mood Swings question

You can get EXACTLY what you want out of most any situation if you only think before you react. After building these skills, your anger will work FOR you instead of against you.
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Post by Moontale » Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:00 pm

This week I have realized that I have a lot of mood swings and a looot of anger. I went out yessterday with a couple of friends and drank some alcohol.....Big Mistake!! next day I called to the job I already got hired and told them I can't start working now. I called a friend in my country and asked her if I could stay at her house because I want to go see a therapist and a psichiatrist in my country......I mean I decided to leave everything in a blink of an thinking about it I think is a good idea give myself a break and go 20mph instead 60 since I can't handle it......but the thing is can I handle it, can't I handle it...........I don't know but I already quit the job...I mean I don't know if I made a mistake, but the thing is that socially I am a disaster now and I feel that I am pushing myself more that I am able to handle.............Am I being a coward and negative or am I lowering my expectations enough to being realistic going 20mph?

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Post by Moontale » Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:59 pm

I did this and now my anxiety level went to the roof again......I shouldn't call to the job, ........I see it clearly now that I was having an anxiety attack and I react without thinking. Is like I want to run and run because I am panicking of facing my fears, being with people, working, being an a close space, socializing...I mean I don't really know what to horrible feeling like this, is like I want to end it one for all and I know is all about being a people pleaser, no assertive and not standing up for myself but how you get calm enough to work on it without really hard, I know should be easier since is all in my head, but how you fix it. It is even worse when you meet people don't know you and you have to socialize. Is like why do I care what they think, sometimes I just want a magical pill to get me out of this mess, but I know it doesn't work that please

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Post by bevhembree » Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:21 pm

Please slow down and take a deep breath or two. Everything is going to be ok, and you have to tell yourself that all day through every attack. Try your relaxation CD. Are you on any meds to help you through this? There are plenty out there that can work for you. You are having terrible anxiety. Listen to the tape on anxiety and practice some of the tips you hear. Then listen again and again. Good luck to you, Bev
"Here and happy because of my three little angels- Marie, Chad and Cady."

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Post by renaissancegirl » Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:33 pm

Yes, you must take a deep breath, and get that anxiety under control. I am not one for meds, but klonopin (clonazapam) is a great help for immediate relief.

I am bipolar, with OCD and panic disorder and general anxiety disorder, so I know it is very hard. Also earlier this year, I threw everything away on a whim and moved to a city to be with someone I barely knew.

Returning to the surface from what was for me a horrible decision has been a long journey, and is still ongoing. As you said, there is no magic pill. Some days you want to stay in the dark wtih the covers over your head, and sometimes that may be OK, if you must have it to recharge. But you can't go through life like that.

It's called survival mode. Right now, you need to get into survival mode.

Don't try to conquer everything at once. Put all of those fears into a box, and take out the least challenging to work on or face.

One natural help for severe anxiety (it kicks your body into naturally relaxed state) is through the breath.

Breathe in for 4.
Hold breath for 7.
Breathe out for 8.

The length of each segment doesn't matter; it's the ratio of 4:7:8 that is important. Try it for a couple of times at first; you'll gradulally be able to work up to more times. It does help. Keeping focused on the breath, which is the same as focusing on the very moment you're in, is a big help with fear. I am very fearful, but in moments of panic, please try to focus on simply your breath. Then baby steps, one at a time.

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Post by Moontale » Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:49 pm

Thank You so much guys, you gave me so much comfort. I actually called again the job, I apologize and I told them I was available in a case they were still interested on me. I did get a call from another job today, so that gave me some comfort too. I am not going to leave,I am going to keep going ......I heard the relax tape and session 4 again, that made me realize that as long as a keep going there is not failure, just rocks in the middle of the amazing how blurry I see when I am having an anxiety attack, is a black coat but I really learned with this is that I don't have to take any action when I am having it just let it float. Thank You very much again!!

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Post by deedee00 » Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:24 pm

Hi Moontale.

I am happy for you that you are calming down and seeing things more clearly now but I think you're missing a big piece in the puzzle - ALCOHOL. When you have anxiety or depression alcohol can really "mess you up". It is possible to have fun without drinking.

Take care. DeeDee.

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Post by Moontale » Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:03 pm

I don't usually drink but I can see how mess me up when I do!! I will take your advice..... Thank You deedee

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