I'm stuck I need help

You can get EXACTLY what you want out of most any situation if you only think before you react. After building these skills, your anger will work FOR you instead of against you.
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Stressed Momma
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:28 pm

Post by Stressed Momma » Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:14 pm

I have been stuck on this weeks program for the last 3 weeks. this is my worst fear to face my anger towards my ex, and my boyfriend and everyone around me. I feel I'm in a stand still and I can't progress forward. I need some motivation.

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Post by Gman5256 » Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:41 am

Hi Stressed Momma,

Calm down, and work on your breathing exercise. The program is in your hands. Do not place so much pressure on yourself to do the sessions, that is not what the program is about.

That will only churn up notions of expectations that lead to frustration. That is just the opposite of what the program is designed to do. Relax and go at the studies at your own pace, but if you can break down the session into 3 parts that you can find time to listen to do that. Do the same with the workbook.

What you are doing projecting your anger at others because of your expectations on working on the program sessions. I have been stuck on starting week 3, but I will get to it eventually. This program is too important to my recovery to just simply abandon.

As silly as they may sound to you, I have shared this with a few other people here. I don't know if they tried it but if you will try this, it may help you shake those nasty bugs that are making you a little grouchie from the expectations you have set.

Please do not take offense at any thing that may say. I am trying my best.

Any way try this first:

In a rhythmic cadence clap and count 1, 2, 3 1,2, 3. I feel great, I feel great, I feel great... I am great, I am great, I am great...I love me, I love me, I love me...I will win, I will win, I will win... and keep doing this until those negative thoughts or concerns just vanish.

I promise you that if you do this, the exercise will set you in a positive mind set, and stimulant the release on Endorphins that will stream to make you feel better. Then and only then move forward to do what you need to do.

Sometimes, we just have to trick our mind and/or our body to do the things we need to have done. But it is us that are in control, you just need to learn these tricks, just to make it to the next thing we have to do, that's all.

Other things you might try is switch your TV set to Comedy Channel, and enjoy a good laugh or put on some go dance music and get moving. All these things can help to give you a chance at beat this thing. don't you deserve to give yourself at least that?

I am sorry that I just got around to seeing your post. I have to turn in early and I wasn't around when you probably needed me most.

Just try these things when ever you feel the onset of any problem that drains you and you'll feel and know that you can fight this and win.
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Post by Boon » Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:29 am

Stressed Momma,

You need to honor your anger by allowing it to be there. YOU NEVER ACT ON ANGER but it is important that you allow the feelings to be there. Anger must be allowed its passage just like any other emotion. If you are that angry, go to a room where you can be by yourself and journal your anger out on paper. Journal your heart out and say exactly what you are angry about and be very descriptive. You can shred or burn this stuff later if you wish. You need to make it ok to be mad. The key is you want to allow it to come and allow it to go. Notice how anger makes you feel. Notice how you feel when anger passes.

Use your breath to calm yourself down after you are finished writing. Breathe in, hold for 4, breathe out slowly. You will calm down. Do this once a day until you feel you have released.

This is true also whenever you are angry with someone in the moment. Excuse yourself. Go into another room and stay there until you calm down. What you have to say when you are calm will make more sense and will be clear as to what your true needs are.
"Life is not about comfort. It is about living." Dr. Howard Liebgold

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