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Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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Joined: Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:31 pm

Post by Crusher19 » Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:46 pm

My name is Crusher19, I have been going though anxiety and depression, and severe OCD for the last eight years. It started when i had bad thoughts and words would come into my head and i had to say them no matter how bad the word(s) were or i felt guilty if i did not say them and i mainly had to say them to my wife (girlfriend at that time) because i was with her, but once the words were said a wieght of relief was lifted from me until the next word came up. My wife was the one who told me i needed help. Thats when i started to get help and was diagnoised with severe OCD. A psychologists prescribed a med called luvox and i had an adverse reaction to the medication, which has left me with tick like movements and speech problems. over the past few years my anxiety and depression have gotten worse where i have been hospitalized..i have tryied Mcleans OCD instutute for a couple of months in patient. was alot better, however, the past year my anxiety and OCD have gotten worse were i have been claimed disabled through the state of MA. I no longer can work at this time, i isolate myself mainly from anyone one other than "my safe zones, or friends/ family" which is not much at all. My anxiety even with family/friends i find myself having to leave. i find a negitive for everything, no matter what it is. MY OCD and my aniexty push through all the time. It is time for me to stop running i am tired of it,if anyone wants to share experiences, thoughts, please reply... i have used the chat and so far people have been there to support and answer any questions i have... Thank you.. Crusher19.


Post by Guest » Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:02 am

Oh (((((((((crusher))))))
I am sorry to hear you suffered with this crap for so long. I too have ocd, More the obsessive part than the compulsive but DEF have my compulsive moments for sure. In fact whenever I am nervous i bite on my fingers. I have done this since 4th grade and now i am 23. Everyone always says whats wrong with your knuckles wah wah wah im like leave me alone! lol. What you sais about you thinking a word and than having to say it . i understand. can you elaborate some more. I think I used to do this too. You dont have to live like this the rest of your life and you wont. You seem like you want to get better and are doing something about it. good luck and keep me posted

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