that brought a lot of relief. If you are embarrassed to ask for this from family, just say you need to hear it as it makes you feel better. They will be glad to help, im sure. It even helps to record your own voice and here yourself stating all the good things that you are about. Eventually, these thoughts will lose steam and you will be 100% again!

YOU are a great person, a wonderful person and very special. Don't forget this. I sort of think this happens to people because we are the way we are, but it also helps us grow and appreciate others much more.


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Joined: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:43 pm

Post by kyrissian » Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:08 am

Hey Jen! I really want u to call me if u ever need to. talking to someone else (me) could be so comforting. So, if u ever need to please don't hesitate!! :) I know it's weird to call a stranger but i totally go through the same exact stuff u do. Anyway, hope ur having a good weekend!

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