Health anxiety

Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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Post by lucie » Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:19 am

My health anxiety has really kicked up this month, seemed to start with my hormones. The pure o has increased so much so that I have skipped to the obsessional thinking session to really get a hold on it. I'll completely focus on something like a mole on my body and think there's something seriously wrong with me that I go into a panic. For the last week when I have an anxiety attack, I seem to hold my breath unintentially and it leads to a pink spot/rash on my chest that disappears in about an hour. Last night it seemed like my whole neck and chest got pink/red which completely increased my anxiety. Has anyone ever had this? I might have all along and now I notice it more with my obsessing. Yikes! I know I need to break the cycle, relaxation worked last night and this morning. Of course, the rash is gone as well.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:21 am

Yes, I have that same way of thinking. I obsess over changes on my body as well, until my husband or daughter tell me, "That's always been there". I find myself holding myself tightly or holding the arms of the chair that I'm sitting in very tightly. I try not to do this. I break up my thoughts now by kindly speaking to myself like Lucinda suggests and diverting my thoughts elsewhere. It helps to talk to others around me on a topic of their choice. I do yoga in the morning before work, in the evening before bed and I take a brisk 20-30 minute walk every day at lunch to help me cope with anxiety. I also have a professional massage every week and my husband gives me one when I ask. I also find that I practice the breathing technique subconsciously. These are things that really help me to regain my sense of relaxation and it interferes with the obsessive thinking.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:33 am

Last night it seemed like my whole neck and chest got pink/red which completely increased my anxiety. Has anyone ever had this?
Yes, I get this and it scares me. I "think" it happens to me when my blood pressure is high with an anxiety attack.

Although flushing (which is what this is called) is a symptom of anxiety.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:44 am

Thank you both so much, you totally hit on things I need to focus on. I really appreciate it. I did yoga last night and it really seems to help. My family also points out that "That's been there all the time!" My family has been good at keeping me grounded. Through the program and my physician, at least now I have a diagnosis. I'll try more frequent yoga and relaxation. Thanks also for letting me know that 'flushing' is normal. This helps. My health anxiety has been bad for the last 9 months, I miscarried in May and that's when it took off. The flushings obviously from the anxiety.


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:28 am

95% of my anxiety is health-related. Whenever I feel the least bit different it gets me going. I have been feeling really bad lately and don't know if it's my anxiety causing the symptoms or something is wrong. I hate feeling anything out of the ordinary. And I work in a hospital which is very hard! My two biggest fears are having an allergic reaction (throat closing) and having appendicitis or other similar abdomen problem. I don't know why these two affect me so much. I hate feeling ill in general. This affects me every single day. I was doing good for months now it's back. Ahhh. Can anyone relate?


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 21, 2008 7:44 am

95% of my anxiety is health-related. Whenever I feel the least bit different it gets me going. I have been feeling really bad lately and don't know if it's my anxiety causing the symptoms or something is wrong. I hate feel

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Joined: Mon Apr 02, 2007 7:00 pm

Post by Iwillbeatthis » Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:28 am

I can relate to all of this. I am amazed at what I will do to myself. I have had a side ache the last couple days on and off,,,and I have become parnoid about it. I am scared to not go to the doctors but, also scared to go because I am afraid he will just look at me and say,,,You, again. Its so hard to differentiate between real symptoms or symptoms of anxiety. I feel like I am going crazy with this at times.
~ Smile; it's contagious! ~

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