any input greatly appreciated

You can get EXACTLY what you want out of most any situation if you only think before you react. After building these skills, your anger will work FOR you instead of against you.

Post by Guest » Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:20 pm

Wow you went to the bank and drugstore by yourself after, that is amazing! You're moving along very well!

I'm glad you can see the positive in that negative situation. Its not always easy to find that but now you can focus on that if you ever do find yourself dwelling on the past.

My day was difficult, I had my own obsessiveness today but I talked through it to the person who I had a problem with and I feel better.

Yes that is a pic of me its a couple years old but ya I'm 27. I've got the whole young thing alot. About 6 months ago i got carded when buying a lottery ticket (gatta be 18 for that). It can get annoying when you are also a professional and people don't think your old enough to be one.

That thread is pretty good but I cannot accept all the credit, its a group thread. We all share our experiences, motivations, energy, progress, observations and such. I created it but we all keep it alive.



Post by Guest » Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:47 pm

Im glad to hear you worked through....just remember you survived today and tomorrow is a new day :)
oh to be 27 again will one day be grateful for your young looks :)
try to take it as a compliment that people dont think your old enough to be a professional...they probably do mean it as a compliment anyways or they are just jealous of you :)
I know that others participate in the group, but from what I read, you do have the most input and you strive to keep it and others are really making a difference for those people, as you are for do accept the credit :)


Post by Guest » Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:59 am

Ya i guess those young looks will come in handy. The way they had said it (and yes they have actually asked me if i'm old enough) was in a dissapointed tone of voice. They would then ask questions about my qualifications and such. They didn't trust me and trust is a very important thing for a treatment. There could have been some jealous people though as well. I just have to figure out what to say to that. I'm thinking maybe responding by asking how old does someone have to look to be a professional.

Anyways i'm not going to worry so much about this right now i've got other things I want to address before I even consider going back into being a professional.

True I may be putting more input into the threads and my posts and yes I do strive to keep others going however we all put that effort into keeping it going and in encouraging. If you noticed LindaLee's discouraging post and all the responses she got from all of us, we all put that effort into it. I don't feel comfortable taking all the credit but I will take some of the credit. I do help people and am making a diffrence in people's lives. I realize I've become an important person for you on the forums and i'm concerned that you may be putting me on a pedistal. This is not a bad thing nor does it make you a bad person but it may end up being counter productive. As you read through the threads you will notice that I have alot of struggles, do things wrong and have alot of setbacks. I'm afraid that I may fall out of that image that you may see me as and then feel very discouraged and it affect your motivation and will power. Keep in mind however, I do very much appreciate your posts, your words of encouragement and support. We are all the same, you, me, the people in the veteran thread...etc. The only diffrence is our beliefs, strengths, weaknesses and our level at which we are at in our recovery. I do not think i'd be as motivated without those people in the thread or without your very kind and encouraging words and your progress. We all have great things to share.



Post by Guest » Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:39 am

I think your response should just be "thank you" with a great big smile....leave it at that, take it as a compliment...I dont think anyone would say another thing if you reacted that way....just stick it in your back pocket for when you go back to your profession :)

you really seem to be hard on yourself..I can tell you are a really people pleaser....I know that others do contribute, but it has been your words that have encouraged me....and Im just acknowledging that....I'll be talking to others when I get caught up, I actually just finished week 2, so Im heading into the current forum....I dont think Im so much putting you on a pedistal, Im just taking your advice and encouragement and letting you know I appreciate it....I know with this condition we all will have setbacks...I just hope I can return the favors if you need some positive encouragement someday...
when you answered my post, I needed someone to just point me back in the right direction, let me know that it was ok, and to help me see the reality of the whole situation.....and that is what you did for me :)
right now in my recovery, it helps so much to be re-assured by people that have actually been where I am or have been.....I've done alot of growing in the last several months....before that, I would have just got anxious reading some of the other people's post...probably cuz I just didnt want to admit my issues and deal with I am willing to take responsibilty for my life...Im am the only one that can determine my happiness....I need to admit what didnt work in the past and try new things, instead of ignoring it or running....
you are just a very smart, sincere, good-hearted individual that takes the time to help others....that is very rare in society today....
Im sure that there have been times when somebody said something to you and it just "clicked", that's what you did for me :)
and Im just thankful for that :)
btw, I think the Ellen show would be an excellent goal for you....I love her!! she is so laid back and I think she would make it very comfortable for you....
hope your day is going good :)


Post by Guest » Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:56 am

I could try just saying thank you to a response like that. See how that works.

Yes i am still a people pleaser to a degree and I also have alot of issues with misunderstanding which may be at work here. I do understand now that you are just showing your greatfulness to my responses. I also wanted to make sure you didn't fall into that trap with expectations. You are making great progress and I wouldn't want anything to jeopardize that.

You are already returning that encouragement already with your posts, your progress and your energy.

Yes running away and avoiding problems doesn't work for anybody and why rob yourself of the opportunity to have a better life that is easier to cope with? The only person who really loses is the person running away.

Yes i have had many of those clicking moments. There have been periods where I'd get them on a daily basis actually. Or how just talking to people the answer would come up in my head and I'd get the click that way. Those moments feel amazing! I get all excited.

There are actually many people out there that are good-hearted, sincere and smart like me (and thank you for the compliment by the way) and you will start to notice them more and more as you progress with your recovery. One thing everybody on earth has in common is the experience of pain (i'd say anxiety as well). They empathize with that and try to help out. Of course not everybody is like this and there are alot of people who just don't know how to help or are too afraid so they don't. I owe my way of thinking and caring to the pain of my past and to my favorate tv show and my videogames. I was basically raised by those things.

I hope you have a great day too!



Post by Guest » Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:56 am

well then it looks like we both can be each other's cheerleader and common sense when needed...God knows I need help with the common sense lol :)
I know they say in the program that as you recover postive and good people come into your life...still kinda hard for me to meet too many now as Im not spending too much time out there lol...but Im sure they will come :)
I guess too that I didnt want to share what was going on with many people as I am worked in the medical field...I was just too embarrassed...I remember 1 time in the ER someone came in with a pretty bad panic attack and I had to take a break and go outside since it was actually raising my anxiety and I couldnt have that happen at know, what would happen if I freaked out in the ER lol...Im a big what-if-er...
Im sorry you had such a crappy childhood...what I really want to do with my career long-term is to open up a "safe haven" for kids....parents that just cant deal with their kids can just drop them they are safe...and dont end up dying in a's kinda funny cuz I first had this vision about 10 yrs ago, when a nursing home moved to a new location and the building was left vacant....10 yrs later and the building never sold, still remains vacant...that might might just be fate :)
I know it would be alot of work to get it off the ground as federal funding would be necessary...
as you can see, I like to ramble on lol :)


Post by Guest » Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:54 pm

Yes we can, i'm not a master at common sense least not when it comes to certain situations of my own. I have alot of anger issues as well.

Well you'll just have to meet them online for now. That veteran thread or set of threads has alot of great people.

You would be suprised at how people react. I spent some time living in a hospital setting for my condition and there was one lady who was also a nurse. She was Bipolar. She talked to her boss about and he was very understanding. She continued to work her job and things were fine. This is a little diffrent but somewhat similar. Personally when I first meet someone anxiety and depression are one of my first topics to talk about. My usual response is a supportive one and one that people start saying they relate to and they feel very comfortable talking to me.

That is a great goal and i'm sure you would do wonderful with that. This world could use more places like this because its not easy for kids. I'm sure you can find people who would also share in your vision and help you out. Rambling is fine, i do that as well.



Post by Guest » Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:20 pm

I have a ton of common sense when it comes to what others should do lol..
I guess maybe I just need to have more confidence in the human race....Im so negative in so many areas...

Im so glad you replied to my post :)
well, been up since 6:30 am n its after midnite here...going to bed....nite

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