needing encouragement badly

Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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Post by diva » Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:42 am

I just want to cry right now. My obsessing just keeps getting worse. I'm drained from the contant spikes in my anxiety and trying to talk myself down. Its exhausting. Lately its been that I fear the TV or radio talking sounds "strange" to me and so I start obsessing about the sounds. I feel like I am going crazy with the anxiety. I don't know if this is part of dissassociation or what it is that I am experiencing. I have done this before and yes it passed but right now it is like I am so focused on the sounds and keep obsessing over it. I am feeling really helpless right now....and exhausted the fight. Has anyone experience anything somewhat similar or can you give me some encouragement?


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:00 am

DIva, I'm sorry I can't relate to what you are going through. I read your post and wanted to tell you I'd be thinking of you and praying for you. Hang in there and keep up the good fight. This too shall pass.... Beverly


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:16 am

Hello diva,
I wanted to let you know that I'm sorry your feeling this way. I also had a bad morning obessing over guilt and what if thinking from years ago. I too wanted to cry. I tried to use + self talk just didn't seem believable. Instead I called a good friend who helped me see my many blessings in my life and a little humor. I know we are supposed to be our own safe place and person but its hard. It might help to go for a walk or a good run if the weather is nice. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers for the day. Good luck


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:54 am

Diva - You are resisting the obsessive thoughts. Let go of the resistance and you let go of your misery. Allow the thoughts to come and go. It's no big deal. (And, in truth, it really is no big deal!) Let the thoughts come and go. You don't have to give them any attention. Stay focused on the present moment. Get busy with life and simply let the thoughts be there. You are reacting and nothing more. You really are your own safe place. You just haven't realized it, yet. Keep practicing. Be patient. It will come.

Healing is when you can have those very same thoughts running around in your head without you becoming emotionally attached to them. You then realize that you don't have the thoughts as often (if at all) and that they never were real to begin with.

Stop reacting and start embracing what you don't like. You'll see a big difference in how you feel.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:05 am

Diva, I've very much missed seeing you post. I always saw you as a very strong young woman. I know you still are. It's deep within you, the strength, it will come up again.

Can you keep the TV and radio off? Can you put on relaxing music, go for a walk or run as someone else said? For some reason, this humidifier in our liv.rm. the sound really gets to me. My husband hasn't noticed and turned it back on yet. For whatever reason that causes me anxiety so I do know what you mean by certain sounds. Maybe God is calling you to time alone with him instead of the Tv or radio. I also get bothered when the fan in the car is on high too long. It's not the heat as much as the noise. Who knows why we're affected by these things but we need to distract ourselves or do whatever we can to feel better. I pray you're feeling better now in Jesus name. Please come back on to let us know how you're doing.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:07 am

Ugh! Thank you so much guys. Feeling better already. I do need to stop resisting...I needed that reminder. I might need to be reminded 10 more times but whatever :p

It always seems easier for me to give someone else this advice too until its your own emotional attachment :o


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:13 am

Hi Barb,

How nice to hear all that from you. Thanks! I have also in the past been affected by A/C noise etc so whew! thanks for sharing. A therapist a long time ago told me it was the anxiety throwing my perceptions off. Sometimes I just cannot seem to calm myself. I was doing good for a while until after the holidays and the loneliness of my breakup really set in. Oh yeah and I had some bad experiences right before the anxiety really kicked in. A cab driver on NYE tried to take advantage of my tippsiness and ask for a kiss when he dropped me off last. Gross! Then some guy I was talking to through some dating site sent me a disturbing picture of himself naked. And, my ex called....again. Guess it was the icing on the cake to throw me off. Thanks again Barb. You'll probably see me a little more often now :p


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