obsessive thinking

Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
Holly J
Posts: 367
Joined: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:22 pm

Post by Holly J » Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:04 am

i have learned to control my panic when i worry but i have not learned to control my obsessive thinking. my obsessive thinking still gets to me. . I hate it. i hate obsessing over dumb things. Has anyone recovered from their obsessive thinking and how so? any advice? I feel like im gonna go crazy with my thinking. It's not healthy for me tom think likethis.
"Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)"


Post by Guest » Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:11 am

Hi Holly. I have the same problem with obsessive negative thoughts. It is always the same thoughts and they are totslly irrational.
They just get me down and angry. I have not leaarnd how to control them yet. Hopefully soon.


Post by Guest » Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:08 am

Mine too are usually the same thoughts. I have many and i reuse them lol. I go through these dumb phases. this one has lasted for months and i really hate it. I want ot learn to control my irrational thoughts. They're not so much what if i get a panic attack while i am out. . . its more like what if i go crazy, stop breathing/swallowing, kill myself . . and the last one i know in my heart and soul i never would but the obsessive thoughts make me doubt myself and not believe in me.


Post by Guest » Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:24 am

Hi Holly. I also have thoughts that pop up out of no where and they scare me to death sometimes. I found this link and it makes sense, but it takes preactice. The link is
<A HREF="http://www.panic-and-anxiety-attacks.co ... ughts.html" TARGET=_blank>http://www.panic-and-anxiety-attacks.co ... ts.html</A>
maybe this will help you as well.


Post by Guest » Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:09 am

Holly J, I don't think that you have to learn to control them. We all have that kind of behavior because of too much control and principles in our lives.
We have to learn to live with them without fear, to accept them and eventually they will fade away. Soon after I realized this I see some good changes, but it needs practice. So all we need is constancy and patience.


Post by Guest » Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:28 am

Holly, I read your post and I can relate to you so well. I don't think I have an anxiety attack, but I start to cry and can't stop thinking about how much I hate myself and wish I were dead. I also re-use the same thoughts (sometimes throw a new one in). I am sorry for you and your pain, but it helps to know that I am not the only one like this. I was wondering if you are any anti-depressants, I am and thought that maybe that is part of this hell.


Post by Guest » Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:38 pm

I am not on any anti-depressants. I used to be. . Celexa did make me feel weird for sure and so did paxil. . . It could be your anti-depressant or it may just be your anxiety. . talk to your dr or psychiatrist ? ?


Post by Guest » Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:17 pm

I have obsessive thoughts as well but I am sure i can get you all to LAUGH! I have obsessive SONGS playing in my head... When I am more anxious my mind never shuts down. I wake up in the morning with different songs playing in my head. This morning just happened to be I feel good by James Brown. At least my mind picks some good ones and you would think they would make me feel better but NO! It gets in the way of my positive dialogue I am supposed to be practicing the 1st week.
The road to recovery is long but not dull...


Post by Guest » Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:35 pm

I am also in the same boat. The obsessive thinking drives me crazy. I too know I would never kill myself but often worry about it as a way to just stop all the thoughts! I feel like I cannot enjoy life, I can be in any situation and something will strike in my mind that will worry me sick. I started the prgram when I was 8 months pregnant, but have since had my youngest, bought a house, and have finally mostly settled in. Trying to restart the program but am finding it difficult to do with three children. I am lucky if i am in clean clothes with my teeth brushed each day!


Post by Guest » Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:37 am

The problem with obsessive thought's is that you wish that it is something material so you can push it away, The only thing that faces thought are thoughts themselves, don't ever think that you will just SNAP out of it cause you will feel so down when they come back, it's very easy to get use to them by time and they will not effect you, the esiest level of obsession is tohught, its the start of ocd that leads to rituals.
we humans have ups and downs, and specially ocd people wants perfection and think that they are odd to have these thought, well, every single humans feels what you do somehow but by different things.
I used to have anxiety over thinking that If I dont do the ritual I will be stuck in this thought forever and even AFTER death I will take it to grave, this caused me a major panic attack that I couldnt sleep that day, that was 2 years ago and untill now I think about it but it never effects me anymore, enjoying life yes and always saying that if I dont have it I will have a perfect life, WHICH DOESNT EXIST cause if it's gone these feelings will go to another thing..well maybe global warming or obsessing over any other thing, its a fact that each human being has obsessive habits, or else you wont see smokers. but the levels of each differs and the way others consentrate varies.
I've felt that Ive been into the deepest parts of obsession and no one ever knows about it.
anxiet is the fuel, was escaping the anxious thought by making things that allow me to escape from anxiety, to discover the hard way that I was just running away, it was like taking pain killers for your broken arm and not seeing a doctor for it. I just allowed the thoughts in there casue it is their place and every human has these thought and stopped being sensitive about it, to just realise that they are equal to the good thoughts, after that you will learn where to look, inside your brain there is dark places and light places, it's cool to be in them all.
you dont have to fight or do anything trust me, by time you will know that you are normal as you are and thank god that you have feelings to think, there's people out there that are drained from feelings and you cant count them as humans, at least you're feeling something.
and if you believe in god you should know that this life is not whats important, and we're not living forever here. it's the end what's important.
ok im so sorry for the long msg hehehehe

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