Food diary

Did you know what you eat and drink dramatically affects how you feel? Learn how to calm yourself and feel more energetic through diet and exercise.
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Joined: Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:45 am

Post by sml » Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:24 pm

One of the many issues that cause me anxiety is my weight. I have struggled all my life with my weight...I remember as a child my mother taking me to the chubby section at Sears. Anyway, I cut out sugars and caffeine like the program suggested. I also started exercising. I do my treadmill one night and then the next night a cardio and weight program. I do this 5 nights a week and of course I do feel better. But after a few months of this I have lost no fact I gained. So I decided to keep a food diary to see what I was doing wrong. I wrote down everyhting that went into my mouth for 2 weeks. I stayed on a 1200 calorie a day menu. At the end of the 2 weeks I weighed myself...and guess what...NO WEIGHT LOSS. I mean ZERO. I get so frustrated and depressed that I then give up and start eating whatever I want again. Because whats the point. Does anyone else have an issue with weight? Any suggestions for me? I really feel so badly about myself and my appearance that it affects my every move and I believe affects my recovery.


Post by Guest » Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:40 am

i joined weight watchers a year ago. i lost 15 pounds. i felt great. then, i gained it all back. now i attend weight watchers meetings, again. for four months, i have gone to weekly meetings for the encouragement i get there. i have lost 2 pounds over this period of time. i am slowly getting the idea that i am worth this. it is a lifetime habit to change and i am not going to change it overnight. i do believe i eat anxiously. i am developing an awareness of this. giving myself permission to weigh myself, record my food, if i can or if i don't, weighing in every week has at least kept me from continuing to gain. the realization for me has been in knowing i need the support from the group. accepting i need help. knowing the idea of losing the weight is still too big for me to accept. it is like this is my panic attack. eating for me is a form of a panic attack. i think you have set your calorie intake too low. with all of the exercising you are doing it says that when you binge you are piling on calories.
the weigh watchers meetings cost me 12/week. i have decided that it is worth the time and money to sit with people who share my problem and have someone talk to me, encourage me. but the way i am approaching it is slowly. i am accepting myself first, which i am getting better at doing. after that happens, i am confident i will be able to better record my food intake, make healthy choices and see my weight decrease. good for you exercising like you do. no matter what the scales say, you are taking good care of yourself in some ways. the more times it is a healthy choice, the more ways you will see/feel better. good luck.


Post by Guest » Mon Dec 08, 2008 5:53 pm

My Cousin had a Similar Problem all her Life. She has went and had a Procedure done Surgically that has made her Lose over a 100lbs. I think it has alot to do with your Metabolism. But do not get discouraged I myself am starting a Weight Program like you and I weigh 260lbs. So I know where you are coming from. May God be with you and help you to lose the weight that you need to.

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