Troubling revelation

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Post by JoeM » Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:57 am

Hello all,
I've been struggling with ocd, anxiety, worry and fear for probably 30 + years now. I have actively tried to battle this horror with medication & psychologists. It all has gotten worse and is very difficult to handle at times.
I am in my second weak of the program and find it to be enlightening but also a little stressfull. I have also started going to an OCD specialist at Mass General Hospital. I seriously need to recover because this is ruining my life and has robbed me of many precious moments that I will never get back.
The troubling revelation that I recently had worries me because I realized that I am afraid to recover and sometimes don't want to because I feel like my worrying keeps my fears at bay and if I stop or if I recover then all of my fears will come true and just come rushing at me. It's as if I think that by me worrying has some power over the dillusional thoughts. This is very tough for me to swallow. I know it's ridiculous but any insight is welcome. Thank you & bless you.


Post by Guest » Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:06 am

You are absolutely on the right program. Your revelation is handled in later sessions. It's called Secondary Gain. You will achieve all the building blocks to getting there by working all your sessions, as the program intends you to do, one week at a time, and DO YOUR HOMEWORK and DON'T FORGET TO JOURNAL!!!!!!!!!!
You are going to love this program. Stay with it.


Post by Guest » Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:01 am

Thank you for the response.I am committed to recovering and look forward to it because I believe it will happen as hard as it may be.
Thanks for the encouragement.


Post by Guest » Thu Sep 18, 2008 4:16 am

Hi Joe.....hang in there! It takes time and patience but this program is so worth it. I too have been to psychologist for insight and "digging" until we get to the underlying problem. I'm not sure that this practise hurt more than it helped. Some of my anxiety and obsessions were kept alive by my desperation to to find the core root of the problem, week after week. I had the tendency to over analyze every possibility and drive myself crazy. Pescos is right on target when she tells you each session is a building block to recovery. Homework is so important and reviewing the cd's as you progress is a good practise as well. Good luck with this .... you are so motivated and you sound solid with your committment to recovery. I'm so much better than I was 3 months ago, have a ways to go, but for me, recovery is the journey and the date of my cure is open-ended. I no longer put a time limit on my success. Don't get me wrong...I'm not totally happy when my symptoms are stronger some days, but I am learning to accept and float with with them. I now view these days as practise using my skills and that each of these days will bring me closer to full recovery. This helps.

p.s...I'm from the Boston area as well....we are very fortunate to be surrrounded with contemporay therapies in the major teaching hospitals like MGH. I wish you the best with the program and your OCD therapist!


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Post by tina20 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:45 am

Hi!! Joe M . I'm just feel like you and sidd. I've been axiety for at least 25 years with better and worse days. But no again the anxiety hit me when I couldn't start a education because of my anxiety. I feel something is wrong with me not physically because I think I should be calm and glad but most of the time goes to figure out why I feel like this instead of focusing of living. I'm always analyzing myself and think everyone is better than me. I always critizies myself and what I do, Now I wait for the programme and I hope so much it will help. I wich you all the best and hope that we hear from each other soon again.


Post by Guest » Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:36 pm

Hello is on its way to you. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.


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Post by epa » Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:39 pm

Hello!! I just find out that I'm not able to buy the programme because I lived in Sweden and I was said about that. I can just get small lessons on the computer but I want to have the hole programme because I must do something about my anxiety who works and the programme sounds very good. Anyone who know what to do? Now I hope everyone have a fine day because we are worth it.
ATTITUDE -- The mind is like a doesn't work unless it's open!!


Post by Guest » Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:50 am

Thank you all again for your support.


Post by Guest » Fri Sep 19, 2008 4:27 am

Hi Joe and everyone, I completed the program in October 2006 after living with anxiety for 35 years. In the last stage of it, before getting this program I got to the point I couldn't drive anywhere nor could I even leave the house. Also this time of year my allergies to ragweed & dust is so high that even those would kick my anxiety levels to all time records. Right before I started the program, I had the fear of what would happen if I was well again? Could I deal with it? A ton of what if's went thru my head.

I stumbled on this program, did it in 15 weeks via the online version which can be found here:

<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A>

Nowdays? I'm fine, normal anxiety like every other human being on this earth, no panic attacks in over a year, and honestly I feel good every day including right now even though my allergies from the above are beyond belief.

The fear about what would happen if I did successfully complete the program and what would happen afterwards? Gone! I'm now back to work, drive where and when I want to, work when I want to, go out of the house or stay home when I want to, and the anxiety...if it starts to rear it's ugly head I tell it to come back tomorrow and we'll talk about it then which 'then' rarely happens because I've forgotten about it by tomorrow (or it forgot about me and moved on).

The best advice I, as a veteran of the program, can give to all of you is to keep working the program, don't get hung up on any one lesson for more than a week, and always keep moving forward. Each lesson builds on the previous one so if you stumble or aren't sure of one particular lesson it will be reviewed again further into the program you can be sure of that.

Take care and literally do the program..."slow and easy, but keep moving forward each day".


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