The Challenge...Lesson 6

You can get EXACTLY what you want out of most any situation if you only think before you react. After building these skills, your anger will work FOR you instead of against you.
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Post by SeaRunner » Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:16 pm

Anger is a normal, healthy human emotion. It only becomes problematic when I let it go either unnoticed or unchecked. I can choose to use my anger in a productive way that balances my life rather than upsets it.


I never used to think of myself as an angry person. I was always the good little boy that never got in trouble, was always polite, never had a tantrum, and dealt with things without getting angry or violent. Now I can look back and see that I was internalizing all my anger. I viewed it as an ugly side of me that not only did I not want other to see but also that I didn't want to see in myself.

But like any other buried emotion, it eventually has to get out. I wonder how much of my anxiety has been suppressed anger that escaped as nervousness since there wasn't another outlet. I've really never learned to express my anger well. Now when it comes out, which it finally is, I become very irritable and overly sensitive. Occasionally I'll lash out at those around me, but it's usually just a short remark. All the same, it's not the person I want to be.

I also realize that I harbor a huge amount of anger towards one of my family members. It's not what I would call a grudge since I don't wish them ill or want revenge, but rather I just need to fully express it. I did have a talk with him and let a lot of it out, but there's still a lot there since I had been holding it in for so many years. Also, even when I'm finally asserting myself, especially with this person, I tend to sugar-coat things to make them look better than they are so as not to upset them more than I have to. I realize this is a disservice to both of us.

I also have a huge amount of general anger just because I have to deal with all of this anxiety on a daily basis and that I've been dealing with it for so long. I know that a countless number of people have a life much harder that I do but the anger is still there. It's not something I can reason with. I suppose it's part of not accepting that life really just isn't fair.


Not much unusual has happened lately. The weather has been pretty uncooperative the last few days so I haven't been able to get out an exercise until tonight. I can exercise indoors, I just don't enjoy it so it's much harder to motivate myself to do it.

I went biking this evening. Most of the time I was thinking about what I would do if I got another flat tire. Would I be able to handle it? What if I was even farther away from home than before? I was constantly checking my tires. I finally had to tell myself that it's possible that I might get another flat and I would deal with it when and if it happened. That helped to ease my mind a bit. I did go out this weekend and buy some spare tire tubes and a repair kit so that I could fix another flat while I was out riding. My biggest fear about it is that I would start panicking and wouldn't be calm enough to be able to fix it properly. I realize that there is no use in thinking this way and I just have to accept that there is always some uncertainly in life. Also, I almost always do better in reality than in my imagination when I'm "what-iffing".

Last Thursday I did push myself quite a bit more than I expected. As you know, I do most of my work from home using a remote connection to my office computer. I tried to connect Thursday evening and couldn't establish a link. I was able to access my work email using a webmail service and found out that the power had gone out and then come back on sometime early Thursday. This meant that my computer at the office had turned off during the outage and it had not been turned back on after the power had been restored. Furthermore, it was after hours so there was no one I could call to turn it back on for me.

I decided that I'd at least attempt to go into the office that evening to turn my computer back on. I made arrangements to meet my Mom (AKA my safe driving person). I was already starting to panic before I even left the house. We met about a third of the way from my home to my office. By the time we were about halfway there, I was really getting uncomfortable. I had to pull over and collect myself several times. I finally got within a few blocks of my office - I could actually see the garage - but I absolutely did not want to go further.

Finally I said "F" it (sorry, but that really what I said) and punched the gas and sped to the garage. I said a few more "F's" along the way for good measure. :). Once in the garage, I literally sprinted from my car to my desk, started my computer, and then sprinted back down to the car. I then took off from the garage...only to be stopped at the traffic light at the intersection just outside my garage. Oh man, it felt like that light took forever to turn green. Once I got a little farther from the office, I started to calm down enough so that I wasn't near panic, but I was still really anxious.

I ultimately made it home but it took me a long time to calm down. Ironically, I couldn't work that night because I was so nervous from the experience. I just couldn't concentrate. I did eventually get all my hours in and I was happy that I pushed myself to go in to the office. My biggest problem is that I have a hard time viewing that success as a success. There was nothing pleasant about it. But I have to remind myself that it proves that I can handle my anxiety without anything terrible happening. It's just a hard lesson for me to learn!

"Common things occur commonly. Uncommon things don't. Therefore, when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras." -- C.J. Peters

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Post by SeaRunner » Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:25 pm

Karen -

Sorry to hear that you're having such trouble with your sinuses. I usually get at least one sinus infection every year. I would recommend using saline solution to help with clearing out the congestion, but you're already doing that with the netty pot. My only caution is that if it stays much longer, you might consider taking the antibiotics. I had a sinus infection last year that lasted almost two months because I didn't treat it aggressively enough. I wouldn't say this is typical, but it is something to keep in mind.

BTW, can you believe how much mucous can come out of our heads? It's never ending... :p

"Common things occur commonly. Uncommon things don't. Therefore, when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras." -- C.J. Peters

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Post by SeaRunner » Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:33 pm

Mike -

I'm sorry you're feeling overwhelmed. It sounds like you've already come to this conclusion, but there is no true time-table associated with recovery. It may happen before we reach Week 15, when we reach it, or well after. Also, recovery is a very unique experience for all of us so you can't compare your progress with anyone else.

One thing that I try to keep in mind while listening to the CD's is that the people on there were hand picked as the best of the best. The wants to show the Program in the best possible light and show us the best recovery what we can aspire to. So don't think that your recovery has to be anything like what we hear on CD's in terms of timing. I believe that we can all recover to the point where we no longer base our decision on our anxieties, but I don't know exactly how long it will take.

Regarding the pace of the Challenge, I'm OK if we want to slow things down a bit but I would be cautious not to slow things too much. I don't want to get caught up in the idea that we have to perfect each lesson before moving on to the next. I believe all of the things we are learning will need to be reinforced over a lifetime. I don't expect to get everything right now.

It also appears as if you're associating the pace of the program with facing certain obstacles. There is no specific time line for when you have to deal with specific fears. Getting a job is one of you're biggest mountains to climb and you may have to crest a quite a few hills before you start to tackle that one.

So here's my shot at you're moon dream: right now you're feeling overwhelmed. Things appear too difficult or too much or just bigger than they really are. Could the moon in your dream just represent things in your life that seem bigger than they normally are?

"Common things occur commonly. Uncommon things don't. Therefore, when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras." -- C.J. Peters

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Post by SeaRunner » Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:44 pm


I'm so pleased to hear what a fun weekend you had. Congratulations on winning the photo contest. Can you post a picture of the winner? I'd love to see it! That was also so nice of the people you helped to bring you a thank you gift. You're right: the world is not such a bad place. We certainly have a tendency to focus on the negative, not just as individuals, but as a society too. It's great when life happens to remind us that there's lots of good out there too. Sometimes it's not as obvious and we have to open our eyes and look around.

"Common things occur commonly. Uncommon things don't. Therefore, when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras." -- C.J. Peters

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Post by SeaRunner » Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:47 pm

Hope -

Glad to hear that you had a nice weekend too. It certainly feels good to get things accomplished. I'm also happy to hear that you're having success at cutting down on cigarettes. I've never smoked so I can't fully understand but I hear that quitting smoking is one of the most difficult addictions to beat. Good for you!

"Common things occur commonly. Uncommon things don't. Therefore, when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras." -- C.J. Peters

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Post by mcshope » Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:58 am


I have so much faith that the program will work for me, however sometimes I find myself worried about what if it doesn’t?... Facing my fears is not easy, I still wish there could be a way to not have to go thru the process, but just get fixed… wouldn’t that be wonderful.

I spoke with my parents yesterday and they asked me when I will go to visit, just the idea of going to Mexico makes me anxious. My mom is like the “energizer bunny”, we joke that she doesn’t have an OFF button. I just can imagine her trying to take me all over the city, when I still have a hard time driving with my husband… I told them that maybe next year. That would be my biggest challenge, traveling to Mexico.

Getting me into a routine to keep the house in order has proven to be a real challenge. I like the flylady website, however it will take time.


I would smoke about 1 pack a day, but if you ask my doctor, I only smoke ½ a pack a day. The e-cig is helping, I just hope I can keep it up.

I had a hysterectomy September of last year… I can’t believe it has been a year. That is why I have no more mood swings, which is a good thing.

Not listening to the lessons as much as you wanted because you have been busy is a good thing. You have been living. I agree that lesson 6 and 7 will require more time. Anger is a feeling that is difficult to accept and comprehend. My mom was an angry mom, she used to yell and get angry almost every day. I am the opposite, I hardly ever get angry and I tend to feel guilty, not angry. I have a lot to learn from this lesson and also next. Just let us know when you would like to start lesson 7.

To find a partner, a life partner, takes time. Just need to take the time to get to meet these new friends, one of them could be “the one”… but first you need time to get to know them and let them know you. But it also could be that none of them are. I’m telling you what I told Karen, imagine how many people are in this world, imagine that half of them are men… you are meant to find the ideal partner for you. Just don’t rush it, let your heart guide you, not the rush.


You are right, we usually do better in reality that when we are what-ifing.


OOPPSS........... I lost track of time, I have a lot to do.... Taltk to you later :eek:
"Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its trouble, it empties today of its strength." – Unknown

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Post by THH » Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:51 pm

Sea Runner,
Very good on describing your self, not being a angry person. I really think I am alot like you.
My mom was/is a angry person, but I remember her over reacting to so many things, and blowing her cool to my dad, and just about anybody. I felt embarrassed much of the time when friends were over, or I was out someplace. I remember after church we stoped at a friends house, mom just wanted to go home. I was alot like my dad, a social butterfly loved to chit chat, and while we were making a quick visit, my mom got out of the car and walked home. We were so embarrassed. We jumped in the car and took off after her. She would not get in. She walked all the way home. (about 4 blocks) I was like 9 - 10.
But I think I never wanted to be like her in that way and I internalized my anger. Afraid to let it out. Always be nice to people.
I think being assertive can really help me. Slowing down and thinking before I make commitments. I tend to stay home instead of going some place to have fun. When I get mad because I'm the only one here, and working! So for me I have to think can this wait, what do I really want to do. I'm doing better at letting things wait by setting my priority's. I seam to feel better knowing that it is my choice and nobody is dumping on me. If I look at it differently, I don't seam too build up anger.

You did great on going to work. You pushed yourself through that anticipatory fear, Saying (F it) and went for it!!! You did it. So what if you were a mess. You did it. Baby steps, I don't think we can expect to do everything the way we think it should be done! LOL... One step at a time. As you do things more you will become more confident. The main thing is try something. You did and be proud. Next time will be better. ;)
I will post my picture as soon as I get a proof one from the bank, they are going to send me one to my computer. It will be fun to see.
I n It is great when life reminds us that there is alot of good out there. I needed this last weekend.

There is that "what if" What if you get really good at all this and never have anxiety attacks again? That is what we are trying to become, the glass half full people. LOL... I know its hard. But practice, practice, practice.
I seen this quote today and I liked it
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" - Winston Churchill

Maybe if you want to go to Mexico to see your family, you can keep that as a goal so you can work towards it. Try not to make it a should.

Good for you working on a routine with your house work. What areas are you having the most trouble?

I had a dnc and ablation last Oct. too, that is one last ditch effort from having the hysterectomy. It has helped with almost all my symptoms, Except I have been bothered by hot flashes, they settle down for a few months but come back. I'm hoping they stop. I love wearing warm fuzzy things! LOl... I think I'll be good to 20*! LOl... The joys of aging women! ;)

I'm glad your feeling better! This weather we have been enjoying is a gift. It has been sooo nice. That will help you feel better as well.

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Post by NinjaFrodo » Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:15 am

I know that negative emotions are just messages that something is wrong and needs to change either with my perception, my communication or my behavior. I work with that message instead of feeling sorry for myself and I do what I can to change it.


I didn't feel like getting up this morning or doing anything. I didn't even go online today. I just played videogames and I got myself to go to the gym and told myself I was just going to do some cardio and I did some cardio. I ran into a friend at the gym there and ended up working out while talking to her. I also did alot of stretching and used the relaxation cd right after. There was one guy doing some personal training with one lady in the same room. He was actually helping to loosen up her hip area because it was really tight and I have some hip problems so I was watching here and there. The trainner kept looking over at me many times so I made it a goal to talk to him. After he was done with her I asked him about what he was doing and he explained and then introduced myself and funny enough he has the same name as me. Thats as far as it went though, I'm not really looking.

I used the relaxation cd right after i finished doing my workout and stretching and I think it lead to another one of those blissful moments. It was pretty cool.

I didn't really care to talk to anybody online or go out. I was feeling really irritable and exhausted. I didn't even post and I was tired by 7. I had a hard time staying awake and just went to sleep at 11.

I just didn't care to hear how people were doing, I actually felt bad about that. Monday I felt the same way. There are many times when people talk about things I really just don't care about either on msn or in person and I just want to tell them that i'm not interested but I feel so bad. I don't want people to stop sharing things that make them happy but I guess I was just too stressed to tolerate it.

There was also something that one of the guys I spent thanksgiving with had said. He said the worst thing for someone is to know that because they lived, the world was worse off. It got to me thinking about my sister. My life has been alot better now that she hasn't been in it. Almost everytime I've had communication with her, I have felt worse about myself and what I do. I spent so many years feeling bad that I was excluded from her life and the lives of my other family members, I wanted to be included but now I'm realizing that my life was worse off with these people in it and so why would I want to have the same negativity in my life? The negativity far out weighs the positivity. There was no support, no encouragement, no love just insults, put downs, name calling, hatred and anger. Why would I want that in my life? Just because I was born into a family, doesn't mean I have to stay with that family. I can choose my own family. How I was treated by my family was because of their own issues and they have to live with themselves and I've had to live with it already and obsessively thinking about it just made it last longer.

I also had an intresting thought which would make a really great quote or affirmation; Victim thinking is hopeless thinking, hopeless thinking is depressive thinking and depressive thinking is depressing.

Lesson 6 cd
I listened to it and it had said you don't go appologize or forgive someone and expect them to understand or accept the appology, you do it for yourself. Also when you be assertive you state how you feel and not say you did this and you did that and then you ask for what you need. I know with my friend Mark, I have tried to be assertive but I guess I lost that part where I say I'm feeling...because of this situation and what can we do to resolve this. I just told him how I felt after what he did but did not say what I wanted to happen as a result or what I needed. Perhaps if this ever happens again I can say that I just need some appreciation or something. I dunno.

Thought replacement
1)My sister is such a b****.
->My biological sister behaves in a very negative and bitter way. I'm not the only person she treats badly and its also not my problem, it's hers. She acts the way she does because she doesn't know better and not because I'm a bad person or because I deserve it. Nobody deserves this but it is what it is and I choose to be happy and not miserable like her. I don't need to control her or have her change, I also don't need to have her in my life. She is responsible for how she acts and responds and I'm responsible for how I act and respond and right now I respond by staying away from her because she is more harmful than helpful.

2)My sister will try to hurt me and make me feel bad.
[Fortune telling, magnification]
->She very well may try to do that but it isn't that big of a deal and I don't have to agree with what she says. When I'm ready to approach her, I'll keep in mind my goals and what I want to do regardless of how she responds. My expectations will only be about what I go and say.

3)I won't be able to say what I want because I'll be too anxious.
[Fortune telling]
->I know that right now I would respond like this with the anxiety but it won't always be this way. I can make facing her a goal to work towards and work with smaller situations when it comes to assertiveness. There is no deadline for facing her. so what-if I don't do it before she gets married and I'm not invited, I am certainly not going to be the only person not going and in the bigger picture it really isn't going to be something that will significantly affect my life and my ability to enjoy it. As far as I'm concerned she doesn't deserve having me there.

Here is the link to the Letting Go thread which is designated for venting ... 52&t=25087

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Post by NinjaFrodo » Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:43 am


I'm glad you had a great weekend. Dwelling is also something that is a huge struggle for myself but I think its getting easier, for all of us actually.

I think I can relate to the sister thing especially lately. If you check out my monday's post I think you will understand. Why fight to have attention from someone who just seems to be more negative than positive? It might be the family that just happens to be there out of chance but that doesn't mean it has to be the family that you choose to spend your time with. Family can be friends too and blood related or marriage related well they are still humans like everybody else and there really isn't anything more special to them.

Oh thats good i didn't think about that. Now that you mention it, I did find it strange to find ball bearings in it, I mean while i was having the dream. Intellectually I agree nobody has power over me, I just happen to be a fast reactor and don't think before reacting.

I think I had the moon dream before my aunt's passing. I thought it ment something about intuition or something. I usually do similar before I go to bed. If I'm dwelling on any kind of negative feeling I usually have to do the thought replacement on paper and then I can sleep and feel comfortable.

This will be interesting this year, you will really see how much you have grown this thanksgiving. You'll see how diffrent you feel about the drama.

Thank you, I feel i'm getting better with the thought replacement. If only I could be the same way without writing it down on paper but I gatta start somewhere. Yeah I'm doing the best I can to dwell on the positive feelings, I'm cultivating them more and more everyday.

Glad you also liked the song, I thought it was very appropriate.

Here is the link to the Letting Go thread which is designated for venting ... 52&t=25087

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Post by NinjaFrodo » Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:20 am

Karen L;

Glad things are starting to look up when it comes to that cold.

Ya it seems to have been a hush hush sort of thing. Those people at the funeral aren't close people anyways. They haven't been a big part of the lives of my immediate family so it really doesn't matter what they believe. I'm not going to hold my breath when it comes to my sister and as far as I'm concerned I'm not an uncle. Just because I'm born into a family doesn't mean I should or have to stick with it. I honestly don't really care about my sister's daughters but thats because I don't think of them at all and I avoid thinking about everything I'm missing out because I'd rather be having moments of joy and happiness as opposed to misery and hatred. I've come to accept within the last couple of days that my sister may never accept me or talk to me anymore and I actually feel good not to have to deal with her crap anymore.

I hope that song made you feel all warm and squishy like it did me as well.


I'm the same when it comes to the anger. I was internalizing it and I actually thought I had it all supressed but now looking back I did notice that I was letting it out without even realizing it at the time. Passive-aggressiveness and such. Are you also like me in being afraid to get into a situation where you might not be able to control that anger? Are you starting to see the suppressed anger rising to the surface too?

Its good you realized that sugar-coating things really isn't helping either. Its downplaying whatever it is and basically sending out the message that it really wasn't that big of a deal which if you were harboring that for so many years it obviously is a big deal.

Comparing yourself to others really isn't right either. Thats what people do to others in order to tell them that what they went through is insignificant and means nothing. Its only hurtful if its someone saying it to you or if its you saying it to yourself. You have a right to feel bad about your pain!

Thats great I like how you swore at your anxiety! It sounded like your anxiety was like some kind of bully and you were proving it wrong by going into the office, wait a go. Sounds like you got really overwhelmed by the whole thing. Would it be more beneficial to break that goal of going to the office and turning the computer on into smaller goals. Like driving for a certain ammount of time, pulling over for a break and then driving again? (Yes I know you ended up doing that but it wasn't a goal). I'm just saying this because with myself anyways when I workout at the gym and push myself really hard I don't feel satisfied and end up feeling really exhausted but I've started to just make it a goal to go there and do cardio and thats it. I then feel good about it and add a bit more on and after each little accomplishment I recognize it and I tell myself I can leave now, I have no obligation to continue but I end up continuing because I really want to. I dunno just a thought.

I'm still trying to let go of the whole idea of recovery and just look at building up and cultivating the positive attributes of myself. I guess I haven't fully let go yet though but yes your right its not fair to compare and there are no guarantees when it comes to time.

My goal isn't perfection, I just want to get good at this. Too slow can be demotivating so ya I agree with your statement. I think maybe a week and a half would be reasonable.

I have no idea if the moon can represent things being too big or not. That sounds like the most reasonable explaination so far.


a pack a day or half a pack a day and now down to 5. Thats really great!

I think a week and a half would make the next lesson start next monday.

Do you supress anger like me then?

I agree it will take time and rushing is rarely ever a good thing especially when it comes to relationships. Thank you.

Here is the link to the Letting Go thread which is designated for venting ... 52&t=25087

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