Blasphemous thoughts - please help!!

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Post by sheeeovercomes » Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:03 pm

I truly thought I was alone when it came to this. I would have them when I was younger but dismissed them and they really came head on when I read about the unpardonable sin. I thought that I had committed it and that there was no way I would be accepted into the gates of Heaven. I panicked. Thought I was going crazy. Couldn't focus in school or didnt want to do anything because I was a bad person. The more I didnt want to think about those evil thoughts the more they came. But then I realized that God understands that my heart is good and although I'm having a hard time accepting it HE UNDERSTANDS. It's not about how I feel but more about what is the truth. And the truth is in His word. It's hard. You feel as if there are two people inside you and sometimes you feel that these are secret desires but in the end you just have to go by his word. He promised that He has prepared a place for me and that He will never leave or forsake me. I think by fearing to commit the sin my mind brought up all these possibilities and now they are stuck in my head. But I love God and I know He is merciful and forgiving. I know they will come. But I just dismiss them and keep living. Get your health back. Get your life back. Go to church and keep doing things that will please Him. At the end of the day it doesnt matter what people think but what He knows. God bless and I know you all will get through this. It takes time and God is patient.

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Post by Karl815 » Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:51 pm

Worrywoman - I believe there is only one way to keep these thoughts from constantly bothering you. And that is to KNOW, that no matter what you think, you cannot escape God's love and grace. God atoned for you Worrywoman, and everyone, when Christ was sacrificed. There is NOTHING any of us can do to change this reconciliation. It is done. Jesus said it best, "It is Finished"!

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Post by Worrywoman » Sat Nov 21, 2009 1:22 pm

Thank you, Karl, it's just the very instant it happens I become so scared and when I keep going on allowing the thoughts I feel like I am giving in to them and that I am really "saying" them. In a way I feel like I am a truly horrible person by letting them happen. This is such a vicious cycle, but I know The Lord knows me more than I can ever understand or imagine, Faith is our ultimate remedy! Bless you all.

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Post by guardedheart » Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:09 pm

I am really glad I googled this tonight and found this thread. This was an answer to prayer praise the Lord :) I would like to tell my story on this.

I have been struggling with blasphemous thoughts. It started when I rededicated my life to the Lord about a year and a half ago. I had a more grown up understanding of God and had a longing and an ache to learn more and get to know Him. Things were rosy and great for the first 6 months. Then one day, I was reading the bible and I got to the verse about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit being the only unforgivable sin. Almost immediately the thought "F**** God" popped in my head. I will never forget the physical, pit sinking feeling that came over my body the moment it happened. My sight started to go black. I had never experienced anything like that in my life. Does this sound like a panic attack?

So after this happened, I freaked myself out, asked for forgiveness and that was it. And that's when the cycle started. I started to think to myself "please don't think an evil thought" and then boom, an evil thought came. It goes on and on like this all day everyday for me.

There have been times i thought i must be a child of the devil, i am crazy, maybe i am being possessed, maybe because of this God will change His mind about loving me. How could God love me when I do this to Him?

Today... I had a revelation, thanks to God and to my good online Christian friend who i told about my problem (I am so ashamed I dont tell anyone about this). I told my friend today and she unveiled a simple truth to me.

I would not be having these thoughts if the devil's evil in this world hadn't planted the seed for them. We, human beings only know what we know. We know whats in this world... and some of us are blessed and know God, who is not of this world. We know that all good comes from God and all evil comes from satan. These thoughts wouldnt be even considered if evil was not in this world. Do you see what i mean?

Its like when people lust, and they have a problem with it, and OCD problem with it.... Lust wouldnt even be an emotion if evil wasnt in this world!!

We wouldnt even have bad words to say, we wouldnt even know what a bad word is. Fear? What fear? we wouldnt have fear if there was no evil in the world. But there IS EVIL IN THE WORLD. And it rapes our minds everyday. God will never let you go.

Here is my advice. Get some quiet time, when u are alone, in a quiet place... and lay it all out to God (if you are like me you have done that already and do it all the time). So do it again... and really... let it out. Let Him know you are scared you are disappointing Him, that you are tired of disappointing Him. Ask Him to SHOW you everything is ok between you and Him. Then... and this is key.... wait... and listen. Give yourself about an hour.. a decent amount of time. and wait for Him to speak to your heart. When you hear that still small voice that you wonder if its you or if its God... a voice that makes you feel love and peace to the core... that's Him :) Even ask Him,,, "God is that you?" He will answer you :)

So know that you wouldn't have these thoughts in the first darn place if it wasn't for Satan.

And Pray, pour out your heart before Him... and WAIT, be silent, and listen. I love u all and pray for us to have peace. This is probably the hardest thing in life we will have to deal with. but victory is already ours :) Praise the LORD!!! :)

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Post by James1986 » Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:16 am

Dear guardedheart,
I'm glad that you could find relief, but take heart this does not stop over night and will become a full blown attack when you least expect it it was all good 4 a while then last Sunday it started again. But you can get through this only by Gods help!! This is the hardest thing I have ever dealt with!!!! But hang in there it's a long long hard road.

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Post by Brooke123 » Thu Jan 21, 2010 2:05 pm

I'm so glad you posted this! i went though a horrible time where i thought things like this all the time. i knew it was wrong and of course i didn't mean it, but i couldn't seem to control my thoughts. i prayed a whole lot and let God know what my real thoughts were and after i prayed more about it and tried to relax, the thoughts went away after time. I'll pray for you!

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Post by Kristylove » Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:23 pm

I am so thankful to God that you posted this. I just started this program, and until now I just KNEW that I was the ONLY person in the world who was dealing with those horrible thoughts. I'm 28, and I remember when I was a teenager and my pastor was preaching about blasphemy against God. Just the mere thought of it scared me, and that's when the obsessive thoughts began. I was hearing the blasphemous words towards God in my head all the time, and I would try to fight it. It was like an ongoing battle in my mind. Until, I realized that it wasn't me, but the disorder, and God completely understood. He knows that I love Him with all my heart. I would constantly tell the Lord, "You know my heart, and you know that I don't mean these me Jesus." Then one day, one of the ministers at church, who happened to be a prophet begin to pray for me. Then she said the Lord is saying that He knows your heart, and you don't have to worry. I was totally in awe! There was no way that she could have known what was going through my head, because I wouldn't dare share it with anybody. From that day forward, I didn't allow those thoughts to have power over me. That was about 7 years ago, and I rarely have those thoughts. I hope this helps someone, and I will keep you all in my prayers. God Bless!

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Post by James1986 » Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:13 am

I've done ok 4 the past few months and today the thoughts are worse again. I try to understand why I think evil thoughts when the name of Jesus is said but cannot find out why except that I mite want to think like this. But why would I want to think like that? What do I gain, I don't want to think like this. I hate when I think like that I have even walked away before from conversations because I didn't want 2 think those thoughts. Please Just pray 4 me.

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Post by Worrywoman » Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:05 pm

James - my sentiments exactly, for I suffer everyday with the these thoughts. I am praying for you, please can you pray for me as well? Let's pray that we stop running away and just "Let them Go..."

God Bless us all...

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Post by Insp » Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:13 pm

Hi all:

It has been a while since I have posted anything about what I am going through with my thoughts. They have calmed down for a while, then every now and then, they would attack my mind, but has gotten somewhat better, but I am not healed from this yet. I am trying to exercise focusing more on good things, even counting when I can feel the attack. Sometimes I can catch it and cut it off when I feel it coming on. I think the worse part is when I can feel a spiritual battle of a war between my mind and these thoughts attacking. Sometimes when watching an inspirational channel I have to change the channel because I can feel the tugging between good and evil. Whatever is going on in this world, has become so evil that it's not only attacking just me, but those who are posting the same thing. It is a spiritual warfare, and I never in my life would have thought this would happen to me. I feel good when it goes away, and I feel bad when it creeps back in. But I will continue to fight this thing til the end. I even got channels cut off because the bad words bother me. It is so hard when I here people cursing and blasphemous words come out of their mouths, because then it attacks my mind again. I know I can't avoid it, because it is everywhere. I just want to control it and not let it control me. I pray, I read, I believe, and I sing, to beat the enemy at his own game. But somehow I believe these things are happening for a reason because I did not ask for it; it came to me all of a sudden, and I did not know why. But no matter what, I will continue to serve God. I know we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). No one is exempt from evil, and I am thankful that I am not alone in this situation from reading other people's postings. I am so thankful that it is not just me, and I don't wish this terrible thing on anyone. I will continue to fight the good fight of faith, and let the enemy know that he will not win, because I am still a child of the King.

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