Anxiety at Volleyball

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Post by SCDon » Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:04 am

I was playing volleyball last night at church and we all sat down for a brief prayer time and announcements. Yes, we are Baptists lol.
As I sat there, I became rather anxious. I have never had many problems with anxiety and being in the program several weeks, I was distressed by my feelings. I wanted to run to the restroom and cry. I did the breathing and it helped.
Where did this come from?
I have only been visiting this group a few weeks and I don't really know anyone in the group. I am unemployed and it's easy to think that everyone naturally has a great job and makes lots of money. I also keep thinking, once they know me better, they will not like me too well.
The anxiety did go away, but it bothered me. I hope to go back next week. I like volleyball.


Post by Guest » Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:49 am

SCDon, I remember a time when I reguarly attended my church back at my home town, during praise and worship, I had a bad panic attack that seemed to come out of no where, it scared me terribly. I wanted to run out of the sanctuary and into the bathroom. I resisted leaving and asked someone to pray with me. It finally subsided, but I just couldn't figure out why it happend, then and THERE. I realize now that I just started "feeling" weird and I played on that "feeling" and it escalated from there. That's usually how my anxiety starts..a "feeling" of uneasiness and then bam, panic sets in. I haven't had Panic attacks in years, however I'm still anxious at times and I've learned how(God and the program) to ease them before they get to the point of panic. I focus on slowing down my breathing, self postive-soothing talk and repeating "it's just anxiety and this too shall pass".
I know this probably doesn't help a whole lot, but I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.
God bless and take care


Post by Guest » Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:09 am

Hi SCDon :),
I also had a panic attack when I took my daughter to orientation this week. It just broadsided me!! All of the parents were seated in a huge auditorium and there really was no way to leave once we were seated. I was listening to the guest speaker and it just hit me. I really wanted to run away and cry. I had to close my eyes and do my breathing. It was difficult to ride the storm but it did go away.
Everyone has some sort of issues in their life. No one is going to judge you and if they do, walk away. It's their loss!!!
I hope you go to volleyball next week and resume what you enjoy!! Don't give in to the will make your life small.
You deserve all the great things that life has to offer you. Just remember you are not alone. I really understand.


Post by Guest » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:17 am

Thank you to both of you. I did the breathing and some soothing self-talk. That is what helped. Also, I can leave the gym if I want. Marcie felt like she could not leave maybe.
Both of you always have good things to say and I appreciate it.
I called around today about a couple of jobs and I will look into one tomorrow.
Most people are not looking at me and thinking bad things. All of them have issues too.


Post by Guest » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:45 am

I also keep thinking, once they know me better, they will not like me too well

unemployed and it's easy to think that everyone naturally has a great job

I hope to go back next week

Where is it coming from?


Re-read your comments to the group and see if you can't figure out for yourself why you had an anxiety attack in the middle of church!

Understanding first and accepting what anxiety really is will help you solve your concerns pretty quick. You said you have not had much anxiety so great! That's powerful.

You are a negetive thinker with poor self esteem. Your sitting around after volleyball looking at everyone and saying "hey he has a great job, I am unemployeed. I dont know these people and after they get to know me they wont like me". Suddenly you think you need to run to the bathroom and cry - what's in the bathroom? The answer is not in the bathroom in fact a full blown panic attack is waiting for you in the bathroom because you are fueling that adrenaline but good telling it how affraid an scared you are. Your mind thinks your running from a wild animal an so naturally your in the fight or flight mode.

Say this:

I am going to volleyball next week because I like it. I deserve to go to volleyball because not only am I an excellent player, the people here really like me and I am sure to make permanent friends. Friends I know are good people because they are from Church, my family, my home. But before you go to volleyball go and put in 2 applications for a job each day before volleyball. Each time you put one in say "I may not get that job, but I am certain to get the next one because I have a lot to offer in my talents, good looks, kind personality not to mention of how creative you are.

No get out there and score the winning point. That does not mean they will like you any more or any less or guarantee a job. What it does mean is that you took the positive and faced your fear and broke through by showing up again.

You Rock!


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