Does anxiety damage the brain?

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Holly J
Posts: 367
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Post by Holly J » Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:45 pm

I feel like when my mind races (which has been happening a lot lately. I cant seem to quiet my mind. Its feels uncontrolable. I Feel like I am going crazy when this happens. I don't even know what thoughts race in my head thats how weird it is. . But I am afraid that my obsessive scary thoughts that race in my head and anxiety are damaging my brain which will cause me to lose my mind. . This worries me. Do panic attacks, panicky feeling, ocd and anxiety damage our brains?? I'm just scared this will make me go crazy. . or is this just another obsessive thought? Can anyone relate?
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Post by pecos » Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:52 am

Holly, there are some really good papers and reports about this and related measurable changes to the brain after long periods of depression, too. Loma Linda Medical University and USC have really good medical libraries. They have very first class research studies. You aren't going crazy. But we all do need to recognize our negative thinking and long periods of stress and depression aren't helping our brains function at their optimum. Don't obsess about it, just learn more about the actual research. That kind of knowledge helps me to motivate not to keep doing the stuff that makes me miserable. We can do this, and no, we aren't going crazy. We are getting better. :)

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Post by FrancesL » Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:52 am


I have worried this same thing. No it will not make you go crazy.

What session are you on? Lucinda talks about this. That was one of her biggest fears was that she was going to go crazy/lose her mind. She dealt with it for a long time before learning the skills to overcome this and did not lose her mind or go crazy.

Sometimes the feelings can be so intense that you FEEL like you are crazy, or out of reality. I have experienced this and it always goes away when I calm down. I have also had days where I had high anxiety for much of the day and it didn't pass right away, or I would get waves of it. The longer you stay on the program the less and less you will have this. Stick with it! Do not lose hope. Tomorrow is another day! "Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning."

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Post by KRISTEN » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:21 am

NO, It will not damage your brain. However the stress levels are not good for body. So you need to take a stress vitamin to put back in what the stress is taking out. Always remember to eat healthy and take your vitamins. Mind and body go hand in hand.

Holly J
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Post by Holly J » Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:42 am

Thank you all for your great replies! Kristen, I went to an herbalist a few days ago and started taking herbal supplements for my anxiety and hormonal issues. . I am on session 5 Frances. I cannot wait to be on the sessions that deal with "what if thinking" and "obsessive scary thoughts" because those are the ones that I deal with. I REALLY hate getting depersonalization/derealization. . I was doing good with it for a while and floated with it. I still do float with it. . But because now my thing is that I am afraid of going crazy the DP/DR really frighten me. . . Pecos I will research it. . Although I find when i research stuff i get more anxious. . Thank you for the positive posts everyone!
"Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)"

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Post by pecos » Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:51 am

Holly, please don't worry about research if it makes you more anxious. Just realize that every time you work through your sessions and get a better handle on your own thinking, you are doing your self esteem, your body, and your brain a huge favor. You are doing just fine! Pecos

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Post by Faith_TX » Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:38 am


I am reading a book called Freedom from Fear and it is written by a medical doctor and he explains how/why anxiety won't make you "crazy" which I'm trying slowly to believe. ;)

Because, ironically, if I could stop worrying about going crazy, my anxiety would probably go away because that is my main fear. That and taking medication (because I feel like it could make me feel out of control and crazy ha!)

Let me know about the herbs. I've wanted to try that but I've been too afraid.

I do watch my diet and eat less sugar and refined carbs though and try to keep my blood sugar regulated and that helps a lot.

This week is my PMS week so it's more difficult but every day is a new day. :)
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~~ Ronald Reagan

Holly J
Posts: 367
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Post by Holly J » Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:59 pm

Oh Faith lol we have the same fears. Mine are going crazy AND taking medication BECAUSE I am afraid they ill make me lose control or go crazy. . This is my pms week too. actually i get it for 2 weeks YAY!!! I will let you know about the herbs and i am going to a book store today to check out that book!! Thank you Faith!!
"Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)"

Holly J
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Post by Holly J » Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:01 pm

. . and thank you Pecos again for being so positive. I need as much of that as possible!!
"Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)"

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Post by Onix » Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:34 am

Hi Holly J :)

You will newer go crazy, that is a fact. Anxiety can't damage your brain that's a fact. You can only loose your concentration when feeling anxious, and that improves when you are more relaxed. I suffer from intrusive thoughts and anxiety and it was so bad about a year and half ago, that I didn't sleep for 5 days and I was shure that I am loosing my mind, and that I will die. But today I am almost cured, I still have the thoughts somethimes, but it can't compare to condition I was in a year ago. I am not anxious anymore and I feel good most of the time. So it can definetley get alot better. Don't be afraid of going crazy because its just a feeling that is not acurate. And there has never been a case of someone loosing their sanity because of anxiety. Hope you feel better soon.

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