open space

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Post by wayneg » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:32 am

wonder if anyone has thoughts about open space and cant stop thinking about it please help me with this it bothers me to tears


Post by Guest » Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:56 am

when I was lightheaded and afraid, open spaces bothered me tremendously. I couldn't go outside without preparation. That's how afraid I was. As you go through the program you will start to release that fear. Do you have problems with being lightheaded or dizzy?


Post by Guest » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:18 pm

Hi Wayneg, I suffered from fear of open spaces for over 30 years. When I would have to walk in an open area, (actually anywhere that I didn't feel I could hold onto something or where nothing was on either side of me), I would get off balance and be terrified I was going to fall down or faint. Sometimes I felt I was stuck on the pavement and I could hardly put one foot in front of the other. I would try to avoid walking anywhere. Just getting out of my car at work and walking to the building was terrifying especially if there were people around because I thought they would notice I was apprehensive. Since completing this program, I can walk just about anywhere. Yes, at times I feel the fear again, but I keep reinforcing my positive thoughts and tell myself nothing is going to happen to me. I am okay and I can do it. I start thinking of other things. I also began to realize that if I could walk around my house, or walk down a corridor that was narrow and felt supportive on both sides, then there definitely was nothing physically wrong, it was absolutely an unrealistic fear. I think the open space made me feel very insecure. It went deeper than the open space itself, I feel it was my general feelings of insecurity manifesting as the inability to walk in an open area because I would have to be in control of myself with nothing to lean on. Pretty much the same as we get frightened about being alone or being responsible for ourselves. I want you to know that you can win this battle. You can find security once again in all aspects of your life and learn to be your safe person no matter what you have to do, be it alone or with someone else. We are very strong people and through some hard work and the program, you will discover how much you can accomplish on your own. I am living proof that you can do this!!

I wish you much luck on your journey, as you learn that changing your thoughts will change your life.



Post by Guest » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:25 pm

That was very well said, Donna. :)


Post by Guest » Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:54 pm

Thanks, Dee Dee! When I read this original post, I couldn't help but respond because I know the frustration of this particular symptom. I just wanted to explain how after a lot of soul searching I found the deeper rooted cause for it.

Thanks again, Donna

mountain girl
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Joined: Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:17 pm

Post by mountain girl » Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:24 am

thank you donna yesterday i took my son hes 2 to the park and there is a huge soccer field ofcourse i felt sad because i thought about when i was in highschool i played soccer but anyway i looked around it botherd me but i prayed in the middle of the field for peace from this but i try to put myself out there feel the feelings hoping it goes away well anyway thanks again its just good to know that u arent the only one wayne


Post by Guest » Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:39 am

Hi Wayneg, This is quite an accomplishment! You stood on that field and felt the feelings and didn't run from them. I understand how you felt thinking you used to get out there and play soccer with none of these fears, but try not to dwell on that. This is in the past and you can stay in the now and get back that freedom to do anything you want to without the fear. Don't run and don't fight. Stay in the moment and you'll feel peace. God has equipped you with all the strength you need. It is yours for the asking as you found out yesterday! Keep on doing the program and believe in yourself. I can see you are on your way to living the life you deserve.

Warm wishes, Donna

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