still really struggling with anxiety

Did you know what you eat and drink dramatically affects how you feel? Learn how to calm yourself and feel more energetic through diet and exercise.
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Post by music4life » Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:25 am

Hi everyone. I am on week 5 of the program, and I am still really struggling with anxiety. It is often hard to just "let it pass" when I feel this generalized anxiety nearly all day. By 1 pm, I am already exhausted and need to take a nap because of how strenuous it is to get through the day. Any suggestions? Please help!


Post by Guest » Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:26 am

How closely have you been following the program? Actively seeking positive thoughts, lowering expectations, etc? Have you started an exercise program, cut caffeine and sugar, etc? Are there any serious external stressors in your life right now? Have you identified what's really bothering you?

I'll always advocate exercise as medicine for anxiety and depression. Long before I ever heard of, I found a minimum of exercise (running for 20 mins every other day) had a very profound effect on my mood after only a week. Anx/dep didn't completely disappear, but it put me well within the "I can deal with this" zone.

Good luck, and take it easy on yourself - give yourself permission to be at less than 100%...

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Post by Taimour » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:33 am

This is a tough road.
I have always been a bog napper with the anxiety. The problem is I found it sets up a cycle of sleep that is detrimental.
I forced myself to stay awake and not take that nap. Its really hard, but I find my sleep at night is much better when I do not nap.
I also agree with Xophe on the excercise, that has been huge for me and I now loook forward to it. I try to exercise in the morning so that I burn off some restless energy that the anxiety can produce/

On the "letting it pass" that can seem impossible, but to my surprise it isnt. when I feel the signs of my anxiety (mine are tingleing in the feet, tight stomach) I start the slow breathing. I also say to the thoughts in my head STOP! and I consciously redirect the thoughts. I say "these are just thoughts and Im not going with them" "i have control over the thoughts and not the other way around".
If you let them run, they will go! tighted the leash on your thoughts and give credence to positive "im safe" thoughts and not to the fight/flight thoughts.

If you said this to me beofre I would have said. "thats not how it works". I am happy to say I was wrong. I am definatly not out of the woods on this, but there is a clearing ahead.

Keep working on it, you will find it will get better.

Sorry to ramble, and I hope this helps./

-What I am looking for is not out there, but is in me.
-I am what I am because of who we all are


Post by Guest » Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:49 am

Try to take a few breaks thru the day. Get up from your chair and walk thru the office or take a walk outside. Try to do your relaxation cd perhaps at lunch take a long walk and practice the breathing

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