meds and ocd

Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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Posts: 33
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:20 am

Post by lucie » Mon May 12, 2008 4:10 am

Hi there,
Has anyone had any luck with meds for obsessive thoughts? I've only tried Xanax, as a past experience with Paxil was unsuccessful. Currently pregnant, so I do have limitations, but looking for suggestions since the program doesn't seem to be helping me much with these.


Post by Guest » Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:44 pm

Hey Lucie,

I am new to the program, so I am hoping to get and give support. I have experienced depression, anxiety & ocd related problems for about 6 years now. I have seen several therapists which initially got me from thinking suicidal, and have been on meds and am currently while working through my issues with my regular Pysch. Dr.

I am not sure what your particular problem is, but I had to try several different med's before finding one that worked best for me, which is Fluvoxamine. It targets ocd related issues and doesn't leave you with still feeling depressed. I have discussed with my Dr. pregnancy related situation-at the time my husband and I were trying, and there was no documentation stating that it was a harmful drug during pregnancy until late in the third tri. My Dr. said it was better to stay on it than not for my well being if I did get pregnant. Not sure where you are due date-wise in relation to your posting?

I hope you stick with the program to try to help yourself as I am. I am not a patient person so I have to try not to expect instant results without giving it a chance, as I cannot continue living with my ocd/bdd condition-I hate it!

Chat in the future if you'd like.
Best Wishes!

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