Weird Thoughts Anyone?

Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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Post by ambrosine » Sat Jun 16, 2007 6:52 am

Well ive written here before: my symptoms started after taking progesterone for fertility reasons. After withdrawing from them, i started to get these weird symptoms.
How can i explain this. I have obsessive thinking and thoughts of devils: If i see the word satan, or anything around this, my thoughts immediately go to that subject: Example is.... a weird noise that i might hear i will then think of that subject.

Sorry i cant elaborate too much, as it happening now, and it scary.

I know that im not going mad, and that this has only happened since the withdrawal of hormones, but...its still ocd thoughts, and i know that someone here can help me...

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Post by Cariadlawn » Sat Jun 16, 2007 9:35 am

I'm afraid the only help I can offer is to say that I have had similar experiences, although I never had hormone treatments. I've had obsessive thoughts about Satan as well, and I think for me it was because I had a very strict religious upbringing, and I worried that I would do something I knew was evil (i.e. like or even worship Satan). For a while I had a lot of trouble listening to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody because of this! I am pretty certain I've seen someone else on the forum who had disturbing thoughts after hormone treatments though...hopefully she'll see your post and respond!

For now, just remind yourself that they are only thoughts. You are not losing your mind. Many other people have gone through the same thing, and they didn't go crazy, lose control, or run off and become devil worshippers. Rather than concentrating on the thoughts and letting them scare you, try to dismiss them as soon as they enter your mind. Do you have the tapes, or are you signed up for the online program? If so, maybe try the relaxation exercise, or concentrate on your breathing. Until you find out how to really confront the problem, maybe it would help to avoid certain books, movies, songs or whatever where the subject may pop up.

I hope someone else will offer some insight, as I've only just started the program. I know how scary and bothersome this can be - you're not alone!

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Post by ambrosine » Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:23 am

thank you for your reply, that makes me feel so much sorry for your problems, and i hope that you are feeling slightl better and more in control.

A x

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Post by jimidharma » Fri Jun 22, 2007 6:05 pm

wow! i forgot,, that was probably my first set of thoughts i couldn't control! i was about 7 or 8 when that started,,, it was right after i saw the ghostbusters 2, everytime i thought of them for some reason, it would trigger thoughts of the devil, and it would tear me up.. it was scary,, i remember it took a while.. but anxiety changes forms over and over, i guess it never quite leaves us though.

Deb 45
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Post by Deb 45 » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:38 am

Hey there,

I can relate big time. When I get really stressed, I start obsessing about stuff like this. My big one lately is blasphemous thoughts. One in particular, and I will share it because it holds far too much power if I feel afraid to share. I think f*** God. That terrifies me. And it happens over and over. The good old not good enough for God thoughts. There is a lot going on in my life right now. I'm stressed, tired, and overworked for one. Point is, I don't think there is just one reason for the stress, but I know that when I DO get stressed, expect these thoughts.

So I take comfort in that. At least I know it will get better.

Also, figure out a way to take away the power of the thought. For example, with your fear of the devil...maybe picture God throwing a lightning bolt at a little red person sitting on your shoulder. It squeaks, and falls off.

Or if humor doesn't seem to work, ask God about it. He's the one who is in charge of all that stuff. Its pretty likely that if you're on this site, you're a pretty nice person, so you're probably not on the fast track to the fiery place.

Share the thoughts with us. That also takes away power. Its when you feel they can't be shared that they take way too much power.

Hope that helps. There does come a time when they don't bug you so much. They haven't gone away for me, they just aren't so scary anymore. I just think 'oh, I'm having scary thoughts again.' And I just keep going. Once you know what they mean its a big help.



MS. LaDyBuGg
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Post by MS. LaDyBuGg » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:58 pm

Hi!! i agree with everyone that has had things to say on this topic. My weird, scary thoughts are very extreme...especially at nights. That's one reason I have a hard time sleeping at nights. I sleep with our bedroom door closed. My thoughts are bloody, of hurting another, and sometimes I see or hear someone else in my house. BUT!! I find it hard to leave my house.

My thoughts now are making me feel like there's no-one else that's this extreme. I am sometimes scared to tell anyone of anything I'm going thru

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Post by bryanwithay22 » Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:38 am

Originally posted by MS. LaDyBuGg:
Hi!! i agree with everyone that has had things to say on this topic. My weird, scary thoughts are very extreme...especially at nights. That's one reason I have a hard time sleeping at nights. I sleep with our bedroom door closed. My thoughts are bloody, of hurting another, and sometimes I see or hear someone else in my house. BUT!! I find it hard to leave my house.

My thoughts now are making me feel like there's no-one else that's this extreme. I am sometimes scared to tell anyone of anything I'm going thru
Hey i feel the same i dont like to tell people my thoughts all of them anyway becaus ei feel like i am crazy and i dont want people to thoughts are being fraid of losing it or being split personality, and the wierdest one i cant even explain i guess just overall being crazy....i had it real bad at one time and then manage to climb out of it and now i have sunk back into it again....not sure how i let myself do that, but since i got out before i can get out again....what are your thoughts about if you dont mind me asking?

MS. LaDyBuGg
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Post by MS. LaDyBuGg » Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:03 pm

hello bryanwithay22
Yes, I too am afraid of others finding out of my "scary, weird" thoughts. I try often to keep them to myself...but it gets overwhelming sometimes. I am trying to keep myself busy so these thoughts won't come into play...but because of my physical's hard. Lately I'm fearing very much going to bed..., I'm sleeping very lightly...and hear everything! By morning I am still tired...but happy that it's morning. Bryan...somehow, someway...(hoping) this will all pass.

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Post by zephyrdoe » Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:46 am

I have thoughts of all kinds. Sexual, blasphemous, just weird--you name it. Usually, I'd think of someone's name or something I'm preoccupied with, and it would mix with different terms and bits of phrases and whatnot. I would have a lengthy conversation with someone and then have thoughts about having sex with them. I would hear gospel music and in place of "Jesus" or "God," I'd think someone's name or something else that's on my mind a lot--either that, or I'd have weird thoughts about God and/or Jesus. And more recently, I've had thoughts about hurting and killing people.

This is part of the reason why I don't go out walking like I used to. Everytime I'd start walking, my mind would be like a radio out of tune, and I'd get bombarded with a mixture of things. Sometimes it gets so bad that I want to cry.

This has also kept me out of church. But for many years, I never told my family because I thought they wouldn't understand. So every time I wanted to stay home from church, everyone thought I was just making up lame excuses to backslide. I'm still a chronic backslider to this day, mainly because of these thoughts, but also more recently because I have a not-so-traditional belief system when it comes to God and religion, and I fear that if I go to church, I'll feel like an outcast.

For a long time, because of these thoughts and because of my mood swings, I thought that I might have had bipolar disorder. But when I started therapy a year ago, my therapist told me I might have OCD.

I just keep thinking about something Lucinda Bassett said on the first tape about anxiety--that it's a control issue. And I keep thinking to myself that I'm only having these thoughts because I think I'm losing control and that I really don't think or want to do these things. I've also been using the self-talk methods from session 3 to deal with these thoughts.
"You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body."--C.S. Lewis

"You can't change where you came from, but you can change where you are going."

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Post by MelMbrsl75 » Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:37 am

I used to have scary thoughts about God and I am a strong Catholic. This program helps you work through it. I know with me I stopped obsessing with these bad thoughts about God and than I started in with a new obbsession, I know it is hard, but follow through and this program is awesome!

Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow. ~Dan Rather

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