Need advice about personal trainer

Did you know what you eat and drink dramatically affects how you feel? Learn how to calm yourself and feel more energetic through diet and exercise.
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Post by CJR » Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:54 am


How do I make this short? :)

I am a former personal trainer myself. I used to obsess about my body shape and fitness. A few years ago I let alot of that go and have been looking to find balance.

I had a nervous breakdown (and was diagnosed with generalized anxiety and anxiety disorder) almost 2 years ago. This came after dealing with skin cancer and then my husband's affair.

Anyway, in the last 1.5 years I have worked very hard at overcoming anxiety, and I have been doing pretty good. The bad thing is the weight I have gained. When my body symptoms are bad, I eat. It usually helps me right away. I feel so awful about the way I look and I hate that I don't feel like I have control over my eating.

I contacted a local personal trainer who is very good and she said she would help me and I need to commit to 8 sessions with her as well as attend Weight Watchers to get my eating under control. I do agree.

Of course, a few minutes after I found out that she would help me, I started to have anxiety. It scares me to make committments like this. I feel like I have no 'out'.

Should I push through and do the training and attend Weight Watchers anyway- or will it just make my anxiety worse?

Any thoughts?
"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Jn.14:27


Post by Guest » Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:35 am

Definitely go with the personal trainer's advice.
She can help you eat healthier esp when you are
in a heavy anxiety state.
& While being occupied with WW and Training, you
will be distracted and probably will not be turning to food for comfort.
Good Luck!


Post by Guest » Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:06 am

I would say try it. Eight sessions is really not that long of a commitment. Even if you didn't like it you can make it through eight sessions. When that goes well, you can try a longer commitment to something. We always have 'outs'. I figured out a long time ago that a lot of my anxiety over committing to something new was due to my thinking that once I committed myself to something it was set in stone and irreversible. It's not- We can always adjust, stop, or change directions if we want to. The "commitment police" were not gonna come and get me. I think starting this training and Weight Watcher's program would be a tremendous boost to your confidence.


Post by Guest » Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:27 am

Thank you both for your encouragement :) I know it's probably the right thing to do. One of my reservations is that you have to pay for all 8 sessions and it is NOT cheap. I don't want to waste any money if I think I can't stick with it.

I think I just need to change my thinking around though. Instead of thinking I'm afraid of not having an 'out', I need to look at this as an opportunity to do something good for myself (which is foreign to me- I usually have a martyr complex).

Thanks :)

Carolyn Dickman
Posts: 264
Joined: Tue Jun 28, 2005 3:00 am

Post by Carolyn Dickman » Wed May 28, 2008 2:46 am

Dear CJR -

I just noticed this posting & decided I'd reply.

GO FOR IT. The steps you're taking are going to get you healthy MENTALLY/EMOTIONALLY/PHYSICALLY. They will further cement your recovery fr anxiety disorder. In addition, you will be healthier. Anxiety wants to inhibit & restrict you fr branching out. It doesn't want you to reach "above & beyond" w/in yourself - it sure doesn't want to see you physically fit, eating healthier & feeling healthier/stronger.

Dietary intake & exercising do play key roles w/ recovery. It's about all about us doing what we can to take care of ourselves - w/in reason of course. When we eat healthier & establish consistant & daily exercise, we empower ourselves = we make ourselves strong, INSIDE & OUT. As a result, we live better/feel better-stronger & our quality of life is better. Again, it all comes back to you taking care of you - doing for you & putting you 1st, to make yourself healthy & subsequently, HAPPY.

Let me tell ya something: <span class="ev_code_RED">I started Lucinda's program in Nov-2006. When she referenced the food/exercise & anxiety connection, the light bulb went off. I had been diagnosed by my psychiatrist w/ anxiety disorder + panic attacks + PTSD. I was in such a severe state: I couldn't work + I required anxiety med 3x's per day + 2 sleep aids. I felt inhibited/restricted/paralized by mind boggling fear. Add to that, I was FAT(no denying it). I weighed in @ 225+ lbs. As a result, I also required a cholesterol medication. My gosh, I was only 37 yrs old @ the time - & I was falling apart. It couldn't get any worse for me then it was then. I took action by initially attending weekly intensive therapy. I unburdened myself w/ yrs worth of surpressed emotions. I got myself to a position where I knew I needed to change - I was taking responsibility for myself. That is when I purchased Lucinda's program. I completed her program in March-2007. Having recovered fr anxiety disorder, I got depression. I was officially diagnosed in the end of March 2007. It was a direct result of all that the recovery process entailed.

Lucinda hadn't proven me wrong yet. So, when she did reference the "food/exercise" thing, I listened. I created sm changes in my eating & started walking. However, it wasn't until being diagnosed w/ depression, that I got serious. I never had depression, so it was all new to me. It was also frightening as all hell. Depression didn't make me feel like eating healthy & I sure didn't have the energy to exercise. However, to pull myself out of this depression - I needed to do it anyway.

Sure, I felt overwhelmed & then some. So, I had a talk w/ myself, "self, lol" :p I made a pact w/ myself: "The only thing I promise is to take it 1 day @ a time. Not tomorrow, next week/month/year - TODAY. Today, I CHOOSE TO eat healthier 1 meal @ a time - because I DO CONTROL WHAT I PUT IN MY MOUTH. Today, I CHOOSE TO move - to something, anything to get myself going. Today, I will exercise a little something." Making that agreement w/ myself alievated a lot of pressure. When, I knew I was serious, I joined a local gym w/ my husband. Remember, a little @ a time. Lucinda doesn't intend for us to instantly become JANE LALANE per say. So, exercising can take on many forms: a gym, walking, hiking, a window shopping trip to the mall - while parking a few rows further away fr the entrance, a local fair/carnival, or a local park, etc.

Was it hard for me? W/ depression, it was very difficult. But, look what was @ stake here - ME FEELING BETTER & BEING HEALTHIER. I was home & not working. It would have been very easy for me to wallow/dwell in an endless PITY PARTY by staying in bed & gorging myself endlessly. I've done that b/4 & look where it got me. I didn't need to be adding to all that I already had going on.

Yes, there were countless times, it was almost beyond difficult. I'd drag myself to our treadmill crying - why? Because the depression was making it almost impossible to do this - like having 100's lbs metal chains on me & still trying to walk. I forced myself to do it anyway - as hard as it was. I had nothing to lose & absolutely EVERYTHING TO GAIN. There were mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny times, I prayed to God, crying so hard. I told him I WAS WILLING, but I felt so weak. I asked God to be my strength when I couldn't. MY MOTIVATOR every single step of the way was me remembering how very bad it was for me in the beginning, what state I was in, & how poor my quality of life was. That was my inspiration. That will always be my inspiration. </span>

In the end of June 2007, I joined Weight Watchers w/ my husband. I chose them, because they are NOT based on diet & deprivation. For these past 11 months, I attended weekly meetings - never missing 1 week. I learned a healthier way of eating & gosh, I learned PORTION CONTROL - lol, who would have thought that possible. I am the biggest emotional eater. I just changed that. Now, instead of living to eat, I eat to live. Simultaneously, I exercised every single day. Every day, there was a little something going on. I exercise @ home - 1 hr every day. In addition, I take our little SHIH POO PUPPY "GINGER" for her potty walks - hey, I can gain something out of that too. :D In addition, my husband & I go to our local gym several times per week(maybe 3-4), schedules permitting. All of our "idle time" is no longer taken up being COUCH POTATO EXPERTS, w/ eating as our main extra curricular activity. We made certain, that some portion of our free time, was spent OUT THERE - DOING SOMETHING. Anything, that would cause us to get moving. Heck, I'm gonna be 40 yrs old & do you know, I WENT APPLE PICKING for the 1st time. Remember, variety. We have BALANCE NOW. I've created a healthy balance b/w "relaxation/meditation" + exercising - living + eating healthier, making better choices overall.

<span class="ev_code_RED">LOL, ok - what did I get for all these efforts? Efforts = therapy + journaling + research: reading 16 books + Lucinda's program (twice) + eating healthier + exercising @ home/local gym/outside walking anywhere possible or imaginable + relaxation/meditation + Weight Watchers?</span>

Bare w/ me - listing them puts them in perspective :

1) I am recovered fr anxiety disorder & my PTSD
2) I am recovering fr depression - pulling myself out of it.
3) I am no longer on: anxiety med, sleep aids, or cholesterol meds. In addition, my depression med has been lowered twice - that is RECOVERY & PROGRESS.
4) I am free. I am no longer bound by the chains I allowed to bind me: the trauma I experienced in childhood + surpressed emotions. I am a former victim. I've learned forgiveness. I've learned a level of empathy & compassion I never thought possible. All of which, truly humble me. I am emotionally healthier.
5) This very process & journey taught me SELF ACCOUNTABILITY & RESPONSIBILY. I was able to face myself, & right/wrong/indifferent - w/o blame - tell myself - THERE ARE SOME THINGS ABOUT YOU THAT NEED TO CHANGE. Guess what happened? I changed.
6) I have faced & conquered more fears than this space has possible, lol. The 1 closest to my heart is my fear of being alone & abandoned. I have always wanted to be ok w/ myself & by myself - in my own company. Now I am. I am no longer afraid to admitt what I'm thinking & feeling.
7) I can relax - honest. Get this, I LIKE IT. I remember reading a story about Oprah describing a sunny Sunday where she sat under a tree on her property, reading. I literally thought - "why. That would be so boring to me. Whats the purpose in that?". You know what? Now, my behind would be right there w/ her - reading - knowing I didn't want to be or needed to be ANYWHERE BUT THERE.
8) I RET'D TO WORKING U.S.A. - yep, I got a job. After being home for 3 1/2 yrs, recovering - I got out there again. For the past almost 2 months, I've been successfully working. Feeling all the things 1 would expect & doing it anyway. I forgot how much I missed getting a paycheck.
9) I'm making plans - got to living & just going for it. My dreams have been awakened again - this time, w/ focus & determination.
10) My relationships/friendships are much better. For a lge part of my life, I had been very emotionally dependant - unbeknownst to me. So, by me getting emotionally healthy - & learning to love myself - my expectations of those around me/closest to me - are much healthier.
11) This 1 is pretty cool, lol : after 11 mths of being a member of Weight Watchers, I have lost a total of 63 POUNDS + 15 SIZES. Yes, I was size 22 when I started. Now, I am sized 6 or small. In addition: every year W.W. has a contest of "most inspirational weight loss losers". Fr what I understand, the person gets nominated by their MEETING LEADER. Well, 2 weeks ago, my meeting leader nominated me. I fill some form out + compile my story(400 words only - can you imagine the torture in that for me? lol lol lol) + submitt b/4 & after pic's. The biggest gift is just the nomination - anxiety didn't win, depression isn't winning, I'm feeling healthier - its all good.


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