work issues, extremely stressed

Respect yourself enough to stand up for yourself; your feelings, concerns, and opinions and ask for what you want. Also, learn how to say “no” without feeling guilty
Posts: 173
Joined: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:26 pm

Post by rose_thorn98 » Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:16 am

Hi SCDon...I don't believe we've ever exchanged entries here...but I've read several of yours and can SO relate to so many issues that you've written on...curious to hear how your job search is coming along? I too am without employment; had worked for the same company for 13+ years (7 of them as a part time employee, so that I could be home for my kiddos)...all of a sudden "business needs" required that my position be held by someone working full time hours...I still have kiddos that require my time and attention, so I've opted out of my "paid job" to be a full time, stay at home Mommy (at least for the summer)! The thought of (I know I'm making progress with this program, 'cause just as I typed the start of this thought, I KNEW it was a wrong/negative way of thinking...progress! but I'll finish my thought and then work on ways of turning it to a positive!) going on job searches and (hopefully) interviews is an anxiety-provoking venture for me! But I KNOW, this too will pass and God will guide my steps to a job that will once again "fit" my family life...I was SO blessed for the past 7 years to have had the best of both worlds...working outside the home for a portion of the day, while still being able to be home for my family too! Very blessed!
Anyway...hope you're doing well and that you too will find just the right job at just the right time! Take good care!
~The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Martin Luther King, Jr~


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:56 am

Hey TracyH. Being a stay at home Mom is so important especially when the kids are young. You also get extra time to work the program.
I am still looking for full time work. I found a small part time job but it is only 10-15 hours so far. I live with my niece who has 3 kids (8,9,12) so I get to help her save a lot on day care and enjoy the kids when they are not driving me crazy arguing over SpongeBob or Tom and Jerry. Today's kids like Tom and Jerry! Some things are timeless. lol


Post by Guest » Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:43 am

Hi Don...thanks so much for your reply; it came at a most needed time. Like you, I continue to look for a job...while it's been GREAT being home with the kids this summer, they start back to school next Monday and I"M scared to pieces...I guess I've depended on them too much this summer 'cause now I'm wondering what am I going to do without them here during the days!?
I'd been SO proud of myself, this past week end I really threw myself out of my "comfort" zone by traveling 3 hours (driving has recently become an obstacle for myself)...but I DID IT!! Unfortunately, when we returned home from our trip, I checked my emails, to see if I'd had a response from an application I'd sent for a job thru the school system...I had; "thanks but no thanks"...this being my 3rd strike out with the school system was/is a real downer for me. Although I KNOW that all things work out for the good for those who believe...and I do...I'm just having trouble with the timing. You see, I'd hoped for a position within the school system so that I'd be on the same schedule as the kids and that I'd be starting a job as they return to school...sounded like a good plan to me but guess God has other things in store for me! Thanks so very much for your kind words...being a stay at home Mom, with the kids being young has been an absolute JOY...guess I put too much of my self worth in a paying job vs this most rewarding to get that back in proper perspective! Thanks for the reminder...and yes, we too have enjoyed the rigors of BOTH SpongeBob and Tom & Jerry...GREAT that such a classic is still a kid (both big & little!) favorite! :D
Here's to a good day! ;)

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