Mad at God

You can get EXACTLY what you want out of most any situation if you only think before you react. After building these skills, your anger will work FOR you instead of against you.
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Post by FunGuy » Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:50 pm

Anger at God is something I do NOT talk about easily. But it is 'real' and really want to experience His love, peace, etc.
I've been depressed about losing a job and unable to move forward for months now.
Why would a 'good God' allow this suffering for so long? I pray, read the Bible, fellowship but still can't sleep, which makes me even more irritable, etc.
I understand Lucinda Bassett is a Christian. If she's ever been angry at God, I'd love to talk to her.
Anyone who's "been there, done that" is welcome to share.

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Post by AttractGoodStuff » Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:29 pm


Try reading the Secret or watching the DVD. It explains a lot of why this happen to us. Something I learned before reading the Secret is that we are all responsable for all our actions, which includes how we react to different situations.

I have been severely depressed with an anxiety disorder, lost my six figure income job, but have never blamed God for it. "Things" happen for a reason, there is always a better tomorrow, as soon as we decide for it to be that way.

Wish U the best!


l_ isa
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Post by l_ isa » Sun Mar 02, 2008 11:15 pm

There is a quote by Kirk of the best I have ever read.
"I have been mad at God and I have argued with God and I think that is permissible. What's not permissable is to ignore God."
I believe truly that God does not let bad things happen to mankind. People do a great job of spreading the misery themselves. My husband is about to be laid off from his job in April. We have been at this since 2002 beginning w/ Enron. We've gone from Houston to AR. & now in ID owning a house we can no longer afford, the co MICRON relocated us from TX, costs about a million dollars, I don't have a mil & I just want to go back home. So far away from our older children & new grandson. We also have a 12 y/o Autistic son who used to freak on the moving / changing stuff, against all the odds he is used to it now. Does not mean he likes it, he's just gotten used to it. Now we just want to wake up each day and not be hungry, cold or thoughtless. There is always someone you can help somewhere & it that is the one thing that makes you feel good for the next day or 10 seconds. Go for it. If you can't make you happy (yet) start with someone else.
Read The Shack by William P. Young too if your a reader. Good thoughts going out to you FunGuy...Hang in there.
"What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Emmerson

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Post by Dodger » Mon Mar 03, 2008 1:53 am

fun guy

I have found myself yelling at God for feeling the way I am.....I get so angry I dont understand like you say how God can be so cruel sometimes cuz it seems that no matter how hard I work I cant get past certain obstacles. All this anger leads me to feeling very guilty and sorry for the words I speak and the thoughts I think.....

God is watching me and he is trying to help me but Im so stubborn I dont see the lights hes turning on. I get angry cuz I feel sick and I worry and that anxiety runs my life but what am I doing to make it better? Am I working on my skills of patience and assertiveness? Am I eating right and excercising? Am I getting rest and being kind to my body? No I am not doing all these things to the best of my ability and then I turn around and I blame God? Not right.

I know it seems oh my gosh I lost the job cant find a nother money is tight this that and the other thing but is it God thats gonna make a job fall into your lap? Will you wake up tomorrow and there will be your new boss standing over you saying Hi God sent me? No I dont think so but he may have given you this time that you spend angry to rejuvinate your mind and body and be prepared to find the next new job in your life.

God I have found forgives....He loves us. He knows we mess up and we get angry and if we turn to him and really talk to him like you would to a freind he will listen. Remember to thank him for what he does do for you....and also appologize for your sins against him and he will forgive...never doubt that....he loves us all if we seek his love.

God doesnt make the bad things happen....hes not there punishing us we do that to ourselves he is just waiting for us to stop goofing around and really ask his help.

God loves you Fun Guy he has pointed you to this program for guidance....thank him....he is watching you and just have to be open to it.

Hang in there.

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Post by bevhembree » Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:36 am

Fun guy,
I wish my husband were here as he's so much more eloquent at this, but I'll try. It's ok to be angry at God. He can handle it. But it's not ok to turn our back on God. Believe it or not, He doesn't cause our suffering. He allows it to happen and allows us to endure it. Trying times turn more people to God than good times. How many times do we forget to thank and praise Him when we are high on the hog. We tend to turn to Him when we need something and in desparate times. Can you imagine what that must feel like to Him? Think of our children and only having a relationship with then when they needed something. We'd feel so used.
Only Adam and Eve lived in a perfect paradise, and all mankind from then forward has to pay for their sins of disobeying God. Everyone in life has their own cross to bear- something that burdens them. Anxiety and depression are one of mine. I've lost a job because of it. It contributed to my not being able to stick with it in my first marriage. And it's put my family and friends through hell as they've stood by my side trying to help me. Should I be thankful for it? You're derned skippy I am!!! WHY????
If this is my cross, I'm thankful that God has provided meds that can ease the burden. He's led me to this program where I can find hope and encouragement from the tapes and from others in similar situation. And finally, it could've been worse... I could be battling life-threatening cancer or have lost my legs or a million other things.
Sometimes it's our nature to blame others, and God is one we blame. Does He have control over you? No, He gave you free will. He gives you a choice to sit there and be angry or get off of it and seek what you need. If you keep having faith and seeking a better life and closer relationship with Him, your life will turn around. Are you going to see miracles? Probably not in the fashion you wish. But will you see God working in your life- YES! But He usually doesn't work like an earthquake or a flood, but in a small whisper. We have to keep our eyes open to see it.
God wants us to take responsibility for our life. Chances are if you blame Him, you are also blaming others for where you are in life. You have to look inward as hard is that is to do. I'm trying to gently say that the answer in within you. Stop blaming others, including God. The blame game gets you no where and wastes what little time and energy you have. Use what is given to you to life yourself up and do what you have to do for today.
I'll probably post again because I don't feel like I've really answered you but maybe you'll find something in there that helps.
God bless you and keep you uplifted. Please join in the Wednesday night prayer phone call for a blessing you can't imgaine. It's wonderful. Beverly
"Here and happy because of my three little angels- Marie, Chad and Cady."

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Post by luvpiggy » Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:36 am

After my son's diagnosis of autism seven years ago, I have done a 180 degree turn around on my thoughts about this. I've written in the past, and I doubt I'll be eloquent today because my son didn't sleep this weekend, but hopefully I'll come up with something that will help.

1. Consider your perception of God. Do you perceive God as a loving God or a punishing God? You believe that He's punishing you because things aren't going well so changing your perception of God will help you. I had to do that. I used to get mad at God because I chipped a nail, and every once in a while I'll find that I'll fall back into old habits and it's just because of my old erroneous perception of God who I believed was just like my abusive father. I used to measure God's love by my circumstances, and since I'm not perfect I'm sure I still make mistakes with that, but the truth of the matter is that God is a loving God, and always loves me no matter what my circumstances are. I've definitely seen that, and my family has been homeless in the past. My son still has autism, but if I believe that God is punishing me with taking my innocent son and giving him this debilitating disorder then my perception of God would be way off. God promises to give us peace in the midst of the storm, and that doesn't always mean that the storm will pass, but that no matter what He loves us and we can tap into that love. There is even scripture that says that God is close to the broken hearted. Rich squeaky clean people without problems or special needs aren't more loved by God. I've really had to learn that over the years. God is no "respector" of persons meaning that He loves us all equally. Truth be told, I really don't want to spend my day around people who have never been through trying circumstances. These are usually some of the most spoiled self-centered annoying people, and I usually run from them. Do you really want to be one of those people? Probably not. We're human, and sometimes it takes trying circumstances to teach us the truth about faith and God. It's easier to say you love God when things are going well, but what about when you lose your job or have a sick child? Faith built on constant sunshine in your life is usually a shallow type of faith. I understand that people like the "Secret", and asking God for positive things in your life and knowing that God loves you and is capable of giving you good things in your life isn't wrong. However, the truth of the matter is that people do get sick and have hard times, and it's not always their fault by any means.

2. I know this is a big change for me, and I hated learning this truth, but why would it be rational to expect that any of us are going to get through this imperfect world without experiencing hardship? It's just not realistic. God loved David and David definitely had a heart for God, but look what all He went through. God definitely loved His son Jesus, and look what He went through. I'm not trying to scare you and tell you not to at least ask God to spare you from suffering and to give you peace and comfort or to even expect miracles, but the truth of the matter is that this is an imperfect world, with imperfect people, and for any one of us to be spared grief and suffering just wouldn't be realistic. Some have it easier then others, but usually we all go through something whether we want to or not, and if our circumstances mean that God didn't love us then we are all unloved which makes no sense. Instead of saying "Why me?", I think "Why not me?" is usually more realistic. We have a friend who has a rare form of leukemia. I'm not better than her or more loved by God because I don't have leukemia. Although we seek comfort from the thought and try to feel safe by saying that if we love God and He loves us we won't go through anything, what are we saying to the people who are suffering even more than we are at the time? Just think about what that implies, and that would be the last thing a loving God would want. I have seen that a lot though. I'm a pretty good person. I'm nice and compassionate. My husband is extremely nice, and he'd give you the shirt off of his back. Why does our son have autism? We don't know, and for others to stick with the belief that God doesn't love people who are suffering is beyond insulting. I've seen people do that to me. They get to know me, and then they want to believe that it will never happen to them based on something they can do to make it that way. They make it look like God loves them more then He does me, and it's just not true.

3. Consider God's timing. Right now, I am unemployed. At the same time, this has been a time of great healing for me with my anxiety and dealing with my son. There have even been testimonies on here from people who didn't understand why they were unemployed and then they find out later it is all part of God's plan because he wanted to give them better. Maybe there is something that you and your spouse will learn from this time that will help you in the future. It's hard to see when you're in the thick of it. There's a saying that says "When you reach up to God as far as you can, He will reach down the rest of the way." This means that we have a part to play in our circumstances, but when we've done all we know to do and things just aren't working out, it's in God's hands. Knowing it's in the hands of a loving God is much more comforting then to think it's in the hands of a punishing God. In "From Panic to Power", Lucinda doesn't necessarily talk about her anger toward God, but she does talk about believing in a loving God no matter what. She talks about doing all you know how, and then letting it go to God. So, I think reading that will help you.

4. God can handle your anger as others on here have mentioned. You can tell him about it, and it could be misplaced, but He wants you to be honest. Hopefully you can focus on finding sources that show you the truth that God is a loving God all of the time, no matter what; however, you can still tell him you're angry because He's really not a punishing God. He'll let you go through what you need to in your crisis of belief without reprisal. If you did turn your back on Him, I don't believe He would punish you either. I just think you would be disconnected from Him and His unconditional love, and you would find that that life really isn't that great. So, I don't believe in a punishing God. I believe in a God who loves us, gives us free will, and who usually lets our mistakes have natural consequences that hopefull y teach us. God is all about teaching us and not punishing us.

5. Finally, please don't get so caught up in your anger that you don't see your blessings. I'm not telling you to be a Polly Anna, but even I have blessings right now, and even my friend with leukemia has blessings and she knows it-but I will let her decide what they are in her heart. This has to come from within you, and you have to be the one to decide what your blessings are. That's why it's hard for me to be around certain people who haven't experience real suffering and they are catastrophizing things in their lives like broken fingernails-like I used to do. I work so hard to be thankful for a lot of blessings that people take for granted, and it's hard to be around people who don't get it. I'm not saying you aren't going through a hardship, but please try to see the blessings and love that is there. This doesn't mean you can never express disappointment, anger or sorrow, but you want the truth here. Is your family alive and healthy? Did someone call you at the right moment when you were having a hard time? Did a show come on television that you really wanted to watch? Did someone open the door for you when you were carrying a large load? How are you functioning with your anxiety? Can you drive by yourself(I can't)? Can you stay home by yourself with the kids(I can't)? I know it seems trivial, but a lot of us take for granted the miracles around us every day. We just expect things to happen and write them off as insignificant. Maybe all of us replying to you is a blessing:). I'm not telling you to pretend to be thankful because I don't think that works, but really ask God to help you see these things and let them warm your heart. A cup of hot tea and just snuggling with your child, spouse, and/or pet in your P.J.'s:). . . Ahhhh...these really are blessings from a loving God. He gives them to us because He loves us and not because we've done anything to deserve them. They come just because...just because:).
Take Care,

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Post by *D* » Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:46 am

i like what bev wrote and could not have put it better..why not on wednesday night you come to our prayer group that mistyboo holds and we share things and pray for each other and you will benefit from it...we all have that are there...this will be my 3 week...and i can hardly wait..
i could get mad at GOD for what i did have. but since the program and going through a divorce andskin cancer, then anxiety, panic and agrophobia which in 2006 it left when i woke up one day...
i moved on with my life. i had help things against others and never forgave them until before it went away..
we can either blame GOD for giving it to us or blame ourselves for holding things in and not forgiving others..
take care and keep praying and seeking GOD ..the devil would like for you to give in. that way he has one more..but do not give him the pleasure..
i have found that when i need something i will fast and pray for it....

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Post by bevhembree » Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:14 am

Is it wrong to be angry with God?
Job 15:12-13

Why has your heart carried you away, and why do your eyes flash,so that you vent your rage against God and pour out such words from your mouth?

No. The problem comes when legitimate feelings of anger are not handled correctly and lead to inappropriate bitterness and rebellion which sometimes accompany anger. The Bible realistically portrays the frustration and anger of God's people when things go wrong or when they cannot understand why certain things happen. This was the reason for Job's anger. Not only did he feel he was being treated unjustly by God, but he could get no explanation from him.

Jonah's anger over Neneveh's repentance and the death of the shade-giving vine was inappropriate (Jonah 4). Twice the Lord questioned him, Have you any right to be angry? (Jonah 4:4,9). The prophet Jeremiah grew angry with God because of his persecution and the lack of response to his preaching. But he went too far when he accused God of lying (Jer. 15:18). Immediately, God told him to repent and stop uttering foolish words (15:19).

Ultimately, that is where Job ended up. Though his suffering caused many questions and anguish, he went too far when he insisted that he had a right to an explanation. In the end, God spoke to Job and set him straight: God had the right to question Job, not the other way around (38:1-3). Job realized he had been arrogant and that his anger was unjustified. When confronted by the awesomeness of God, Job repented (42:6).


Too often I hear people talk guiltily about feeling anger toward God. More often than not, we get angry at God over things over which we have no control. If we don't control it, God must - someone has to be in control!

It may be a failed relationship. Or the death of a loved one. Or our cumulative grief over the on-going HIV/AIDS crisis. Or financial worries. Or any number of things about which we feel we have no control.

So we are angry. And since no one else seems to be available to be angry at, we get angry at God.

And we feel guilty. We feel we shouldn't get angry at God! We worry that God's feelings will be hurt. Or worse yet, God will return our anger - and we all know how much better at being angry God could be! Nonsense. I say, Go ahead, be angry at God!

This isn't like the old saying about not teaching a pig to sing, because you won't succeed and it will only irritate the pig. Being angry at God may indeed have a salutary effect on your life. And I don't believe it will irritate God.

First of all, God already knows that we are angry - if not, then God isn't God. Being all-knowing, God is quite familiar with your anger, even before you are. Our anger will not come as a surprise to God.

Second, God knows the source of our anger. God knows the events and experiences that make us angry. God knows our emotions and feelings. God knows all about our situation. God might even share our anger!

Third, God knows why we are angry - the feelings of helplessness, fear, confusion, and dismay that lead to our anger. God intimately knows the inner workings of our minds and spirits, and God knows our limitations. We often are angry because we are powerless, and God knows our powerlessness.

Fourth, God can take it. Oh yes, our anger is so titanic that God will quail before us! Nonsense. God has faced greater anger than ours and survived! God's shoulders are broad and powerful - God can certainly deal with our puny anger. We do not run the risk of harming God with our anger.

So if God already knows about our anger, understands the source of our anger, discerns why we are angry, and can easily handle our anger, why are we reluctant or guilty about expressing our anger?

In fact, some times expressing our anger can be a good thing for us. It is good to vent a bit. Rather than keeping it all pent up inside us, some times just letting go and yelling our heads off can be a good thing. Too often we let our anger fester inside us, building up and growing until it seeks escape in destructive and violent ways. Let off some of that steam - go outside and yell at God. Sit in your room and tell God what you think. Pace your living room and give God a piece of your mind. Give God a good talking to! Read God's beads!

You just might feel better and God won't be any worse off - honest!

Then you can go about the business of seeing with a clearer mind if there might be some way for you to do something about the situation. Clear the air with God about your anger, and then sit down with God and try to figure something out. But it is often necessary to get that anger and fury out of the way first. Having done that, you can more calmly and dispassionately consider the problem about which you are angry and find ways to do something constructive about it.

So go ahead, be angry at God. God can take it. There won't be any retribution from God. And you might be able to do some clear and constructive thinking about what made you angry after venting your emotions.
"Here and happy because of my three little angels- Marie, Chad and Cady."

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Post by Maeggie » Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:30 am


What a response! wow! You speak so well girlie! it is such an honour to read your posts.. you are an angel! I love the pic too- gorgeous family!

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Post by bevhembree » Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:39 am

We should be roommates or neighbors! We make each other feel good all the time!
LOL- If we have to go through all this anxiety, at least we get to do it together!
"Here and happy because of my three little angels- Marie, Chad and Cady."

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